Upgrade Impacts - CLA2 Server

The following upgrade impacts apply to the CLA2 server.

  • If you want to use CLA2, you must enable the CLA2 server after you apply the Fix Pack. It is disabled by default. If you do not enable the server, the business process will fail with a connection error. The local CLA2 server is enabled by adding the following parameter to the sandbox.cfg file and running the setupfiles.sh script:
  • The local CLA2 server is intended to run commands only from the local ASI JVM. If you execute commands from a remote ASI JVM, you must configure the local CLA2 server to bind on network interfaces other than local host. Add the following parameter to the customer_overrrides.properties file for each cluster node:
  • You must redeploy any remote CLA2 servers because they contain new jar files, properties, configuration files, and scripts. If the remote CLA2 server is not redeployed, the business process will fail with the following error:
    CmdLine2Impl.processResult: The CommandLine2 Adapter may be pointed a 
    CommandLine2 Server that is running an old version of the CLA2Client.jar 
    and therefore needs to be updated and configured properly
  • To have thread and heap dumps displayed on the JVM Monitor page, you must enable the CLA2 local server. The following message is displayed if the local CLA2 server is not enabled:
    CommandLine2 Adapter is not enabled and must be enabled to take a thread 
    dump through the JVM Monitor. Alternatively you may take a thread dump at 
    the command line.
  • The SWIFTNet and PGP adapters use the CLA2 adapter. All listed changes to CLA2 adapter also apply to those adapters.