Collecting Cloud APM server logs for IBM Support

Gather the log files from the Cloud APM server and supporting components when requested by IBM® Support to help diagnose issues.

Before you begin

Root permission is required to collect system information from the Cloud APM server.
Important: Cloud APM server log files start wrapping when the configured number and size of the log files is reached. The Cloud APM server disk space requirements account for the number and size of the log files that are configured by default. It is recommended that you use an OS agent to monitor disk space usage on the Cloud APM server.


To run the log collection command, complete the following steps:

  1. On the command line, change to the Cloud APM server /opt/ibm/ccm/ directory or to the directory that you specified when you installed the server.
  2. Run the following command:
    A tar.gz file with a time stamp in the file name is generated in the /tmp directory, such as /tmp/SCMAI_Logs_min_hostname_20150207_105132.tar.gz.
    You might receive a message that the system cannot find the path specified. You can ignore this message.
  3. Send the output file to your IBM Support representative.


The script gathers the following component logs. The log directory paths in the following table start with the default /opt/ibm installation directory. If you specified a different installation directory when you installed the server, your log directory paths include this installation directory.
Table 1. Log files that are collected by the script
Component Log directory Log file name Description
Cloud APM server /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/min/logs messages.log The main Cloud APM server log file.

Agent interface main:server.xml, jvm.options,

Agent interface JVM and configuration information.

Agent interface logs: messages.log, console.log,trace.log

Agent interface standard messages and traces.

Agent interface FFDC: ffdc_date_time.N.log, exception_summary_date_time.N.log

Agent interface standard messages and traces.

console.log Startup, session, transaction, and shutdown information.
System Information of Cloud APM server /opt/ibm/ccm/systemInfoLogs cpuinfo.log CPU configuration information.
df.log Disk configuration information.
filelist.log The list of files in the usr/servers/apmui, usr/servers/min, and usr/servers/server1 directories.
hosts.log Copy of etc/hosts
meminfo.log Memory configuration information.
opt-ibm-files.log The list of files in the product installation directory.
ps.log The task list at the time of collection.
rpm.log The software packages installed at the time of collection.
sfdisk.log Information about mounted volumes.
ss.log Open network sockets at the time of the collection
timestamp.log Date and time of collection.
ulimit.log Setting of ulimit at the time of the collection.
version.log Linux® version information.
OSLC Service Provider /opt/ibm/ccm/oslc_pm/logs candle_installation.log Include installation environment information that is collected at each restart.
UpdateAutoRun.log Sets up automation environment.
hostname_as.inv Index of log files.
hostname_as_NNNNNN.log Trace file for OSLC Performance Monitoring service.
Service Component Registry /opt/ibm/ccm/SCR/XMLToolKit/log msgGTM_CI.log.N  
/opt/ibm/ccm/SCR/XMLToolkit/bin XML Toolkit configuration information.
/opt/ibm/ccm/SCR/XMLToolkit/log/install/maintenance   DB maintenance scripts and SQL information.
MongoDB /opt/ibm/mongodb/logs mongodb.log The main MongoDB log. MongoDB stores threshold events and transaction tracking data.
Kafka Message Broker /opt/ibm/kafka/logs controller.log Log of controller subsystem in Kafka.
kafka-request.log Log of request subsystem in Kafka.
server.log The main Kafka log.
state-change.log Log of state-change subsystem in Kafka.
kafka-server.err Standard error stream of Kafka process.
zookeeper-server.err Standard error stream of Zookeeper process.
Cloud APM server Derby database /opt/ibm/gaian gaiandb.log Node startup and performance information.
derby.log Derby database startup information.
*.properties Database configuration information.
Db2® database used by the Cloud APM server /opt/ibm/db2/tbsmdb/logs   Log files showing the Db2 operations that were completed during the product installation.
Cloud APM server data layer /opt/ibm/dtl/datalayer/logs   Log files showing the Db2 performance statistics for the DATAMART database.
Performance Management infrastructure install /opt/ibm/ccm/logs smai_oslc_pm-rpm_inst_trace.log IA_SCR_Install6.1.2-00.log deploymentResults.log apm-server-install_20150217_110258.log smai-apmui-configuration_trace.log smai-oslc-prestart.log configureMIN.log itmcdp.log db2setup_wse.log Installation log files.
ksy agent /opt/ibm/sy/logs   ksy agent log files
Db2 server /home/db2apm/sqllib/db2dump   Db2 server log files
Agent install (Windows only) installl_dir\logs APMADV_Agents_install.log, IAPM_Agents_install.log, APD_Agents_install.log, APM_Agents_install.log Agent installation log files.
OpenID Connect Provider /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/oidc/logs messages.log OpenID Connect Provider standard messages.
Server agents /opt/ibm/serveragents/logs The directory contains multiple log files. To find log files for a specific agent, use one of the following strings in your search:
  • For the Monitoring Agent for Bluemix® Integration (biagent), search for *bi*.
  • For the Monitoring Agent for Synthetic Events (soagent), search for *so*.
  • For the Monitoring Agent for Transactions Event (txagent), search for *tx*.
Server agents log files.
Diagnostic Query Service /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/dqe/logs message.log, trace.log Diagnostic Query Service (dqe) log files.
Performance Management console backend (server1)
Server1 Main /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/server1 server.xml, jvm.options, Server1 server JVM and configuration information.
Server1 Logs /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs messages.log Server1 standard messages.
trace.log Server1 trace logs.
kd8collectdate_time.tar.gz Archive that contains Data Provider debug information.
console.log Server1 standard output containing startup, session, transaction, and shutdown information.
w7_audit.log Role Based Access Control audit log of changes to RBAC-related artifacts, such as creating permissions and roles, assigning permissions to roles, and assigning users and user groups to roles.
scrderby.log Service Component Repository Derby startup information.
scrserver.log SCR Server process logs.
scrserver-errors.log SCR Server process error messages.
Server1 FFDC /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs/ffdc ffdc_date_time.N.log First failure data capture logs.
exception_summary_date_time.N.log Exception summaries from FFDC processing.
Performance Management console (APM UI)
APM UI Server Main /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/apmui server.xml, jvm.options, Cloud APM console (APM UI) server JVM and configuration information.
APM UI Server Logs /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/apmui/logs messages.log APM UI server standard error messages.
trace.log APM UI server trace log.
console.log APM UI server standard output containing startup, session, transaction, and shutdown information.
APM_UI.log APM UI process log.
derby.log APM UI Derby log.
itp.log IT Portal log containing client and server information.
APM UI FFDC /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/apmui/logs/ffdc ffdc_date_time.N.log First failure data capture logs.
exception_summary_date_time.N.log Exception summaries from FFDC processing.