Physical and symbolic map sets

You can use the TYPE=MAP assembly, followed by a link-edit to produce a load module called the physical map set. The TYPE=DSECT assembly is used to produce a series of data structures, collectively called the symbolic map set.

The physical map set contains format information in encoded form. CICS® uses it at execution time for constant fields and to determine how to merge in the variable data from the program.

The physical map set normally is stored in the same library as your application programs, and it requires a MAPSET resource definition within CICS, just as a program requires a PROGRAM resource definition.

The output of a TYPE=DSECT assembly is a series of data structures, coded in the source language specified in the LANG option. There is a structure for each map used for input, called the symbolic input map, and one for each map used for output, called the symbolic output map.

Symbolic map sets are used at compile (assembly) time. You copy them into your program, and they allow you to refer to the fields in the maps by name and to pass the variable data in the form dictated by the physical map set. We have already shown you an example of a symbolic output map in COBOL (see Figure 3 ) and used it in the example code. Symbolic map sets are typically stored in the library your installation defines for source code that gets copied into programs. Member names are typically the same as the map set names, but they need not be.

You need the TYPE=DSECT assembly before you compile or assemble your program. You can defer the TYPE=MAP assembly and link-edit until you are ready to test, because the physical map set is not used until execution time. However, because you must do both eventually, many installations provide a cataloged procedure to do this automatically; the procedure copies the source file for the map set and processes it once using TYPE=MAP and again using TYPE=DSECT. You also can use the SYSPARM option in your assembler procedure to override the TYPE value in a particular assembly. See High Level Assembler Language Reference for a description of SYSPARM with map assemblies, and Installing map sets and partition sets for more information about assembling maps.
  1. The fact that symbolic map sets are coded in a specific language does not prevent you from using the same map in programs coded in different languages. You assemble with TYPE=DSECT for each LANG value you need, taking care to store the outputs in different libraries or under different names. The LANG value does not affect the TYPE=MAP assembly, which need be done only once.
  2. If you modify an existing map in a way that affects the symbolic map, you must recompile (reassemble) any programs using it, so that the compilation uses the symbolic structure that corresponds to the new physical structure. Changes to unnamed map fields do not affect the symbolic map, but addition, deletion, rearrangement, and length changes of named fields do.Rearrangement refers to the DFHMDF macros; the order of the fields on the screen does not affect the symbolic map, although it is more efficient to have the DFHMDF macros in same order as the fields on the screen. So make changes to the DSATTS option in the map definition—this option states the extended attributes you can want to change by program. It is always safest to recompile.