Service analysis

The objective of the Service Analysis Roadmap step is to use the Business Object Model (BOM) to define an enterprise view of the business concepts and capabilities that relate to the documented requirements, independent of implementation considerations.

Inputs to Service Analysis come from a variety of sources, depending on the needs to the Financial Institution. Examples include:

  1. IBM Industry Model APM Service Candidate Tasks and Processes, identified during a Process analysis phase
  2. IBM CBM (Component Business Model)
  3. BIAN Service Landscape and the BIAN to BPS Service Model Mappings

Business processes are analyzed to identify the service candidates that are mapped to from the BOM and new activities that represent new service candidates. The outputs of this phase are a new and customized capability operation for each identified service candidate, and customized data concepts that enable their interaction with other services.

The following steps are detailed in the worked example (See: Worked example>Service analysis):

  • Performing capability analysis on a customized Process Model
  • Defining a capability in the BOM
  • Performing data analysis based on data requirements
  • Customizing the BOM class model