createObjectStoreForContent command

If you want to use case management, you must run the createObjectStoreForContent command to create the design object store, target object store, and other necessary items in the embedded Content Platform Engine. Run this command after you have created the deployment environment and started the server.

If you configured IBM® Business Automation Workflow to use an external Content Platform Engine, you do not need to run this command.

The createObjectStoreForContent command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the command on an application cluster member.
  • One or more application cluster members must be running.
  • Run the command in the connected mode; that is, do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.
  • You must connect to an application cluster member with a user ID that has the WebSphere® Application Server operator or deployer role. See Administrative roles for information about roles.
Attention: If you are using a SOAP connection, the command can take longer to complete than the specified SOAP timeout value. Although the command continues to run until it is finished, you might see the exception Read timed out. To prevent this exception, set a higher value for the property in the profile_root/properties/soap.client.props file.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the install_root/profiles/deployment_manager_profile/bin directory on either Workflow Server or Workflow Center.

The createObjectStoreForContent command does not write to a log file, but the wsadmin scripting client always writes a profile_root/logs/wsadmin.traceout log file where you will find exception stack traces and other information.


-clusterName cluster_name
-PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup group_name
-creationUser user_name
-password password

Required Parameters

-clusterName cluster_name
A required parameter that specifies the cluster name of the BPM document store.
-PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup group_name
A required parameter that specifies the Design Object Store (DOS), Target Object Store (TOS), and Workflow system administration group. Users in this group have full rights to all DOS, TOS, workflow rosters and queues and can unlock work items that are locked by other users. The group must be part of the file registry or it must specify an existing LDAP group if LDAP is configured.
-creationUser user_name
A required parameter that specifies the user to create the workflow system. Specify the deployment environment administrator if you are running VMM with the file registry, or a member of the LDAP group that you specified for -PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup if you are running VMM with LDAP.
-password password
A required parameter that specifies the password of the -creationUser.


The examples are for illustrative purposes only. They include variable values and are not meant to be reused as snippets of code.

The createObjectStoreForContent can be run only in connected mode. You must specify the user and password parameters when you run the wsadmin command to invoke the wsadmin scripting client. However, do not specify the conntype parameter, for example
wsadmin -user admin -password admin -host localhost -port 8881 -lang jython
For the port number, specify the SOAP port of a running application cluster member. The examples that follow are based on the assumption that you are running in connected mode.
The createObjectStoreForContent command does not create a new user or group. The adminGroup group and the deadmin user must exist when you run this command. If you use VMM with the WebSphere Application Server file registry, you must first create a group using the administrative console, for example adminGroup2. Add the deployment environment administrator into this group. The -creationUser must be the deployment environment administrator. The deployment environment administrator in the following example is deadmin. This user is specified with the parameter in the properties file used with the BPMConfig command. To create the embedded Content Platform Engine, run a command as shown in the following example. The -creationUser must be the deployment environment administrator and the port must be the application server SOAP port.
wsadmin -lang jython -user deadmin -password deadmin -host localhost -port 8880
print AdminTask.createObjectStoreForContent(['-clusterName', 'AppCluster', '-PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup', 'adminGroup2','-creationUser','deadmin','-password','deadmin_pw'])
If you use VMM with LDAP, run a command like the following example. The -PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup must be an LDAP group and the -creationUser must be a member of that group.
wsadmin -lang jython -user deadmin -password deadmin -host localhost -port 8880
print AdminTask.createObjectStoreForContent(['-clusterName', 'app', '-PEWorkflowSystemAdminGroup', 'managergroup1','-creationUser','managergroup1user1','-password','managergroup1user1_pwd'])

After you run the command for VMM with LDAP, go to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console and click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > IBM_BPM_DocStoreAdmin_cluster name. Click Security role to user/group mapping, select DOC_STORE_ADMIN_USERS and click Map Groups. Search for the LDAP group you used above (managergroup1 in the example), click the arrow to put the group into the selected column, click OK, and save the changes.

Rerunning the createObjectStoreForContent command

Important: When you run the createObjectStoreForContent command a second time, you must first delete the custom objects from the two Case Management object stores (design object store (DOS) and target object store(TOS)) by re-creating the object store databases. Deleting the custom tables only is not sufficient.