Configuring IBM Business Automation Workflow to use the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer

To configure the IBM FileNet Process Designer, use the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer. This version of IBM FileNet Process Designer runs as a stand-alone Java application without requiring a web browser.


To configure IBM FileNet Process Designer as a stand-alone component:

  1. Install the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer on your local system. For more information about installing and running IBM FileNet Process Designer, see IBM FileNet P8 Case Foundation stand-alone Process Designer application, Installing FileNet Process Designer, and Running FileNet Process Designer.
  2. When you use the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer, copy the install_root/CaseManagement/CaseAPI/lib/ICMSolutionEdit.jar file to the lib folder in your Content Platform Engine installation directory in which you installed the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer.
    This file enables stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer to support editing by multiple users.
    Note: If the ICMSolutionEdit.jar is not installed correctly in the classpath for the stand-alone FileNet Process Designer client, you might see the following behaviors:
    • UTF-8 multibyte names or labels do not display correctly in languages other than English.
    • The message "FNRPA0663E The component queue definition should not be present in the solution's PE configuration" is displayed during solution deployment.

What to do next

To use stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer to edit workflow for your Business Automation Workflow solution, start the stand-alone IBM FileNet Process Designer, and click File > Solution > Edit to navigate to the workflow definition file in your design object store. The workflow definition file is located in /IBM Case Manager/Solutions/Solution Name.