Retrieve information about the CICS® system.

In CICS Explorer®, the Regions view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


The INQUIRE SYSTEM command returns information about the CICS system.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen, and type CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM. The resulting display lists the current status. The fields are split across multiple screens; use the scroll function keys to view all fields. You can tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values:
  • Overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after moving the cursor to the appropriate field (see Figure 1).
  • Use the CEMT SET SYSTEM command.

Sample screen for CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM at CICS TS beta

Figure 1. CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM screen 1
  inq system
   Aging( 32768 )
   Akp( 04000 )
   Debugtool( Nodebug )
   Dsalimit( 05242880 )
   Dsrtprogram( NONE     )
   Dtrprogram( DFHDYP   )
   Dumping( Sysdump )
   Edsalimit( 0838860800 )
   Forceqr( Noforce )
   Grplist ()
   Healthcheck ( CHECK )
   Lastcoldtime(18/06/06 12:45:25)
                                                     SYSID=HT63 APPLID=CICSHT63
  RESPONSE: NORMAL                             TIME:  13.38.00  DATE: **/**/**
PF 1 HELP       3 END       5 VAR        7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM

Displayed fields

AGING (value)
Displays the time factor for CICS to use in the priority aging algorithm to increment the priority of a task. The value is expressed as milliseconds per unit of priority, and is in the range 0 - 65535.

The priority aging factor is defined initially by the PRTYAGE system initialization parameter, in which the value represents the number of milliseconds that must elapse before the priority of a waiting task can be adjusted upward by 1.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Returns a fullword binary value that gives the current number of automatic initiator descriptors (AIDs) that are in the AID chain for the local system.
AKP (value)
Displays the activity keypoint trigger value, which is the number of write requests to the CICS system log stream output buffer between the taking of keypoints. The value can be zero, meaning that activity keypointing is turned off, or be in the range 50 - 65535.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays a 6-character value identifying the version, release, and modification level of the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS® product under which the CICS region is running. The value is of the form vvrrmm. For example, CICS Transaction Server beta returns 060300.
Displays whether command storage protection, which validates start addresses passed on in CICS commands, is active (that is, whether the CMDPROT system initialization parameter specifies YES or NO). The values are as follows:
Command protection is active. CICS checks to ensure that the task itself has write access to the storage referenced on the command before writing to the storage on behalf of the task.
Command protection is not active. CICS does not check to ensure that the task itself has write access to the storage referenced on the command before writing to the storage on behalf of the task.
DB2CONN (value)
Displays the name of the currently installed DB2CONN resource definition. Only one DB2CONN definition can be installed at a time. The DB2CONN resource definition specifies the attributes of the connection between CICS and Db2®.
Displays whether you can use debugging profiles to select the programs that run under the control of a debugging tool. The following debugging tools use debugging profiles:
  • Debug Tool, for compiled language application programs (programs written in COBOL, PL/I, C, C++, and Assembler)
  • Remote debugging tools (for compiled language application programs and Java™ programs)

Other debugging mechanisms, for example the CICS Execution Diagnostic Facility (CEDF), do not use debugging profiles.

The values are as follows:
You can use CICS debugging profiles to select the programs that run under the control of a debugging tool.
You cannot use CICS debugging profiles to select the programs that run under the control of a debugging tool.

For more information about debugging profiles, see Debugging profiles.

DFLTUSER (value)
Displays the user ID of the default user for this instance of the CICS region.
DSALIMIT (value)
Displays the maximum amount of storage, as a total number of bytes, within which CICS can dynamically allocate storage for the four individual DSAs that reside below 16 MB (below the line). For more information, see DSALIM system initialization parameter.

If this parameter specifies a value lower than the current limit, CICS might not implement the new limit immediately, but attempts to do so over time as dynamic storage is freed in the individual DSAs.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays the name of the distributed routing program.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays the name of the dynamic routing program.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays whether CICS system dumps are suppressed. The values are as follows:
System dumps are suppressed.
System dumps are suppressed except for those that have an entry in the dump table that allow sdumps to be taken.
System dumps are not suppressed.

These values are set by the SIT parameter DUMP=NO, TABLEONLY or YES.

