850 - Purchase order

This topic describes the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards that Business Transaction Intelligence implements for document type 850, or purchase order, which buyers use to place orders for items and services.

Segment: BEG - Beginning segment for purchase order


Level: Heading

Usage: Must use

Semantic notes:
  • BEG03 is the primary location for the purchase order number. If the purchase number length exceeds 22 characters, truncate the number for the field and add it to the REF segment.
  • BEG05 is the purchase order date.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
BEG01 Transaction Set Purpose Code Mandatory Must use
BEG02 Purchase Order Type Code Mandatory Must use
BEG03 Purchase Order Number Mandatory Must use
BEG05 Date Optional Used

Segment: CUR - Currency


Level: Heading

Usage: Optional - Used

Comment: This segment specifies the currency that is used in a transaction.

Reference Element name Requirement Usage
CUR01 Entity Identifier Code Mandatory Must use
CUR02 Currency Code Mandatory Must use

Segment: REF - Reference identification


Level: Heading

Usage: Optional - Used

Syntax note:
  • If REF01 is set, REF02 is required.
Semantic note:
  • REF01 can be set to PO to specify the purchase order number if the number exceeds 22 characters.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
REF01 Reference Identification Qualifier Optional Used
REF02 Reference Identification Optional Used

Segment: DTM - Date/time reference


Level: Heading

Usage: Optional - Used

Syntax note:

  • DTM02 is required if DTM01 is specified.

Semantic notes:

  • The first date that has one of the listed qualifiers in the DTM01 field is captured as the estimated ship date. The estimated ship date is used to determine if a shipment is going to be late. These are the codes that are used to qualify estimated ship dates:
    • 038 - Ship no later than
    • 039 - Ship week of
    • 066 - First scheduled ship
    • 068 - Current scheduled ship
    • 079 - Promised for shipment
    • 083 - Scheduled for shipment (prior to and including)
    • 085 - Promised for shipment (prior to and including)
    • 086 - Scheduled for shipment (week of)
    • 088 - Promised for shipment (week of)
    • 110 - Originally scheduled ship
    • 175 - Cancel if not shipped by
  • The first date that has one of the listed qualifiers in the DTM01 field is captured as the delivery date. The delivery date is used to determine when a shipment missed its delivery window. These are the codes that are used to qualify delivery dates:
    • 001 - Cancel after
    • 002 - Delivery requested
    • 061 - Cancel if not delivered by
    • 063 - Do not deliver after
    • 071 - Requested for delivery (after and including)
    • 074 - Requested for delivery (prior to and including)
    • 106 - Required by
    • 996 - Required delivery
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
DTM01 Date / Time Qualifier Mandatory Must use
DTM02 Date Optional Used

Segment: N1 - Name

Loop: N1

Level: Header

Usage: Optional

Syntax note:

  • This segment is only used if the N101 qualifier field is equal to Ship to (ST) or Bill to Party (BT).

Semantic notes:

  • If N101 is equal to ST, N102 is the name of the recipient.
  • If N101 is equal to BT, N102 is the name of the billing party.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
N101 Entity Identifier Code Mandatory Must use
N102 Name Optional Used

Segment: N3 - Address information

Loop: N1

Level: Header

Usage: Optional

Syntax note:

  • This segment is only used if the N101 qualifier field is equal to ST or BT.

Semantic notes:

  • If N101 is equal to ST, N301 is the street address of the recipient.
  • If N101 is equal to BT, N301 is the street address of the billing party.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
N301 Name Mandatory Must use

Segment: N4 - Geographic location

Loop: N1

Level: Header

Usage: Optional

Syntax note:

  • This segment is only used if the N101 qualifier field is equal to ST or BT.

Semantic notes:

  • If N101 is equal to ST, N401 is the geographic location of the recipient.
  • If N101 is equal to BT, N401 is the geographic location of the billing party.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
N401 City Name Optional Used
N402 State or Providence Code Optional Used
N403 Postal Code Optional Used
N404 Country Code Optional Used
N405 Location Qualifier Optional Used
N406 Location Identifier Optional Used

Segment: PO1 - Baseline item data

Loop: PO1

Level: Detail

Usage: Mandatory

Syntax notes:

  • If PO106 is specified, PO107 is required.
  • If PO108 is specified, PO109 is required.
  • If PO110 is specified, PO111 is required.
  • If PO112 is specified, PO113 is required.
  • If PO114 is specified, PO115 is required.
  • If PO116 is specified, PO117 is required.
  • If PO118 is specified, PO119 is required.
  • If PO120 is specified, PO121 is required.
  • If PO122 is specified, PO123 is required.
  • If PO124 is specified, PO125 is required.

