Create a Trading Partner Contract

You can create a trading partner contract from under the Administration menu.

About this task

To create a trading partner contract:


  1. From the Administration menu, select Trading Partner > Contracts.
  2. Under Create, next to New Contract, click Go!
  3. Specify the Information settings.
    On the Information page, complete the following fields and click Next:
    Information Fields Description
    Name Descriptive name of the contract. Required.
    Start Date Start date of the contract. Valid value is any date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. Must be less than or equal to End Date. Default value is the current date. Required.
    End Date Expiration date of the contract. Valid value is any date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. Must be greater than or equal to Start Date. Default value is one week from the current date. Required.
    Status State of the composition/negotiation process that creates the contract. Default value is SIGNED. Required. Valid values are:
    • PROPOSED – Contract being negotiated by the parties. The first stage of negotiation.
    • AGREED – Contract agreed upon by the parties. The next stage of negotiation.
    • SIGNED – Contract signed by the parties. The final stage of negotiation. The contract is usable.
  4. Specify the Contract Definition settings.
    On the Contract Definition page, complete the following fields and click Next:
    Contract Definition Fields Description
    Production Profile Unique ID of the profile that acts as the producer in this contract. Values are displayed in format identity name-profile name . Required.
    Consumption Profile Unique ID of the profile that acts as the consumer in this contract. It must match the Name field of the profile record. Values are displayed in format identity name-profile name. Required.
    Business Process Unique ID of the business process for this contract. Optional.
  5. Do you plan to use the contract with EDI?
    • If Yes, go to step 6 to select an EDI extension.
    • If No, select None and click Next. Click Finish to complete the contract.
  6. On the Extensions page, select one of the following extension types:
    • X12, complete the following fields and click Next:
      X12 Extension Fields Description
      Sender ID Coded identifier of the company or division sending the transaction. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      Receiver ID Coded identifier of the company or division receiving the transaction. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      Interchange Test Indicator Mode of operation mode to use for this extension. Required.Valid values are:
      • Test
      • Production
      • Information
      Group Version Release ID Code Release identifier for this version of the group. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Required.
      Transaction Set ID Code Coded identifier of transaction set. Valid value is three standard characters. Required.
    • EDIFACT, complete the following fields and click Next.
      EDIFACT Extension Fields Description
      Sender ID Interchange ID as it should appear on the interchange header segment sent to this company or division. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      Receiver ID Interchange ID as it should appear on the message group header received from this company or division. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      Message Type Transaction message type as determined by the information type in the header of the message group, which includes the message or by the information type in the transaction message. Valid value is six standard characters. Optional.
      Message Version Number Version number of the standard message. Valid value is three standard characters. Optional.
      Message Release Number Release number of the standard message. Valid value is three standard characters. Optional.
      Interchange Test Indicator Mode of operation mode to use for this envelope. Optional.
    • CII, complete the following fields and click Next.
      CII Extension Fields Description
      Sender ID Coded name of the company or division sending the message group. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      Receiver ID Coded identifier of the company or division receiving the message group. Valid value is 12 standard characters. Optional.
      BPIDOrganization Code identifier of organization (for example, EIAJ) that manages the standard message types. Valid value is four standard characters. Optional.
      BPIDSub Organization Code identifier of he classification for the message types. Valid value is two standard characters. Optional.
      BPIDEdition Code identifier of the version of the message types. Valid value is two standard characters. Optional.
      InformationIDCode Type of the standard message. Valid value is four standard characters. Required.
    • ebXML (Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language), complete the following fields and click Next:
      EbXML Extension Fields Description
      Message Order Whether to preserve the order in which a trading partner sends messages to another trading partner. Required.Valid values are:
      • Guaranteed
      • Not Guaranteed
      Ack Requested Request an acknowledgement that notifies the sender that the receiver has received an interpretable interchange transmission. Required.Valid values are:
      • Always
      • Never
      • Per message
      Ack Signature Requested Whether the trading partner receiving messages needs to sign the acknowledgement before sending messages back to the sender. Required.Valid values are:
      • Always
      • Never
      • Per message
      Dup Elimination Used by the trading partner sending messages to determine whether the receiving MSH must eliminate duplicates. Required. Valid values are Yes and No.
      Use BPSS Whether to use Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS), which provides a standard structure for defining a business process, with this extension. Required. Valid values are Yes and No.If you select Yes, complete the following fields:
      • BPSS Name
      • BPSS Version
      • Binary Collaboration
      • Production Profile Role
      • Consumption Profile Role
      BPSS Name Identifying name of the BPSS to use with this extension. Required.
      BPSS Version Version of the BPSS to use with this extension. Valid value is 1.1. Required.
      Binary Collaboration List of all the binary collaboration in the BPSS chosen above. Valid values are based on the selected BPSS. Required.
      Production Profile Role exBXML role in the profile associated with the message producer for both the receiver (requestor) and sender (provider). Required.Valid values are:
      • requestor
      • provider
      Consumption Profile Role exBXML role in the profile associated with the message consumer profile to define the sender (provider). Optional. Valid value is provider.
      Time to Acknowledge Receipt (min) Amount of time, in minutes, within which you must receive an acknowledgment. Optional.
      Time to Acknowledge Acceptance (min) Amount of time, in minutes, within which you must receive an acknowledgment. Optional.
      Time to Perform (min) Amount of time, in minutes, starting from the initiation of RequestingBusinessActivity, that the initiator of the transaction must receive a response. Optional.
      Note: Responses are business documents associated with the RespondingBusinesActivity transaction.
      Retry Count Sterling B2B Integrator continues to retry attempts to complete a business transaction before timing out and waiting for receipt acknowledgement. To disable this feature, clear the check box. Optional.
    • ACH (Automated Clearing House) and complete the following fields and click Next:
      ACH Extension Fields Description
      DestinationID Routing number of the ACH Operator or receiving point to which the message is being sent. Required.
      OriginID Routing number of the ACH Operator or sending point that is sending the message. Required.
  7. Click Finish to add the extension.
  8. Click Return to continue.