Gantt Chart Process Overview

Use Gantt Chart Process Overview to create a Gantt chart that displays aggregate process data.

The instance completion and termination statistics used to create the chart are generated by business process definitions (BPDs).

Table 1. Gantt Chart Process Overview business object binding
Binding Description
ProcessData (GanttChartProcessOverviewData) Contains the process name and ID, task data, and the average duration
Table 2. Gantt Chart Process Overview configuration properties
Instance configuration label Description Definition configuration option Default value
Localization Service The service that is used to retrieve the localized strings for use with this Coach View localizationService (dashboards Localized Messages) Dashboards Localized Messages Loader
Chart refresh Refreshes the chart

Typically, you would update the variable that this chart is bound to before refreshing the chart to display the updated data. After the refresh, this option resets to deselected.

triggerChartReset (Boolean) False (not selected)
Tip: The Gantt Chart Process Overview control is not accessible. In a dashboard, users can work around this by instead using Batch Modify to read and modify task information.
This coach view does not use the visibility property.