Semantic notes:

  • PO101 is the line number of the purchase order item.
  • PO102 is the location for the line item quantity.
  • If PO103 is missing, Each (EA) is assumed.
  • PO104 must be used for calculating the line item amount.
  • If PO105 is missing, Price for each (PE) is assumed.
  • The first UPC qualifier that is found in this list is used. The following product/service ID qualifiers are UPC-related :
    • U2 - UPC/EAN shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1)
    • UA - UPC/EAN case code (2-5-5)
    • UD - UPC/EAN consumer package code (2-5-5)
    • UI - UPC consumer package code (1-5-5)
    • UK - GTIN (14 digits) - UPC/EAN shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1)
    • UP - UPC consumer package code (1-5-5-1)
    • UN - UPC/EAN Case Code Number (1-1-5-5)
  • Seller/supplier qualifiers are preferred over buyer qualifiers. The first seller/supplier qualifier that is found (MG-VP) in the list is used. If a seller/supplier qualifier is not found, the first found buyer qualifier is used. The following product number or ID-related product/service ID qualifiers are seller or buyer-related:
    • MG - the part number of the manufacturer
    • PI - the item code of the purchaser
    • SK - stock keeping unit
    • VC - the catalog number of the vendor (seller)
    • VN - the item number of the vendor (seller)
    • VP - the part number of the vendor (seller)
    • BP - the part number of the buyer
    • CB - the catalog number of the buyer
    • IN - the item number of the buyer
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
PO101 Assigned Identification Optional Used
PO102 Quantity Ordered Optional Must use
PO103 Unit of Measure Optional Used
PO104 Unit Price Optional Must use
PO105 Basis of Unit Price Code Optional Used
PO106 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO107 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO108 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO109 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO110 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO111 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO112 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO113 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO114 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO115 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO116 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO117 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO118 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO119 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO120 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO121 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO122 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO123 Product/Service ID Optional Used
PO124 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
PO125 Product/Service ID Optional Used

Segment: PID - Product / item description

Loop: PID

Level: Detail

Usage: Optional - Used

Semantic note:

  • PID01 is set to Free Form (F).
  • PID05 is the description that is associated with the PO1 line item.
  • The first PID instance is used.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
PID01 Item Description Type Mandatory Must use
PID02 Product/Process Characteristic Code Optional Not used
PID03 Agency Qualifier Code Optional Not used
PID04 Product Description Code Optional Not used
PID05 Description Optional Used

Segment: SLN - Subline item detail

Loop: PO1/SLN

Level: Detail

Usage: Optional - Used

Syntax notes:

  • If SLN09 is specified, SLN10 is required.
  • If SLN11 is specified, SLN12 is required.
  • If SLN13 is specified, SLN14 is required.
  • If SLN15 is specified, SLN16 is required.
  • If SLN17 is specified, SLN18 is required.
  • If SLN19 is specified, SLN20 is required.
  • If SLN21 is specified, SLN22 is required.
  • If SLN23 is specified, SLN24 is required.
  • If SLN25 is specified, SLN26 is required.
  • If SLN27 is specified, SLN28 is required.

Semantic notes:

  • The first UPC qualifier that is found in this list is used. The following product/service ID qualifiers are UPC-related :
    • U2 - UPC/EAN shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1)
    • UA - UPC/EAN case code (2-5-5)
    • UD - UPC/EAN consumer package code (2-5-5)
    • UI - UPC consumer package code (1-5-5)
    • UK - GTIN (14 digits) - UPC/EAN shipping container code (1-2-5-5-1)
    • UP - UPC consumer package code (1-5-5-1)
    • UN - UPC/EAN Case Code Number (1-1-5-5)
  • Seller/supplier qualifiers are preferred over buyer qualifiers. The first seller/supplier qualifier that is found (MG-VP) in the list is used. If a seller/supplier qualifier is not found, the first found buyer qualifier is used. The following product number or ID-related product/service ID qualifiers are seller or buyer-related:
    • MG - the part number of the manufacturer
    • PI - the item code of the purchaser
    • SK - stock keeping unit
    • VC - the catalog number of the vendor (seller)
    • VN - the item number of the vendor (seller)
    • VP - the part number of the vendor (seller)
    • BP - the part number of the buyer
    • CB - the catalog number of the buyer
    • IN - the item number of the buyer
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
SLN01 Assigned Identification Mandatory Must use
SLN02 Assigned Identification Optional Used
SLN03 Relationship Code Mandatory Must use
SLN04 Quantity Optional Used
SLN05 Unit of Measure Optional Used
SLN06 Unit Price Optional Used
SLN07 Basis Of Unit Price Optional Not used
SLN08 Relationship Code Optional Not used
SLN09 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN10 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN11 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN12 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN13 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN14 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN15 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN16 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN17 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN18 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN19 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN20 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN21 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN22 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN23 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN24 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN25 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN26 Product/Service ID Optional Used
SLN27 Product/Service ID Qualifier Optional Used
SLN28 Product/Service ID Optional Used

Segment: CTT - Transaction totals


Level: Summary

Usage: Optional - Used

Semantic notes:

  • CTT01 is equal to the number of PO1 segments in the transaction.
  • CTT02 is equal to the total quantity of PO102 fields. If CTT02 is missing, the quantity is calculated from the line items.
Reference Element name Requirement Usage
CTT01 Number of Line Items Mandatory Must use
CTT02 Hash total Optional Used

Segment: AMT - Monetary amount


Level: Summary

Usage: Optional - Used

Semantic notes:

  • AMT01 is equal the total transaction amount (TT).
  • AMT02 is equal to the total amount of the purchase order.

Comment: If the AMT is missing or the AMT01 field is not set to TT, the total monetary amount is calculated from the line items.

Reference Element name Requirement Usage
AMT01 Amount Qualifier Code Mandatory Must use
AMT02 Monetary Amount Mandatory Must use