Integration with upper layers via OpenStack API

IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center is able to integrate via its built-in OpenStack compatible APIs with cloud management tools, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions which provide OpenStack integration points or plugins, to provision and orchestrate cloud workloads. Consistent deployment and management tooling is key to successfully maintaining a hybrid cloud.


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world. OpenStack can be an important part of the hybrid cloud approach, since it provides a common, open standard through its API and allows integration between cloud environments.

Integration with plugins and providers

List of solutions that provides OpenStack integration points or plugins.

  • IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management

    • Red Hat Ansible (Ansible AWS) Ansible is a simple automation tool to automate apps and IT infrastructure. Through OpenStack Ansible Module, the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center can be utilized to provision compute, storage and network resources. Ansible AWX is the open source project behind Red Hat Ansible Tower, built to run on top of the Ansible project, enhancing the already powerful automation engine.

    • Red Hat CloudForms (ManageIQ) Red Hat CloudForms provides essential enterprise-grade cloud management and automation capabilities. With CloudForms, customers can more quickly deploy and scale their OpenStack private clouds, combine those with existing IT virtual infrastructure investments, and federate public cloud deployments. ManageIQ is an open source cloud management platform. It was founded by Red Hat and forms the basis for Red Hat CloudForms.

  • Terraform Terraform is an open-source infrastructure of a code software tool that serves mainly as Infrastructure as Code. Through its OpenStack Provider, the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center can be utilized to provision compute, storage and network resources. For a supported Terraform resource by the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center, refer to Terraform resource.

  • VMware vRealize Automation and VMWare vRealize Orchestrator VMware vRealize Automation / Orchestrator is a modern infrastructure automation and orchestration platform and provides an OpenStack plugin. Through this OpenStack plugin, it is able to integrate the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center through the OpenStack compatible APIs to provision, orchestrate compute, storage and network resources on IBM Z and LinuxONE platform.