Configuring a secure autoinstalled IPIC connection (SC01)

You can configure secure autoinstalled IPIC connections using a template.

You use an IPCONN template to change the default connection settings, so that IPIC connections are autoinstalled with link security and user security. To configure secure autoinstalled IPIC connections, you must modify the CICS® TS sample user-replaceable module (URM) to point to an IPCONN template.

The following figure shows the topology used in this scenario:
Diagram showing Windows Java client connecting to CTG over TCP/IP and CTG connecting to CICS TS over IPIC
Note: This scenario uses CICS Transaction Gateway connecting to CICS Transaction Server 5.3 over IPIC in remote mode. You can run this scenario with other versions, but the illustrations and samples might vary. For the minimum requirements, see Prerequisites.

This scenario uses the default name ctg.ini for the configuration file.

Table 1. Values used in this scenario
Component Parameter Where set Example value Matching values
CICS TG Server name IPICSERVER section of ctg.ini CICSA  
CICS TG Hostname IPICSERVER section of ctg.ini  
CICS TG Port  1  IPICSERVER section of ctg.ini 50889 This value must be the same as  3 
CICS TS IPCONN template In DFHISCIP (autoinstall user program) SECTEMPL  
CICS TS TCPIPService  2  TCPIPService definition SRV50889 This value must be the same as  4 
CICS TS Portnumber  3  TCPIPService definition 50889 This value must be the same as 1 
CICS TS TCPIPService  4  IPCONN definition SRV50889 This value must be the same as  2 
RACF® User ID for link security IPCONN definition in CICS TS LINKUSER  
RACF User ID for user security Client application USERID  
RACF Password for user security Client application PASSWORD  
The sample configuration and environment variable files for this scenario are:
  • ctg.ini
  • CTGS01A1
The sample files are installed in z/FS directory <install path>/samples/scenarios/sc01 and in the <install.hlq>.SCTGSAMP library.