IBM Endpoint Manager, Version 9.2

action uses wow64 redirection

This command allows the client to get outside of the 32-bit world created for it by the Windows On Windows64 (Wow64) facility built into the new 64-bit versions of the Windows operating system, including Windows 2003 x64 and Windows XP Pro x64.

When this command is executed in an action on a 64-bit OS with a value of true, the client enables Wow64 redirection in any subsequent commands that involve filenames. This state continues until the action completes or the client executes the action uses wow64 redirection false command.

You can use relevance substitution to supply the <true|false> value. The file system redirection provided by Wow64 is disabled using the Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection and re-enabled using the Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection Windows API.

The commands affected by this setting include:


action uses wow64 redirection <true|false>


action uses wow64 redirection true

This example turns on Wow64 redirection.

action uses wow64 redirection false

This example turns off Wow64 redirection.


This command is Windows-only. It will cause an action script to terminate on a Unix agent.

Version 6.0 and above -- Windows Only
