Configuring external access for application backend (non-HTTP) endpoints

You can access the application backend or non-HTTP endpoints, configured primarily for services and adapters, through the backend service.

You need to configure one of the below options:
  • Enable and configure LoadBalancer of the cloud provider by setting the service type to LoadBalancer.
    Note: You need to use cloud provider specific annotations for the service definition to use LoadBalancer. For example, if you use Azure OCP, refer to Azure documentation and get the list of annotations required for service to use LoadBalancer and add all the annotations in values.yaml in the following format:
    annotations: { "true", "true" }
  • Using node IP and node port by setting the service type to NodePort.
    Note: Using the NodePort service is not recommended, particularly for production environments.
The backend service configurations are available for the following deployment services:
  • asi backend service – Maps to the asi deployment pods.
  • ac backend service – Maps to the ac deployment pods.
  1. asi.backendService.type/ac.backendService.type - Set to a valid external service type Load Balancer or Node Port.
    Note: Using the NodePort service is not recommended, particularly for production environments.
  2. asi.backendService.ports/ac.backendService.ports - configure external ports as individual port mappings with the following port configuration options in values.yaml:
    • name: name for the port mapping.
    • port: service port number.
    • targetPort: target pod port name or number.
    • nodePort: service node port number. Applicable only for service type node port.
    • protocol: valid protocol for the container environment. Defaults to TCP.
  3. asi.backendService.portRanges/ac.backendService.portRanges - configure external ports as port range mappings with the following port range configuration options in values.yaml:
    • name: name for the port range mapping.
    • portRange: service port number range.
    • targetPortRange: target pod port number range.
    • nodePortRange: service node port number range. Applicable only for service type node port.
    • protocol: valid protocol for the container environment. Defaults to TCP.