CICS Explorer User Guide

The CICS Explorer® user guide provides help and guidance on using the CICS® Explorer. It provides limited CICS Transaction Server help only, for example, the resource views reference topics provide details about the attributes that are displayed in the resource views. A link to the CICS Transaction Server product documentation is provided at the end of this topic.

Some documentation content, such as the table of attributes in each resource view, is generated only at run time in the CICS Explorer product. To view the complete documentation content, refer to the CICS Explorer user guide in the help in the CICS Explorer product.

Document links

Some help topics in this user guide include links to further information in the latest version of the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS® product documentation. If you are working with earlier versions of CICS, you might need to review the relevant information for the specific version you are using. See the relevant related link.


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You can also provide feedback in CICS communities and user groups. The CICS information development team participates in such groups to gather any documentation issues or suggestions. For links to these communities, see CICS Explorer V5.4.