Enabling the case management features

If you intend to use the case management features after you upgrade to IBM® Business Automation Workflow, you must enable certain features before you configure your case management system.

About this task

For details about each option in the BPMConfig command, run BPMConfig -help update.


To enable the features required for case management:

  1. Run the following command to point the network shared directory to a folder:
    BPMConfig.bat|sh -update -profile DmgrProfileName -de DE_NAME -networkDirectory NETWORK_DIRECTORY -component CaseManager
    The network shared directory contains the case management properties files and must be accessible to all the application cluster members in the deployment environment. Specify the full path to the network shared directory.
    Important: The network shared directory must be accessible to each server in the deployment environment for the case management features to work properly.

    During configuration of the deployment environment, the rulesRepo folder is created under the BAW_install_root/CaseManagement/properties default network shared directory. If you use a different directory as the network shared directory, make sure the rulesRepo folder exists under the directory you use.

  2. To enable IBM FileNet® Process Designer, see Configuring IBM Business Automation Workflow to use the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer.
  3. To use a version control system (VCS) for your case solutions, run the following command to enable this feature:
    BPMConfig.bat|sh -update -profile DmgrProfileName -de DE_NAME -enableVCS true -component CaseManager [-vcsSandboxPath vcsSandboxPath -vcsHeartbeatInterval vcsHeartbeatInterval -vcsCommitTimeout vcsCommitTimeout -vcsDeliverTimeout vcsDeliverTimeout [-vcsAdditionalParameters vcsAdditionalParameters] 
    This command takes the following values:
    enableVCS true | false
    The enabled or disabled state of version control system (VCS) integration. The default value is false, which means that VCS integration is not enabled and none of the other parameters apply.
    Enter the fully qualified path to the sandbox to be used for version control system integration. If IBM Case Manager is in a cluster environment, the sandbox must be on a shared file system that is available to all nodes in the cluster.
    Enter the time in seconds that must elapse between periodic updates from a version control system integration commit or deliver script before the commit or deliver operation is marked as a failure. The default value is 60. If you do not specify a value, the heartbeat is disabled.
    Enter the time in seconds for a version control system integration commit script to run before the commit operation is marked as a failure. The default value is 120.
    Enter the time in seconds for a version control system integration deliver script to run before the deliver operation is marked as a failure. The default value is 600.
    Enter any additional parameters for version control system integration that users are to be prompted for during a commit or deliver. Separate the parameters with commas as follows: VCS ID,Project Name,Approving Manager
    For more information, see Integrating with a version control system (VCS).
  4. To use IBM Forms in your case solutions, run the following command to enable this feature:
    BPMConfig.bat|sh -update -profile DmgrProfileName -de DE_NAME -caseForms -type ibmForms [-ibmFormsRenderApp ibmFormsRenderApp -translatorURL translatorURL -ibmFormsDirectory ibmFormsDirectory]
    This command takes the following values:
    type eForms | ibmForms
    To integrate IBM Forms into your case solutions, specify ibmForms, which means that both IBM Forms and IBM FileNet eForms for P8 are enabled. The default value is eForms, which means that only IBM FileNet eForms for P8 is enabled and none of the other parameters apply.
    The IBM Forms rendering application that displays forms to the user. The valid values are:
    • html - Use the Webform Server Translator for rendering. You must specify the Webform Server Translator URL.
    • xfdl - Use the viewer for rendering. The viewer renders a form in raw format without converting it to HTML.
    • autoDetect - Automatically detect the rendering application. Specify this value if you do not know which component is installed.
    The IBM Forms translator URL.
    The IBM Forms directory where IBM Forms is installed. Specify the full path to the directory. The default directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Forms Server\8.0.
    Note: You can ignore this step if you do not intend to use IBM Forms. If you do not run this step, the Component Health Center shows a red X for Case.

    IBM Forms can be enabled when you are using the embedded IBM Content Navigator. Once setExternalNavigator command is used, IBM Forms is disabled and cannot be enabled for an external IBM Content Navigator configuration.