Adding a CICS region to a region type

Add more CICS® regions to a region type to scale up the capacity of an active platform. You can also share CICS regions that are already part of a platform between multiple region types in the platform, to modify your platform’s architecture.

Before you begin

Follow this procedure if your platform is already installed and active in the CICSplex. For more information about platform status, see Checking the status of a platform. If you have created a platform bundle but not yet installed it, use the platform editor to modify the platform bundle to change the CICS regions that are included in the platform.

Before you add an existing CICS region to a platform for the first time, or add it to a different region type in a platform, the CICS region must be shut down. To shut down a CICS region, in the Regions view, right-click the CICS region and select Shutdown. Refresh the Regions view and confirm that the status of the region is INACTIVE. Alternatively, shut down the CICS region using CICSPlex® SM or CICS commands.

To check the CICS regions currently in your platform, use the Cloud Explorer view in the CICS Cloud perspective to view the active platform. Expand the platform to view the region types. If you want to view the CICS regions that are already included in a region type, expand the region type, and then expand the Regions list to view the CICS regions.

About this task

When your capacity requirements and workload change, you can choose from the following actions to scale up your active platform or modify its architecture appropriately:
  • Add an existing CICS region in the CICSplex to an adopted region type. The CICS region is adopted as part of your platform to increase the capacity of the platform.
  • Create a new CICS region in a created region type. The CICS region is created as part of your platform to increase the capacity of the platform.
  • Add a CICS region that you previously created or adopted, to a different region type in the platform, or to a region type in another platform. The CICS region is able to assist with the workload for its new region type. Adopted regions can only be added to adopted region types, and created regions can only be added to created region types. The CICS region can continue to be included in its previous region type as a shared region, and assist with both workloads. Or you can remove the CICS region from its previous region type, if it is no longer required there.


What to do next

To begin using the added CICS region as part of your platform:
  • Start the region using your normal method. If necessary, use the COLM transaction to connect the CICS region to CICSPlex SM. When you start the CICS region, the CICS bundles for the applications that are deployed to the region type are installed in the region.
  • Refresh the Cloud Explorer view and confirm that the status of the region is ACTIVE.
  • Using the Cloud Explorer view, verify that the CICS bundles for the appropriate applications have been installed in the CICS region, and that the status of the applications shows a successful install. If an application is enabled or available in the CICS regions that were already in the region type, the status of the application and the installed CICS bundles should be ENABLED in the newly added CICS region. CICS enables the application in the CICS region if the install is successful, but does not make it available immediately.
  • When you are ready to make each application available in the CICS region to users of the platform, in the Cloud Explorer view, right-click the application name and click Make Available, then OK to make the application available. The application is now available to callers through its application entry points.

If you added a previously created or adopted CICS region to a different region type, you can either leave the region in its previous region type to be a shared region, or remove the region from its previous region type by following the procedure in Removing a CICS region from a region type.

If you receive any error messages when you attempt to add a CICS region to another region type, follow the procedure in Diagnosing platform runtime errors to resolve the issue.

If the status of the applications that use the CICS region is not as expected, follow the procedure in Diagnosing application errors to resolve the issue.