Displays the maximum amount of storage, as a total number of bytes, within which CICS can dynamically allocate storage for the individual DSAs that reside above 16 MB but below 2 GB (above the line). For more information, see EDSALIM system initialization parameter.

If this parameter specifies a value lower than the current limit, CICS might not implement the new limit immediately, but attempts to do so over time as dynamic storage is freed in the individual DSAs.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

FORCEQR (value)
Displays whether CICS forces all CICSAPI user application programs that are defined as threadsafe to run on the quasi-reentrant (QR) TCB. The values are as follows:
CICS forces all user application programs specified with the CONCURRENCY(THREADSAFE) attribute to run under the QR TCB, as if they were specified with CONCURRENCY(QUASIRENT). The FORCE option does not apply to certain programs, for example OPENAPI programs, or C or C++ programs compiled with XPLINK. For details, see FORCEQR system initialization parameter.
CICS honors the CONCURRENCY(THREADSAFE) attribute on CICSAPI user application programs, and allows user programs to run on an open TCB to avoid unnecessary TCB switching.
6.2beta GRPLIST(data-area)
Returns a 36-character field that shows the names of the lists containing resource definition groups that are loaded during system initialization for a CICS cold start.
Displays a value that indicates whether the CICS region is excluded from z/OS Health Checker checks.
The CICS region is excluded from all z/OS Health Checker checks.
The CICS region is not excluded from all z/OS Health Checker checks.
Displays the date and time of the last cold start of the CICS system that occurred since the last initial start. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.

If the CICS system was not cold started since the last initial start, a null value is returned.

Displays the date and time of the last emergency start of the CICS system that occurred since the last initial start. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.

If the CICS system was not emergency started since the last initial start, a null value is returned.

Displays the date and time of the last initial start of the CICS system. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the date and time of the last warm start of the CICS system that occurred since the last initial start. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.

If the CICS system was not warm started since the last initial start, a null value is returned.

LOGDEFER (value)
Displays the log deferral interval in milliseconds, which is the period of time used by CICS Log Manager when determining how long to delay a forced journal write request before invoking the z/OS System Logger. It is in the range 0-65535. This interval is the period of time used by CICS Log Manager to determine how long to delay a forced journal write request before invoking the z/OS System Logger. The value is in the range 0 - 65535. For more information, see LGDFINT system initialization parameter.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

MAXTASKS (value)
Displays the maximum number of user tasks, running, dispatchable, and suspended, allowed at any one time in the CICS system. The value is in the range 1 - 2000.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Note: If you reset this value, the value assigned to MAXTASKS might be less than the requested value, because of CICS storage constraints. If this situation occurs, the message CEILING REACHED is displayed when the request is made.
MEMLIMIT (value)
Displays the limit of storage above the bar for use by the CICS region. A value of NOLIMIT indicates that no limit is imposed on the amount of storage that the region can attempt to use.
Displays the name of the MQCONN resource definition that is currently installed for the CICS region. If no MQCONN resource definition is currently installed, the field is blank. Only one MQCONN resource definition can be installed at a time in a CICS region. The MQCONN resource definition specifies the attributes of the connection between CICS and IBM® MQ
MROBATCH (value)
Displays the number of MRO requests from connected regions that are batched before this region is posted. The value is in the range 1 - 255.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

OSLEVEL (value)
Displays the version, release, and modification level of z/OS on which CICS is running. The value is of the form vvrrmm. For example, for z/OS 3.1 Modification 0, the value is 030100.
Returns the user ID applicable to PLTPI processing in the supplied data area.
Displays whether autoinstalled program definitions are cataloged. The values are as follows:
All autoinstalled program definitions are cataloged and restored on a warm or emergency start.
Autoinstalled program definitions are cataloged only if they are modified (for example, by a CEMT SET PROGRAM command), so that the modified definitions are restored on a warm or emergency restart.
No autoinstalled program definitions are cataloged. They are autoinstalled again after a warm or emergency start.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays the name of the user-provided program that the program autoinstall code calls to select or modify a model definition.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays whether autoinstall for programs is active or inactive. The values are as follows:
Autoinstall for programs is active. On first use, if a program, map set, or partition set is not defined, the definition is created dynamically.
Autoinstall is not active. If a program is not defined, a PGMIDERR or transaction abend occurs when it is referenced.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays whether read-only storage is in use for reentrant programs (that is, whether the RENTPGM system initialization parameter specifies PROTECT or NOPROTECT). The values are as follows:
CICS allocates storage for the read-only DSAs (RDSA and ERDSA) from CICS-key storage. Reentrant programs do not have the protection of residing in read-only storage, and can be modified by programs executing in CICS key.
CICS allocates storage for the RDSA and ERDSA from key-0, non-fetch protected, storage. CICS loads reentrant programs into this storage, and the programs are protected by residing in read-only storage.
Returns a region user ID in the supplied data area.
Displays a 4-digit number (value 0760 for this release of CICS TS) that represents the level of the CICS code running this region.

