Change the attributes of the system dump codes.


You can use the SET SYDUMPCODE command to define the entries that you require in the system dump table. You control system dumps by creating an entry in the system dump table for each dump code that requires a change from the default action.

A system dump code for a CICS® message is the CICS message number with the DFH prefix removed. Typically, this leaves a 6-character code comprising 2 alphabetic characters and 4 numeric characters, for example AP0001. A system dump code for a CPSM message is the CPSM message number with the U removed. For example, to add EYUNL0099 the dump code would be EYNL0099. The command syntax permits up to 8 characters for the dump code, and the dump codes you specify are padded with trailing spaces.

6.2betaSystem dumping can be enabled for CICSPlex SM messages that do not normally cause a system dump to be taken.

Each message has its own system default actions that you cannot necessarily override with the SET command. For example, when a serious error occurs, CICS shuts down even if you have asked for no shutdown.

Other system parameters also take priority over your dump table entries. For example, the EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM NOSYSDUMP command, or a DUMP=NO system initialization parameter, inhibit system dumping. For more information on using dumps, see Using dumps in problem determination.

The transaction dump command SET TRDUMPCODE can also cause CICS to produce system dumps for the specified transaction dump code.

You can use the SET command to do the following:
  • Add a new entry to the system dump table
  • Remove an entry from the system dump table
  • Indicate whether you want a system dump taken
  • Indicate whether the system dump request is local or related
  • Indicate whether you want CICS to shut down following the dump
  • Set the maximum number of dumps
  • Reset the counter of the current number of dumps to zero
  • Determine whether a dump produced by CICS is eligible for any suppression by the MVS™ Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE) component.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen. You can start this transaction in two ways:
  • Type CEMT SET SYDUMPCODE (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by value or ALL. The resulting display lists the current status, similar to that obtained by using the CEMT INQUIRE SYDUMPCODE command. You can tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values.
  • Type CEMT SET SYDUMPCODE (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by value or ALL, then followed by one or more attribute settings that you want to change. For example, the following command adds a system dump code:
    The following command removes a system dump code:
    The following command changes the maximum number of dump calls for this system dump code to 10:
       CEMT SET SYDUMPCODE(value) MAX(10)
    The following command shuts down CICS on occurrence of this system dump code:

Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect immediately.




Specifies an 8-character system dump code.
Add the specified system dump code to the system dump code table.
Specifies that any changes you request are made to all resources of the specified type that you are authorized to access.
A system dump is eligible for suppression by the DAE component.
Specifies a list of data spaces to be dumped. This field contains up to 255 characters. Data space names are separated with commas. Wildcards are also supported. To specify a data space, you must provide its owning address space name, followed by a period and the data space name. The following example shows how to request the dumping of the data spaces of the SMSVSAM and the coupling facility:

For more information, see the SDUMPX documentation in z/OS® MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference (Volume 3).

Note: A user must have at least CONTROL access to the SET command to specify DSPLIST on CEMT SET SYDUMPCODE.
Specifies a list of address spaces to be dumped. This field contains a maximum of 134 characters. Address space names are separated with commas. Wildcards are also supported. You can enter up to 15 address space names. However, if the matching results exceed 15 address spaces, only the first 15 spaces are dumped. The following example shows how to request the dumping of the SMSVSAM and coupling facility address spaces:
Note: A user must have at least CONTROL access to the SET command to specify JOBLIST on CEMT SET SYDUMPCODE.

For more information, see the SDUMPX documentation in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference (Volume 3).

A system dump request is not sent to other MVS images in the sysplex for this system dump code.
MAXIMUM (value)
Specifies the maximum number of dump calls for this system dump code that result in system dumps being taken. The value must be in the range 0 - 999. A value of 999 means the default, no limit.
A system dump is not suppressed by the DAE component. However, the SUPPRESS and SUPPRESSALL options in the ADYSETxx parmlib member might lead to dump suppression even though NODAE is set here. These options are controlled by the VRADAE and VRANODAE keys in the SDWA. For information about DAE, SUPPRESS, and SUPPRESSALL, see z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.
CICS is not shut down after the occurrence of an error that corresponds to this dump code.
Do not produce a system dump for this system dump code.
A system dump request is sent to MVS images in the sysplex that are running XCF/MRO connected CICS regions related to the CICS region on which the dump is initiated.
Note: A related CICS region is one in which the unit of work identifiers, in the form of APPC tokens, of one or more tasks match those in the CICS region that issued the dump request.
Remove this system dump code from the system dump code table.
Reset the current number of calls for this dump code to zero.
Shut down CICS.
End-of-day statistics (shutdown statistics) are not written to SMF when you specify the SHUTDOWN option, so these statistics are lost.
Produce a system dump for this system dump code.