Hints and tips for the interface map editor
This topic provides troubleshooting tips and other helpful information to consider when using the interface map editor.
Error markers
Error markers represent, in a graphical format, errors generated by the validator after validating artifacts. Error markers help localize and fix problems by positioning the errors within the artifacts. These markers illustrate the exact areas in the artifacts where the source of those errors exist. The following example shows an interface map with a validation problem. In this case, the map representation in the Business Integration view will be marked with the error marker:
As shown above, even the root container for all interface maps has an error marker indicating that one or more of the maps are problematic. The map in question must be edited to determine exactly where the error marker is positioned within the artifact. Upon editing the file, you may see that one of the operation mappings is also marked with an error marker:
To determine if this is the last problem, select the operation mapping to view its parameter mappings:
As this example shows, there is another error marker on the Move parameter mapping. To find out more information about an error, place the mouse cursor over the error marker. The hover help will contain the text of the validation error, which in this case notes that the Move parameter mapping cannot bind parameters of different types.Ghosting
You may encounter "ghosting" while working with the interface map editor. Elements such as parameters, operations, and interfaces may appear to be not available.
. For example, after dragging and dropping an interface from the Business Integration view to a newly created interface map, the interface the interface may not be available and the creation of the mapping cannot continue:
Ghosting may also occur when a required resource cannot be resolved. This is most likely a result of deleting, moving, renaming, or not importing a required resource, such as a source or target interface.
If you do encounter a ghosted element, you may need to rebuild the workspace to alleviate this problem.
Using the XPath Expression Builder
When creating a mapping, you can use the XPath Expression Builder. The XPath Expression Builder allows you to quickly and easily create or edit an XPath 1.0 expression. To set the XPath expression, click the Details tab in the mapping's Properties view.
- http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath - Information about XPath 1.0
- http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp - W3 Tutorial on XPath 1.0
- http://www.ibm.com/developerworks - IBM DeveloperWorks articles. Use the search box to find topics on XPath 1.0
Top-down development for interface maps
When using the top-down development approach, you would build an assembly diagram in IBM® Integration Designer's assembly editor and define the interface maps for your application within that diagram. Top-down development is used for creating new applications and for this type of development, you first model the application in the assembly diagram. See the related link below for more information on using the assembly editor.