This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Business rules

A business rule is a condition that must be satisfied when a business activity is being performed. A rule can enforce a business policy, make a decision, or infer new data from existing data.

Using IBM® Integration Designer, you can compose integrative business solutions without programming skills, creating and developing business rules in a graphical programming environment.

An example of a business rule

A vendor establishes the preferred status of each customer and creates a business rule to determine how much each customer is charged for the same object. Here are some basic terms that define the building blocks of each and every business rule:
A condition describes a situation or state that must be in place in order for a specific action to occur. In this example, the condition is the customer's status.
An action is the event that results from the evaluation of the condition. Each action is uniquely bound to the condition that precedes it. In this example, the action is the quotation of the price; it is different for each of the conditions that is encountered.
Table 1. A business rule is used to quote specific prices to customers depending upon their customer status.
Customer status Quoted price
Bronze $5
Silver $4
Gold $3

The interaction between conditions and actions determines the form of your business rules. If the condition is met, the action is performed. There are two possible forms, rule sets and decision tables, which are described below.

Key concepts

Before you start to use this editor, you need to understand these key concepts about business rules:
Note: Business rules can only be deployed to the IBM Business Process Manager.

Rule groups

A rule group is the highest level implementation component of a business rule. The rule group acts as a gateway to the business rules since it is exposed as an SCA component in the runtime environment. The rule group defines the interface and operation that the business rules will implement. Rule sets and decision tables which share a common business focus can be gathered under the umbrella of a single rule group. Rule sets and decision tables cannot be invoked directly and may only be invoked through a rule group. One of the most important functions of the rule group is to define a date and time range during which a specific rule set or decision table will be used.

Rule sets

A rule set is a set of business rules that are evaluated sequentially. There are two kinds of rule that can be used in a rule set.

If-then rules
A rule in which if is the condition and then is the action. Only if the condition evaluates to true is the action performed.
Action rules
An action rule is a rule in which the action is always performed.

An if-then rule set is a set of textual statements or rules where if is the condition of the rule, and then is the action.

The first example we discussed used an if-then rule set:

Table 2. A business rule is used to quote specific prices to customers depending upon their customer status.
Customer status Quoted price If-then rule
Bronze $5 If customer has bronze status then price is 5.
Silver $4 If customer has silver status then price is 4.
Gold $3 If customer has gold status then price is 3.

In the runtime environment, each rule is evaluated sequentially, and each condition that evaluates to true is acted upon, which could result in more than one action. An example might be a customer loyalty scheme in which a customer that makes a purchase seven weeks out of ten receives a free gift, and a customer that makes a purchase in all ten weeks receives an additional 10% discount voucher for future use. Customers who made a purchase in all ten weeks evaluate to true for both conditions and receive both incentives.

Decision tables

Another form that a business rule can take is a decision table.

Like the if-then rule set, the decision table is driven by the interaction between conditions and actions. However, in a decision table, more than one condition decides the action. The conditional logic is represented in a table where the rows and columns intersect to determine the appropriate action. Each column represents a condition. In a decision table, several conditions may get evaluated, but only one action is acted on.

For example, in this example the customer status is represented by the rows in the table, and the potential amount of money that the customer spends is represented by the columns. During the transaction, the customer receives a bigger discount when he or she purchases more items. The discount depends on the customer's status. The decision table enforces this business rule behavior through the intersection of the status (rows) and items purchased (columns). The first column shows us that the results of each of intersection is the same as the if-then rule set: if the customer with bronze status buys less than 20 items, he pays $5 for each item; if the customer with silver status buys less than 20 items, she pays $4 for each item; while the customer with gold status pays $3 for each item.

Table 3. A business rule defined by a decision table.
Customer status Buys less than 20 items Buys more than 20 item Buys more than 30 items Buys more than 40 items
Bronze $5 per item $4.50 per item $4 per item $3.50 per item
Silver $4 per item $3.50 per item $3 per item $2.50 per item
Gold $3 per item $2.50 per item $2 per item $1.50 per item

Here are a few concepts that are unique to decision tables:

Otherwise condition
By using an otherwise condition, you can plan ahead when designing your decision table, and anticipate situations where the conditions will not result in an action. For example, if a customer does not have a status, at least according to the table, you can change the bronze row to use an otherwise condition so that the customer who does not have a silver or gold status automatically receives the prices that the bronze customer typically receives.
Initialization action rule
By using an initialization action rule, a specified operation is automatically performed while data is passed to a decision table. You can also make initialization action rules into templates so that you can modify the rule at run time.

Business roles in the development of business rules

Because business rules are developed and maintained by several users, you need to create roles that indicate the different ways that different users create, implement, and modify business rules, and how those users interact while working with a business rule.

There are two main roles for working with business rules:
Business analyst
The business analyst needs to have no knowledge about computer programming languages to create business rules. The analyst applies his or her understanding of how the business works to create business policies and business rules. When these rules have been deployed to a server, the analyst applies his or her knowledge of the business environment and uses Web-based management tools to keep the rules relevant.
Integration developer
The integration developer uses his or her knowledge of computer programming, to implement and deploy the rules that the business analyst created. While implementing the rules, the integration developer uses templates to determine what details can be modified later by another business analyst and writes messages that will help that user make those modifications.
Figure 1. How two different roles interact in working with a business rule
Diagram showing the two roles that interact to create and maintain business rules.


One of the responsibilities of the business analyst is to keep business rules relevant. This is especially necessary when a business environment must be dynamic to meet ever-changing business needs. For example, your company might have to periodically adjust sale prices to match the competition's prices. After deployment, you might still need to modify your prices or other properties. It is rarely feasible or cost effective to get an integration developer to make each adjustment.

In order to create business rules that are dynamically modifiable at run time the business rules must be based on templates. Decision tables can also be made dynamically modifiable at run time by basing the conditions or actions of the decision table on templates.

A template defines what parts of a deployed business rule can be modified by an authorized user. The template uses parameters and constraints to provide dynamicity. Parameters and constraints define which values can be modified and by how much.

Parameters are the elements of the business rule that can be modified dynamically. The "price" would be a parameter if you want to adjust your sale price to match a competitor.
A constraint is a restriction in a template that limits by how much a specified parameter can be modified. There are two main types of constraints:
  • Range constraints
  • Range constraints apply to numeric parameters that are used in rules. An authorized user may adjust a parameter but the parameter must be held within a certain numeric range. For example you know that your product costs 100 to manufacture so your range of prices might be between 105 and 500.
  • Enumeration constraints
  • Enumeration constraints are in a list that is either numeric or textual. The authorized user must choose from one of the options in the list. For example, the user could upgrade a customer's credit rating from "silver" to "gold".
Figure 2. An example of a template constraining a business rule
An example of how a template can be used to adjust a business rule.

In this example, Vendor A can use a business rule template to adjust the price of the item to beat Vendor B's pricing. However, when Vendor B tries to do something similar, the constraint on the business rule template will not allow it. The constraint does not permit a lower price than the one that is currently in place.


When changes to the business rules are mandated and expected, you can design rules and deploy them to the server so that they become active when they are needed. This functionality is important when, for example, business analysts have to be prepared for changes to governmental tax regulations that will not go into affect until the first of the year, or (as shown in the following example), when a special price is put into effect for one special day only.

Figure 3. An example of how a business rule can be created for later use
An example of a scheduled business rule.