Re-enabling HTTP access in Business Automation Workflow temporarily

IBM® Business Automation Workflow doesn't support HTTP by default. It is not recommended that you switch to HTTP because it makes Business Automation Workflow less secure. However, if you are upgrading from IBM BPM V8.5 and can't immediately modify your connections to use secure HTTPS, you can temporarily re-enable HTTP access to web user interfaces that were available over unencrypted HTTP in Business Automation Workflow

About this task

Your environment reverts to the state of IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.7 CF2016.12 after you complete these steps.

Note that many web applications already enforced HTTPS and some web applications were introduced later. These web applications are not affected by this configuration and will continue to enforce HTTPS, as these steps provide backwards compatibility only and are not general purpose security-removal tools. There is no supported way to enable unencrypted HTTP traffic for the Process Admin Console, Workflow Center (formerly the Process Center Console) or current implementations of IBM Process Portal. However, SSL offloading that uses httpsIndicatorHeader can allow unencrypted traffic from an intermediary web server to Business Automation Workflow.


Follow these steps assuming the name of your deployment environment is De1:

  1. Shut down all the servers.
  2. Go to the <install_root>/bin directory, and run wsadmin -conntype none -lang jython -profileName dmgrProfile. For Business Automation Workflow Express, use the stand-alone server's profile.
  3. If secure connections are used, Business Automation Workflow marks the cookies as secure by default. However, if you re-enabled non-secure http:// access to Business Automation Workflow, you must disable the Secure flag for Business Automation Workflow cookies by setting the deployment-level custom property ProcessServer.MarkCookiesSecureOnSecureConnections to false. When reverting to secure HTTPS, you should re-enable the Secure flag and set the property back to true.
    To set the property to false, you can use the following command (which assumes that your deployment environment is named De1):
    AdminTask.setBPMProperty(['-de', 'De1', '-name', 'ProcessServer.MarkCookiesSecureOnSecureConnections', '-value', 'false'])
  4. Enter the following commands on the wsadmin prompt (where De1 is the name of your Business Automation Workflow deployment environment):
    wsadmin> print AdminTask.configureBPMTransportSecurity( [ '-de', 'De1', '-apps', '201612', '-transportSecurity', 'allowhttp'] )
    wsadmin> print AdminTask.configureBPMTransportSecurity( [ '-de', 'De1', '-apps', 'productREST', '-transportSecurity', 'allowhttp'] )
    wsadmin> AdminTask.configureSingleSignon('-requiresSSL false')
    wsadmin> for server in AdminUtilities.convertToList(AdminTask.listServers('-serverType APPLICATION_SERVER')):
    wsadmin> for cookie in AdminUtilities.convertToList(AdminConfig.list('Cookie', server)):
    Note: This line must be indented one space.
    wsadmin> AdminConfig.modify(cookie, [['secure','false']])
    Note: This line must be indented two spaces.
    Note: This line is a required empty line to end the loop. Just press Enter.
    wsadmin> exit
  5. Restart all the servers.

What to do next

Don't leave HTTP enabled permanently. After you change all your server communications to use HTTPS, follow the instructions in Reverting to secure HTTPS .