This field is maintained for compatibility with previous releases of CICS only. As an exclusive element of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, CICS does not have a product version and release number of its own. To determine the release number of the product, see the CICSTSLEVEL value.

RUNAWAY (value)
Displays the interval, in milliseconds, for which a task can have control before it is assumed to be looping.

If you reset this value, you can specify 0 or a value in the range 500 - 2700000. The value you specify is rounded down to a multiple of 500.

CICS purges a task if the task has not given up control after this interval (that is, CICS assumes that the task is looping). If you specify zero, runaway task control is inoperative (that is, tasks do not get purged if they appear to be looping). The value is independent of, and can be less than, the TIME value.

CICS runaway-task detection is based upon task time (that is, the interval is reset each time a task receives control of the processor, and is then decremented while the task is in control). You do not, therefore, need to allow for the effect of other jobs when setting the runaway value.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays the maximum number of milliseconds between the receipt of a z/OS Communications Server request, and the time when CICS begins to process the request. The number is in the range 0 - 5000, and is less than or equal to the TIME value.

In the summary report of the dispatcher statistics, the SCANDELAY value is referred to as the ICVTSD time value.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays a doubleword binary value that shows the current setting, in bytes, for the maximum amount of storage above the bar that CICS makes available for shared data tables to use for control information (entry descriptors, backout elements, and index nodes). The value can be in the range 1048576 bytes (1 MB) – 549755813888 bytes (524288 MB or 512 GB) and must not be greater than 40% of the MEMLIMIT value. The value is rounded down to the nearest megabyte.
SDTRAN (value)
Displays the 4-character name of the transaction to be run at the beginning of normal or immediate shutdown. This value can be the name of a user-supplied transaction, or the CICS-supplied default transaction, CESD.
Displays whether CICS is short on storage in the dynamic storage areas above the bar.
CICS is not short on storage in any of the dynamic storage areas above the bar.
CICS is short on storage in at least one of the dynamic storage areas above the bar.
Displays whether CICS is short on storage in the dynamic storage areas above 16 MB but below 2 GB (above the line).
CICS is not short on storage in any of the dynamic storage areas above 16 MB but below 2 GB.
CICS is short on storage in at least one of the dynamic storage areas above 16 MB but below 2 GB.
Displays whether CICS is short on storage in the dynamic storage areas below 16 MB (below the line).
CICS is not short on storage in any of the dynamic storage areas below 16 MB.
CICS is short on storage in at least one of the dynamic storage areas below 16 MB.
Returns a fullword binary field that contains the current number of tasks that are recording security requests.
Displays whether storage protection is active in the CICS region. The values returned are:
CICS is operating with the CICS storage protection facility.
CICS is operating without the CICS storage protection facility.

See STGPROT system initialization parameter for more information about CICS storage protection.

TIME (value)
Displays the interval, in milliseconds, for which CICS releases control to the operating system if no transactions are ready to resume processing. This interval is known as the region exit interval.

The value can be in the range 100 - 3600000, and must be greater than or equal to the SCANDELAY value.

In the summary report of the dispatcher statistics, the TIME value is referred to as the ICV time value.

You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

Displays the status of transaction isolation. The values returned are:
Transaction isolation is active in the CICS region.
CICS is running without transaction isolation, either because the support is not available, or it was not requested at CICS initialization.