Environment variables: remote mode

Environment variables available for use with remote mode topologies.


Specifies whether or not all processes involved in starting the Gateway daemon run in a single address space. Set this variable to YES to specify that all processes involved in starting the Gateway daemon run in a single address space. Set this variable to NO to allow multiple address spaces.

You must set _BPX_SHAREAS=YES when xasupport=on is set.

The default value is YES.

Specifies the job name of the TCP/IP stack to be used by the Gateway daemon. This environment variable might be useful in installations involving multiple TCP/IP stacks where it is necessary to restrict the Gateway daemon from binding with all TCP/IP stacks. If the specified job name is not active during Gateway daemon initialization and the protocol handler definitions, do not specify a bind address, the Gateway daemon protocol handlers are bound to all available TCP/IP stacks.

Specifies the location of the CICS® Transaction Gateway configuration to be used at startup. The value must be one of the following:

  • A path and file name, if the configuration is maintained and edited as a configuration file, for example:
  • An MVS™ data set name or data set location, if the configuration is maintained in MVS and edited using ISPF, for example:

    Use the double forward slash symbol // to denote that the configuration is held in an MVS data set, not a file. A sample configuration on MVS is provided in data set member CTGCONF, in the CTGSAMP data set which is installed as part of the product.

If a value is not specified for this environment variable, the default path <install_path>/bin/ctg.ini is used during startup.

The maximum field length is 100 characters.

The CICS Transaction Gateway startup messages indicate the location of the configuration file. CICS Transaction Gateway does not start if a configuration cannot be found.


Specifies the maximum width of the STDENV output from the ctgconvenv script. If the variable is not set, the width is set to 80 columns. The minimum width is 40 columns. The maximum possible width is 160 columns.

Set this environment variable to limit the maximum number of concurrent XA transactions that can use the EXCI or IPIC protocol in a Gateway daemon. The range of values is 1 - 8192. The default value for a Gateway daemon is 1000.

This variable requires a numeric entry.

CICS Transaction Gateway allocates an amount of additional storage on startup equivalent to 200 times the value of CTG_XA_MAX_TRAN KB. For example, if the value of CTG_XA_MAX_TRAN is 1024, CICS Transaction Gateway allocates approximately 200 KB of additional storage on startup. This storage is also used during start to process heuristically completed units of recovery from the Gateway and any others in the same HA Group. For more information, see Highly available Gateway group and Cold start. Set the value of CTG_XA_MAX_TRAN to the default, 1000, or a value greater than the number of configured connection managers, which ever is the larger.

Specifies the fully qualified location of a ctgenvvar script to be invoked by ctgstart. The script is self-contained and exports environment variables relevant to the Gateway daemon and associated CICS servers.

If CTGENVVAR is not defined, the ctgstart script looks for the ctgenvvar script in the product bin directory (for compatibility with previous versions). If no script is found in either location, ctgstart still attempts to initialize the Gateway daemon, on the assumption that the required environment variables are already in place.

Use this environment variable when starting the Gateway daemon from the USS shell, rather than through CTGBATCH.

Specifies options that are too long for inclusion in the JCL step. Because the PARM string used by the EXEC PGM= step in JCL is limited to 100 characters, there is not enough space to include some of the longer Gateway daemon startup options (for example, JVM properties for enabling trace and setting the trace file). Use this environment variable to specify those options too long for inclusion in the JCL step. The ctgstart script recognizes this environment variable and appends the supplied options to the Gateway daemon startup command. The value of the environment variable must not exceed 300 characters. For example, the code to turn on CICS TG tracing for Gateway daemon initialization is as follows:
Start of changeCTGSTART_UMASKEnd of change
Specifies the umask setting for the Gateway daemon. This determines the file permissions of zFS files that the Gateway daemon creates. File permission bits that are set to 1 in the umask are set to 0 in the file permission bits of files that are created by the process.

Valid values are 1 - 3 character octal numbers. The default value is 000.

For full details about the valid options, see thez/OS® UNIX System Services Command Reference

Specifies the path in HFS containing the runtime resources necessary to run ctgstart. These are typically found in /bin, and the Java™ bin runtime directory.
Specifies a temporary directory other than /tmp.
Specify the local time zone and daylight saving time.
The value in this field is similar to the setting of TZ in /etc/profile. The full format is:
TZ=standardHH[:MM[:SS]] [daylight[HH[:MM[:SS:]]]
An example for the United Kingdom is TZ=GMT0BST,M3.5.0,M10.4.0. An example for United States Eastern Standard time is TZ=EST5EDT

For further information on time zones, see IBM® z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.

The RESOLVER_CONFIG environment variable is used by TCP/IP to include the name of an MVS data set or z/OS UNIX file in the search order for TCPIP.DATA. To support RESOLVER_CONFIG environment variable make the changes in CTGJOB JCL where the environment variable needs to be passed as a parameter. For example, the following shows the RESOLVER_CONFIG variable set to pick up the TCPIP.DATA information from a dataset SYS1.TCPPARMS(TCPIP1LB):
   //CTG      EXEC PGM=CTGBATCH,                                
   //         '&LEOPTS.&CTGHOME./bin/ctgstart -noinput ')       
   //STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                       
   //STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                       
   //STDENV   DD DSN=&CTGUSR.,DISP=SHR                          
   //* Define CTGDBG DD DUMMY to enable CTGBATCH debug mode     

The following shows the RESOLVER_CONFIG variable set to pick up the TCPIP.DATA information from a file /etc/resolv.conf_new in the HFS:

   //CTG      EXEC PGM=CTGBATCH,                                
   //         PARM=('ENVAR("RESOLVER_CONFIG=/etc/resolv.conf_new")',
   //         '&LEOPTS.&CTGHOME./bin/ctgstart -noinput ')       
   //STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                       
   //STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                       
   //STDENV   DD DSN=&CTGUSR.,DISP=SHR                          
   //* Define CTGDBG DD DUMMY to enable CTGBATCH debug mode     

Information Information


Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 2 March 2017
