Running the Case configuration tool tasks for the development environment

After you saved the edited profile, run the Case configuration tool tasks for the development environment.

About this task

Run the tasks in the specified order. However, most of the configuration values are set based on your environment, review the values to ensure they are set correctly.
Tip: Hover over the task name for more details.
Remember: After you run the tasks, restart your entire environment, including Business Automation Workflow, Content Platform Engine, and IBM Content Navigator. For more information, see Preparing to run the case configuration tasks.

Register the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE) Plug-in (deprecated)

Always required if you use the embedded Content Platform Engine. This task registers the plug-in for the Administrative Console for Content Engine (ACCE) so that you can run the ACCE from IBM Content Navigator.

About this task

Always required
Always required with the embedded Content Platform Engine. The ACCE plug-in (deprecated) is not available if you use an external Content Platform Engine because it might not be compatible with the external Content Platform Engine server. Instead, use the ACCE console that is provided with your external Content Platform Engine server.
Restriction icon Restriction
When you run the administration console for the Content Platform Engine from IBM Content Navigator, you cannot run Process Administrator or Process Configuration Console from the administration console. To use the Process Administrator or Process Configuration Console applets, follow the instructions in Configuring Process Designer to run from IBM Content Navigator.
Important icon Important

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Configure the case management object stores

Required for each target object store in your environment. This task installs the case management add-ons for the case management design and target object stores, and creates the required events and subscriptions in the Content Platform Engine. The case management add-ons are custom implementations of classes, objects, and properties that extend the core Content Platform Engine features.

About this task

Always required
Required for each target object store in your environment. For considerations on object store configuration, see Planning for an external Content Platform Engine.
Note icon Note
If you have multiple target environments in the profile, you need to run this task multiple times, once against each environment.

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Define the default project area

This task defines the default project area for the development environment. A project area groups solutions in the design object store so that the entire object store is not affected when you reset the test environment. Only users who are assigned to a project area can log on to Case Builder.

About this task

Always required
The default project area is required for each development environment. To create more project areas and assign users and solutions to a project area, click Tools > Manage Project Areas in Case configuration tool or use the Business Automation Workflow Case administration client.
Important icon Important
If you use an external Content Platform Engine, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Configure the case integration with Business Automation Workflow

This task configures the connection between the case components and the Business Automation Workflow host server.

About this task

Always required
Note icon Note
  • If you have multiple project areas in the profile, you need to run this task multiple times against each one.
  • Business Automation Workflow user name - The user specified for this field is the Business Automation Workflow integration user. The integration user is used by Case components to interact with Workflow components and requires administrative permissions on Workflow assets. Thus ensure that the user specified for this task is a member of tw_admins security group in Business Automation Workflow.

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Deploy the Content Platform Engine Workflow Service

This task configures the Content Platform Engine Workflow Service, which uses a Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol to ensure that requests are sent to Business Automation Workflow. The integration service is required by the case components to provide communication between the Content Platform Engine server and the Business Automation Workflow server.

About this task

Always required
Important icon Important
If you are using an external Content Platform Engine, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Deploy the Content Platform Engine Gateway Service

(Not available for Content Platform Engine in a container) This task configures the Content Platform Engine Gateway Service (baw-interface), which implements installation of the CPE-BAW integration on CE application server. This integration service is required by the case components to provide communication between the Content Platform Engine server and the Business Automation Workflow server. This integration service facilitates Business Automation Workflow activity process creation, update, and completion. FileNet activities are not dependent on this integration service. Case functions are impacted if this integration service is not running.

About this task

Always required
Unless you're using Content Platform Engine running in a container, in which case it is disabled.
Note icon Note
The parameter value for the IBM Business Automation Workflow server cluster name is not dependent on the cell environment of the Content Platform Engine application server, which is specified by several other parameter values in the configuration of this task. The Business Automation Workflow server cluster name must be looked up separately in the server cell of the Business Automation Workflow server application and its value must be entered manually.

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Register the Business Automation Workflow plug-in

This task registers the plug-in for Business Automation Workflow that provides a unified content workflow by bringing Workplace into an IBM Content Navigator desktop. You can then view your Workplace tasks in a desktop, claim them, and work on them just as you do in Workplace.

About this task

Always required
Important icon Important
If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Register the Case Management Services plug-in

This task registers the plug-in for IBM Content Navigator that contains the case management services that are used by other components.

About this task

Always required
Important icon Important
If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Register the case widgets package

Required to enable Case Client and the default widgets package. This task imports and registers the Case Client widgets package with the case components, and registers the plug-in for the widgets package with the IBM Content Navigator server.

About this task

Always required
Required to enable Case Client and the default widgets package. Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings. In a cluster environment, you must either use the IBM Content Navigator administration client to manually load the plug-in inside of the extensions package on each node or restart the application server cluster to force all nodes to load the plug-in.
Important icon Important
  • Do not modify the file path that is predefined for the case widgets package.
  • If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Register the Case Administration Client plug-in

This task registers the plug-in for IBM Content Navigator that contains the administration client for the case components.

