Number of buffers and strings for LSR and NSR

The number of buffers and strings may affect your decision to use either LSR or NSR for each file.

Number of buffers for LSR and NSR

Some important differences exist between LSR and NSR in the way that VSAM allocates and shares the buffers:
Allowing CICS® to calculate the LSR parameters is easy but it incurs additional processing to build the pool, when the first file that needs the LSR pool is opened. Consider the following factors if you allow CICS to calculate an LSR pool:
  • CICS must read the VSAM catalog for every file that is specified to use the pool.
  • The processing is increased if the data sets involved are migrated at the time that CICS performs the calculation. To enable CICS to read the VSAM catalog for each data set associated with the LSR pool, each data set must be recalled.
  • Not only can a single recall cause a significant delay for the task that caused the recall, but it is a synchronous operation that delays other activities that CICS is running under the same TCB.

    You can avoid these delays by designing your SMS storage classes and migration policies to avoid CICS data sets being migrated. See z/OS DFSMShsm Storage Administration for information about setting data set migration criteria.

    CICS outputs an information message, DFHFC0989, when a recall is necessary, advising you that the consequent delay is not an error situation.

  • An LSR pool calculated by CICS cannot be fine-tuned by specifying actual sizes for each buffer.
  • In LSR, there is no preallocation of buffers to strings, or to particular files or data sets. When VSAM must reuse a buffer, it picks the buffer that has been referenced least recently. Strings are always shared across all data sets. Before issuing a read to disk when using LSR, VSAM first scans the buffers to check if the control interval it requires is already in storage. If so, it might not have to issue the read. This buffer lookaside can reduce I/O significantly.
  • LSR files share a common pool of buffers and a common pool of strings, that is, control blocks supporting the I/O operations. Other control blocks define the file and are unique to each file or data set.

    When changing the size of an LSR pool, refer to the CICS statistics before and after the change is made. These statistics show whether the proportion of VSAM reads satisfied by buffer lookaside is changed or not.

    It is better for data and index buffers to be kept separate. If you define LSRPOOLs, you can define separate data and index buffers with the LSRPOOL definition. If you allow CICS to build the LSRPOOL, the data and index buffers will not be separate.

    Take care to include buffers of the correct size. If no buffers of the required size are present, VSAM uses the next larger buffer size.

  • Enough buffers must be provided for each file to support the concurrent accesses specified in the STRINGS parameter for the file. In fact, VSAM enforces this requirement for NSR.
  • Specify the number of data and index buffers for NSR using the DATABUFFERS and INDEXBUFFERS parameters of the file definition. It is important to specify sufficient index buffers. If a KSDS consists of just one control area and, therefore, just one index CI, the minimum index buffers equal to STRINGS is sufficient. But when a KSDS is larger than this value, at least one extra index buffer must be specified so that at least the top-level index buffer is shared by all strings. Further index buffers reduce index I/O to some extent.
  • Set DATABUFFERS to the minimum at STRINGS + 1, unless the aim is to enable overlapped and chained I/O in sequential operations or it is necessary to provide the extra buffers to speed up CA splits.
  • When the file is an alternate index path to a base, the same INDEXBUFFERS (if the base is a KSDS) and DATABUFFERS settings are used for alternate index and base buffers (see CICS calculation of LSR pool parameters). In NSR, the minimum number of data buffers is STRNO + 1, and the minimum index buffers (for KSDSs and alternate index paths) is STRNO. One data and one index buffer are preallocated to each string, and one data buffer is kept in reserve for CA splits. If there are extra data buffers, these buffers are assigned to the first sequential operation; they can also be used to speed VSAM CA splits by permitting chained I/O operations. If there are extra index buffers, they are shared between the strings and are used to hold high-level index records, thus providing an opportunity for saving physical I/O.
Note: Always design and program transactions to avoid deadlocks. For further information, see Transaction deadlocks.

Number of strings

VSAM requires one or more strings for each concurrent file operation. For nonupdate requests (for example, a READ or BROWSE), an access using a base needs one string. An access using an alternate index needs two strings (one to hold position on the alternate index and one to hold position on the base data set). For update requests where no upgrade set is involved, a base still needs one string, and a path two strings. For update requests where an upgrade set is involved, a base needs 1+n strings and a path needs 2+n strings, where n is the number of members in the upgrade set. VSAM needs one string per upgrade set member to hold position. For each concurrent request, VSAM can reuse the n strings required for upgrade set processing because the upgrade set is updated serially.

A simple operation such as direct reading frees the string or strings immediately. However, a read for update, mass insert, or browse request retains the string or strings until a corresponding update, unlock, or end browse request is performed.

The interpretation of the STRNO parameter by CICS and by VSAM differs depending upon the context:
  • The equivalent STRINGS parameter of the LSR pool definition (LSRPOOL) has the same meaning as the STRNO parameter in the VSAM BLDVRP macro; that is, the absolute number of strings to be allocated to the resource pool. Unless an LSR pool contains only base data sets, the number of concurrent requests that can be handled is less than the STRINGS value specified.
  • The equivalent STRINGS parameter of the file definition has the same meaning as the STRNO parameter in the VSAM ACB for NSR files. That is, the actual number of concurrent outstanding VSAM requests that can be handled. When alternate index paths or upgrade sets are used, the actual number of strings that VSAM allocates to support these paths or upgrade sets can be greater than the STRINGS value specified.

For LSR, it is possible to specify the precise numbers of strings, or to have CICS calculate the numbers. The number specified in the LSR pool definition is the actual number of strings in the pool. If CICS calculates the number of strings, it derives the pool STRINGS from the RDO file definition. It interprets this pool, like with NSR, as the actual number of concurrent requests.

You must decide how many concurrent read, browse, update, mass insert requests, and so on, you must support.

If access to a file is read only with no browsing, there is no need to have many strings; just one might be sufficient. While a read operation only holds the VSAM string for the duration of the request, it might need to wait for the completion of an update operation on the same CI.

In general, where some browsing or updates are used, set STRINGS to 2 or 3 initially and check CICS file statistics regularly to see the proportion of wait-on strings encountered. Wait-on strings of up to 5% of file accesses would typically be considered acceptable. Do not try, with NSR files, to keep wait-on strings permanently zero.

CICS manages string usage for both files and LSR pools. For each file, whether it uses LSR or NSR, CICS limits the number of concurrent VSAM requests to the STRINGS= specified in the file definition. For each LSR pool, CICS also prevents more requests being concurrently made to VSAM than can be handled by the strings in the pool. If additional strings are required for upgrade-set processing at update time, CICS anticipates this requirement by reserving the additional strings at read-for-update time. If there are not enough file or LSR pool strings available, the requesting task waits until they are freed.

The CICS monitoring facility provides performance data for the VSAM string wait time for each user task. The performance data field 427, FCVSWTT, in the DFHFILE group, shows the elapsed time in which the task waited for a VSAM string. The CICS LSR pool statistics give information about the number of strings, the number of requests that waited for strings, and the maximum number of strings that were active at one time.

When deciding on the number of strings for a particular file, consider the maximum number of concurrent tasks. Because CICS command level does not allow more than one request to be outstanding against a particular data set from a particular task, there is no point in allowing strings for more concurrent requests.

If you want to distribute your strings across tasks of different types, the transaction classes can also be useful. You can use transaction class limits to control the transactions issuing the separate types of VSAM request, and for limiting the number of task types that can use VSAM strings, leaving a subset of strings available for other uses.

All placeholder control blocks must contain a field long enough for the largest key associated with any of the data sets sharing the pool. Assigning one inactive file that has a large key (primary or alternate) into an LSR pool with many strings might use excessive storage.