ITXA Container Integration with Sterling B2B Integrator


  • Sterling B2B Integrator and ITXA should be deployed in the same namespace or project.
  • For IXTA integration, you need to download images from the entitlement registry.
  • For SSO for ITXA from Sterling B2B Integrator, the host name for ASI and the ITXA UI server should be the same. Finalize the host name that can be used by both. Also, you need to set a few additional properties in config/ file inside the ITXA Helm chart, and one such property is HostApplication.restURL.
    The HostApplication.restURL property must be as follows:
    server = '<B2BI ReleaseName>-b2bi-asi-frontend-svc'
    port = '.Values.asi.frontendService.ports.restHttpAdapter.port' from Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml file.


Once ITXA integration is disabled, the Sterling B2B Integration services for ITXA will not be removed, and they will keep appearing in the service configuration on the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard. This will not have any impact on the functioning of Sterling B2B Integrator.

Integration Process Overview

The following is an overview of the ITXA integration with Sterling B2B Integrator.
  • Create required PVs, secrets for ITXA installation and other artifacts (only if ITXA integration is required).
  • Modify in the ITXA Helm chart for ITXA-SI integration. For more information, see Integrating ITXA with Sterling B2B Integrator.
  • Install the ITXA Helm charts to create ITXA UI and DB pods.
  • Configure Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml to enable ITXA integration flag.
  • Confirm datasetup configuration is enabled for ITXA in Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml.
  • Reuse the same ITXA PVs and secrets that you used with ITXA Helm charts and refer them in Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml.
  • Install Sterling B2B Integrator Helm charts.
  • If the file from ITXA-SI integration is not updated before, then it can be updated now and then perform helm upgrade for ITXA.
  • See Integrating ITXA with Sterling B2B Integrator for a complete installation guide.

Integrating ITXA with Sterling B2B Integrator

  1. Install ITXA Helm charts.
  2. The following parameters are added in Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml:
        isEnabled: false
        seasVersion: "1.0"
        enabled: false
          enabled: true
          repository: ""
          tag: ""
          pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        appSecret: "itxa-oracle-secrets"
          enabled: false
          dbservercertsecretname: ""
            name: itxa-logs-pvc
          host: ""
          port: 443
            enabled: true
          enabled: true
            repository: ""
            tag: ""
            pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  3. Enable ITXA integration with Sterling B2B Integrator by updating the properties below in values.yaml file in the Sterling B2B Integrator Helm charts.
      enabled: true
  4. Enable datasetup one time, perform Helm install or upgrade, and then set the datasetup property to false.
    Note: You need to have required services created in Sterling B2B Integrator, such as SPE Enveloping Service, SPE De-enveloping Service, etc., and this is required to function the integration properly.
      enabled: true
       enabled: true
  5. Add respective image details like repository, tag, digest, pullPolicy, and pullSecret for the itxaIntegration section in values.yaml.
    Note: For the ITXA release, refer the repository to and tag to
  6. Specify the database secret along with optional SSL details. The appSecret specified below should be the same as mentioned in ITXA values.yaml file.
    appSecret: "itxa-oracle-secrets"
       enabled: false
  7. Specify the same persistence claim name from ITXA values.yaml in Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml file as shown below.
         name: itxa-nfs-claim
  8. Configure the following properties for SSO from Sterling B2B Integrator to ITXA UI. This is the ITXA UI host and port.
       host: ""
       port: "443"
        enabled: true
    Note: The host specified for the ITXA UI server should match the host name specified for ASI in Sterling B2B Integrator Helm charts.
  9. To make ITXA SSO work, follow these steps:
    Modify the config/ file in ITXA Helm charts and add the following configuration.
    Note: Set the HostApplication.restURL as follows:
    'server' set to '<SI ReleaseName>-b2bi-asi-frontend-svc' &
    'port' to value of '.Values.asi.frontendService.ports.restHttpAdapter.port' from Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml file

    After this change, do the ITXA Helm chart upgrade.

Upgrading Integrated ITXA with Sterling B2B Integrator

To upgrade from integrated Sterling B2B Integrator v6.2.0.1 with ITXA v10.0.1.8 and ITX 10.1.2 to integrated Sterling B2B Integrator v6.2.0.2 with ITXA with ITX 10.1.2, follow the procedure:
  • Follow the file in ITXA Helm charts to upgrade ITXA from to
  • Upgrade Sterling B2B Integrator by enabling the integrations sections in values.yaml for ITX with versions and ITXA - and later. Run the Sterling B2B Integrator upgrade as Upgrading Sterling B2B Integrator using Certified Containers.

Disabling ITXA Integration with Sterling B2B Integrator

Once ITXA is integrated with the Sterling B2B Integrator, the integration can be easily disabled by updating the individual flag in values.yaml.

  enabled: false

Validating ITXA integration with Sterling B2B Integrator

  • If the ITXA helm charts are not deployed before ITXA is integrated with Sterling B2B Integrator by enabling the itxaIntegration.enabled flag in values.yaml file to true, then Helm chart installation or upgrade for Sterling B2B Integrator will fail.

    Resolution: Deploy ITXA Helm charts before itxaIntegration.enabled flag is set to true, and before Helm install or upgrade is performed for Sterling B2B Integrator Helm charts.

  • When the ITXA integration is enabled, the Sterling B2B Integrator ASI or AC pods are not starting.

    Resolution: Make sure that the itxaIntegration.dataSetup.enabled flag is set to true for ITXA in Sterling B2B Integrator values.yaml file before Sterling B2B Integrator Helm installation or upgrade.

  • Post ITXA integration, the below services should be available in the services configuration in the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard, and they should be in the enabled state.

    SPE Check Pending Ack Status Service

    SPE De-enveloping Service

    SPE Enveloping Service

    SPE Transformation Service

    If these services are not visible, then make sure that the itxaIntegration.dataSetup.enabled flag is set to true for ITXA in values.yaml file before Sterling B2B Integrator Helm installation or upgrade.

  • SSO for ITXA from Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard is not working
    Resolution: Make sure the hostname used for ASI and ITXA UI pod is same. Also, the ITXA Helm charts config/ file has the below properties added with the required details, and Helm install or upgrade is performed with ITXA Helm charts.
    Note: Set the HostApplication.restURL as follows:

    Server set to <SI ReleaseName>-b2bi-asi-frontend-sv.

    Port to value of .Values.asi.frontendService.ports.restHttpAdapter.port.

  • The ITXA UI server should have hosted mode set to Sterling B2B Integrator, i.e., IBM Standards Processing Engine (Hosted Mode Sterling B2B Integrator).

    In case this is not visible, then check if ITXA Helm charts config/ has the required properties used.

  • From the ITXA UI, you should be able to browse the list of business processes from the envelope screen (under Business Process List option).

    In case this is not visible, then check if ITXA Helm charts config/ has the required properties used.

  • Check if respective properties files for ITXA are updated with required relative paths and variables (examples are,, etc.).

Logs on console

If enableAppLogOnConsole is enabled in values.yaml, then logs generated for ITXA will be redirected to the console.


In Sterling B2B Integrator v6.2.0.0, ITXA samples cannot be run from an ASI or AC pod.

Running ITXA samples from ASI pod

In Sterling B2B Integrator v6.2.0.1 and above, when you run ITXA samples from ASI pod, ignore the below error messages while setting-up the ITXA execution environment using
sed: can't read /opt/runtime/restapi/ No such file or directory
sed: can't read /opt/runtime/restapi/docker/ No such file or directory