About this task

Always required
Important icon Important
If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Configure the Box collaboration

Required if you want to enable case workers to use Box. This task configures the connection to the Box server.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required if you want to enable caseworkers to use Box to collaborate with external users. This task configures the connection to the Box server.
Before you run this task, you must create two Box applications: one with standard authentication and one with server authentication. Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings.
After you run this task, you must run the Register the project area task.

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Register the Case Box Event Listener plug-in

Required if you want Box events to trigger the creation of cases or work items. This task registers the plug-in for IBM Content Navigator that listens for case-related Box events when Box collaboration is enabled.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required if you want Box events to trigger the creation of cases or work items.
Important icon Important
If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Register the project area

This task registers a project area with an IBM Content Navigator desktop, creates default Case Client and Case administration client desktops, configures repositories for the case management design and target object stores, and adds the Case Client feature to the desktop. Also, this task configures the Case Operations component queue and configures the project area's isolated region to work with solution workflows.

About this task

Before you run this task, you must run the Register the case widgets package and Register the Case Administration Client plug-in tasks. This task is required and must be run for every project area.
When the Case Operations component queue is created in FileNet Content Platform Engine, it is named ICM_Operations.
Note icon
If you have multiple project areas in the profile, you must run this task multiple times against each project area.

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Configure the business rules

Required only for target environments that are configured for business rules. This task configures business rules for your environment and configures the Rules Operations component queue.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required only for target environments that are configured for business rules.
 Containers: If you use Content Platform Engine running in a container, change the default path to the Content Platform Engine container path, which is mounted as the icmrules persistent volume (PV). You can find the original icmrules path in the PV mapping. See Creating volumes and folders for deployment on Kubernetes. If you need to update the default NFS share directory, see Changing the network shared directory.
Important icon Important
  • Before you run this task, you must run the Register the project area task.
  • If you have multiple target environments in the profile, you need to run this task multiple times, once against each target environment.
Note icon Tips
  • During run time, rules are stored in the rules repository that you specify, which is located on the Content Platform Engine server. If you run this task again to change the location of the rules repository directory after you deploy any solution, complete the following steps after you run the task:
    1. Stop the Content Platform Engine server.
    2. From the previous rules repository directory, move the res_data directory to the new location of the rules repository directory. In a cluster environment, the rules directory must be a shared directory that can be accessed by all Content Platform Engine cluster servers.
    3. Restart the Content Platform Engine server.
  • You can select only one locale in which to write the business rules for your solutions. If you must create solutions with business rules in other locales, rerun this task to change the rule persistence locale before you create the solution. After the first rule for a solution is saved, the rule persistence locale cannot be changed.

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Register the Case Monitor widgets package

Required to enable Case Monitor. This task imports and registers the Case Monitor widgets package with the case components, registers the plug-in for the widgets package with the IBM Content Navigator server, and creates the Case Monitor desktop.

About this task

Always required
Required to enable Case Monitor. Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings. In a cluster environment, you must either use the IBM Content Navigator administration client to manually load the plug-in inside of the extensions package on each node or restart the application server cluster to force all nodes to load the plug-in. Before using Case Monitor, you must create a Case Analyzer store for each case management target object store.
Important icon Important
  • Do not modify the file path that is predefined for the Case Monitor widgets package.
  • If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Register the external data service

Required only for access to data from a source other than Content Platform Engine. This task registers an external data service for use with a solution.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required only if the solution needs to access data from a source other than Content Platform Engine.
Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings. To unregister the URL, clear the External Data service URL field, and then run the task. After you run the task, deploy or redeploy the solution.

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Deploy and register the custom widgets package

Required if you want to use a custom widgets package. This task imports and registers the custom widgets package with the case components, registers the plug-in for the widgets package with the IBM Content Navigator, and deploys the EAR file in the widgets package to the web application server, if present.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required if you have a custom widgets package that you want to use with your case solution.
Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings. In a cluster environment, you must either use the IBM Content Navigator administration client to manually load the plug-in inside of the extensions package on each node or restart the application server cluster to force all nodes to load the plug-in.
Important icon Important
  • If you run this task in a cluster environment, you must ensure that the plug-in is loaded on each node of the cluster. Either restart the cluster to force the plug-in to be loaded on all nodes or manually load the plug-in on each node by using the IBM Content Navigator administration client.
  • If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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Deploy and register the extensions package

Required only when you add an extensions package for a custom property editor or controller. This task imports and registers the extensions package with the case components, registers the plug-in for the extensions package with the IBM Content Navigator server, and deploys the EAR file in the extensions package to the web application server, if present.

About this task

Conditionally required
Required only when you add an extensions package for a custom property editor or controller.
Save your changes and run the task to apply your settings. In a cluster environment, you must either use the IBM Content Navigator administration client to manually load the plug-in inside of the extensions package on each node or restart the application server cluster to force all nodes to load the plug-in.
Important icon Important
  • If you run this task in a cluster environment, you must ensure that the plug-in is loaded on each node of the cluster. Either restart the cluster to force the plug-in to be loaded on all nodes or manually load the plug-in on each node by using the IBM Content Navigator administration client.
  • If you are using an external IBM Content Navigator, enter the correct configuration values for your environment.

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