Configuring the development environment

You must configure the development environment before you use IBM® Case Manager to create and deploy solutions. You use the development environment to create, modify, and test solutions before moving them into a production environment.

Before you begin

Be sure to have your completed configuration checklist available.


To configure the development environment:

  1. Log in to the IBM Case Manager server.
  2. Start the configuration tool by running one of the following commands:
    Operating system Command


    1. Change to the _install_path/configure directory. _install_path is the location where IBM Case Manager is installed, for example, /opt/IBM/CaseManagement.
    2. Run the following command:


    1. Change to the _install_path/configure directory. _install_path is the location where IBM Case Manager is installed, for example, /opt/IBM/CaseManagement.
    2. Run the following command:

    Linux for System z®

    1. Change to the _install_path/configure directory. _install_path is the location where IBM Case Manager is installed, for example, /opt/IBM/CaseManagement.
    2. Run the following command:
    Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Start > All Programs > IBM Case Manager > Case Manager Configuration Tool.
    • Run the following command:
      _install_path is the location where IBM Case Manager is installed, for example, one of the following directories:
      • C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\CaseManagement
  3. Click File > Create profile to create a development environment profile and use the values from your configuration checklist to complete the fields. In the Network shared directory field, ensure that you specify the shared location that you created. After the profile files are created, the profile is opened so that you can work with the individual tasks in the profile.
  4. Edit, save, and run the Update the Content Platform Engine Client Connector Files task. Running this task ensures that your client connector files match the version of your Content Platform Engine. After you run this task, close and then restart the configuration tool.
  5. Edit, save, and run the following tasks. You must run the tasks in the order listed.
    Table 1. Task requirements for a development environment
    Task Required
    Configure the Case Management Object Stores Always
    Define the Default Project Area Required if you create new object stores for the V5.3.3 development environment.
    Configure the IBM Content Manager Host Properties Required if IBM Case Manager integrates with IBM Content Manager.
    Configure IBM Business Process Manager Required if IBM Case Manager integrates with IBM Business Process Manager and you create new object stores for the V5.3.3 development environment.

    This task is applicable only if you use WebSphere® Application Server.

    Start of changeRegister the IBM Business Automation Workflow Plug-inEnd of change Start of changeRequired if you want to use the plug-in for IBM Business Process Manager that provides a access to your IBM Process Portal Work dashboard from your IBM Case Manager desktop. Save your changes and then run the task to apply your settings.

    This plug-in adds the Workflow > Launch Process action to the Action menu and pop-up menu in the Browse view of the IBM Case Manager desktop. You can use this action to launch an IBM BPM process from a document. You can also add the Launch Process action to the menu in the Documents view for the Case Information widget.

    Important: To use the IBM Business Automation Workflow plug-in, you must use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) in your IBM Content Navigator URL.
    End of change
    Create Case Manager Applications Always
    Deploy the Case Manager API Always
    Register the IBM Case Manager Services Plug-in Always
    Deploy Case Manager Builder Always
    Deploy and Register Widgets Package Always
    Important: If you run this task in a cluster environment, you must ensure that the plug-in is loaded on each node of the cluster. Either restart the cluster to force the plug-in to be loaded on all nodes or manually load the plug-in on each node by using the IBM Content Navigator administration client.
    Deploy the Forms Application Required if IBM Case Manager integrates with IBM Forms or IBM FileNet® P8 eForms.
    Register the IBM Case Manager Administration Client Plug-in Always
    Configure Box Collaboration Required if you want to enable case workers to use Box to collaborate with external users. This task configures the connection to the Box server.
    Register Project Area Always
    Configure Business Rules Required if you use business rules in your solution.
    • You can select only one locale in which to write the business rules for your solutions. If you need to create solutions with business rules in other locales, rerun this task to change the rule persistence locale before you create the solution. After the first rule for a solution is saved, the rule persistence locale cannot be changed.
    • If you rerun this task to change the location of the rules repository directory after you deploy any solutions, complete the following steps after you run the task:
      1. Stop Content Platform Engine.
      2. From the previous rules repository directory, move the res_data directory to the new location of the rules repository directory. In a cluster environment, the rules directory must be a shared directory that can be accessed by all Content Platform Engine cluster servers.
      3. Restart Content Platform Engine.
    Register the External Data Service Required for solutions that use the external data service.
    Deploy and Register Extensions Package Required only when you add an extensions package for a custom property editor or controller.
    Important: If you run this task in a cluster environment, you must ensure that the plug-in is loaded on each node of the cluster. Either restart the cluster to force the plug-in to be loaded on all nodes or manually load the plug-in on each node by using the IBM Content Navigator administration client.
  6. Restart the application server.