Testing REST APIs

A test tool is provided for the Business Automation Workflow BPD, BPEL, and federated REST APIs. You can use this tool to help you learn about the REST APIs, and to test those APIs that you are planning to use in your application.

About this task

The REST API test tool is a web application that you can use to prototype the following Business Automation Workflow REST resources and their associated parameters:
  • BPD-related resources
  • Federated BPM resources
  • BPEL-related process resources
  • BPEL-related task resources
The tool is installed on each Workflow Center and Workflow Server node as part of the Business Automation Workflow installation.
Note: The REST API test tool is not available for the AdvancedOnly deployment environment.


  1. Start the REST API test tool.
    Direct your web browser to the URL for the REST API test tool. The value of the URL depends on how the virtual host and context root were configured for your installation. The URL takes the following form:
    The network name for the host of the process server.
    The port number used by the REST API test tool. The port number depends on your system configuration. The default port number is 9080.
    For example, if you wanted to test the REST APIs available on port 9080 on myserver1, you would open the http://myserver1:9080/bpmrest-ui URL in your browser.
  2. In the REST API test tool, select an API.
  3. Optional: Enter any associated parameters that you want to include in your test.
  4. Click Execute Call to start the test.


The response data is shown in the results pane.