Cost and Asset Management pre-install Properties

Cost and Asset Management pre-install Properties

This property file is found under pre-post-install/ibm-cloud-cost-asset-mgmt-prod/pre-install/resources/ folder. The namespace and secrets required for Cost and Asset Management deployment are created by using the property values specified by user. The user must modify these property values before running the script.

# Namespace in which Cost and Asset Management & Cloud Management Platform has to be deployed

# Docker registry credentials to access the images 

# Credentials to access RabbitMQ
rabbitmq_username=rusername            #any valid string
rabbitmq_password=rpassword            #any valid string

# Password to access KeyStore
keystore_password=kpassword            #Password used to access keystore

# All secret config files should be under resources/cert directory

# Certificate secrets
gravitant_certificate=grav.crt          #Place it under resources/cert directory
gravitant_key=grav.key                  #Place it under resources/cert directory
cm_keystore=cloudMatrix.keystore        #Place it under resources/cert directory
maria_dev_certificate=maria_dev.crt     #Place it under resources/cert directory
maria_dev_key=maria_dev.key             #Place it under resources/cert directory
rootCA_pem=rootCA.pem                   #Place it under resources/cert directory

# Credentials to access s3
s3_access_key_id=dummy                   #any valid string
s3_access_key_secret=dummy               #any valid string

# Secrets to access MariaDB, mysql_username should be 'root' , please do not change the mysql_username
Property name Description Remarks
cam_namespace Namespace in which Cost and Asset Management has to be deployed
core_namespace Namespace in which Cloud Management Platform has to be deployed
docker_server Docker registry from where images had to be pulled For icp registry specify mycluster.icp:8500
docker_username Username to be used to access docker registry For icp registry specify admin
docker_password Password to be used to access docker registry For icp registry specify admin
docker_email Email id registered with docker
rabbitmq_username Username to access RabbitMQ
rabbitmq_password Password to access RabbitMQ
keystore_password Username to access MongoDB
gravitant_certificate Certificate
gravitant_key Key
cm_keystore Keystore
maria_dev_certificate Certificate
maria_dev_key Key
rootCA_pem Certificate
s3_url s3 Url
s3_access_key_id Access Key ID to access s3
s3_access_key_secret Access Key ID to access s3
s3_encryption_passphrase Encryption passphrase
mysql_username Username to access MariaDB
mysql_password Password to access MariaBD