DFHSM0133 applid CICS is under stress (short on storage above 16MB).


There is a shortage of storage in one of the dynamic storage areas (DSAs) above 16MB. Either the largest free area in one of the DSAs is less than the size of the internally defined cushion for that DSA, or there is at least one transaction suspended due to insufficient contiguous free storage.

System action

An exception entry is made in the trace table to record the event.

CICS continues to operate but takes steps to alleviate the situation by, for example, slowing down the rate at which new tasks are started and by releasing storage occupied by programs which are not currently in use.

User response

No immediate action is required. However, if the problem persists you could, if possible, increase the value of the EDSALIMIT parameter, or reduce the storage requirements of your CICS system above 16MB. For guidance on how to do this, see the Improving performance.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid

