B2B Advanced Communications overview

B2B Advanced Communications provides optimized and dynamic end-to-end information flows.

Product overview

You can use the optimized and dynamic end-to-end information flows for the following items:


Use B2B Advanced Communications to easily onboard users and grant appropriate permissions that are based on their role. When you access the user interface, you can use the following options:

  • An advanced search feature that allows the tracking an exchange through the system, and search by document details (including metadata).
  • An easy-to-use organization management system
  • A comprehensive endpoints system of destinations and receivers, with the industry standard transport protocols
  • A system management feature that easily allows the configuring of accounts, retry policies, and transports, among other common system settings.
  • A comprehensive security system with access credentials, user profiles and groups, security policies, certificate and certificate revocation list management.
  • A comprehensive exchange system that allows the defining of exchange patterns and profiles for AS2 and AS4 messages, internal message queue definitions, and configure exchange-specific connection, security, and response settings.