Confirming file delivery

To confirm delivery of a file that may have been affected by a system failure, you can call the consumer to verify that they received it.

Or, you can perform the following procedure:

  1. On the Activity page, click on the Arrived File. The Route and Delivery tabs should display.
    1. If no Delivery tab or there are no deliveries under the Delivery tab, deliveries were not attempted. Replay the Arrived File.
    2. If there is a Delivery tab, there may have been delivery attempts. Continue with Step 2.
  2. For each delivery, look for the following event codes:
    Code Name Event Description
    FG_0201 BusinessProcessStarting The business process was started. The event contains a link to the workflow ID. In the case of FileGatewaySendMessage, this workflow ID is not the one that was started and instead you should look at FG_0203.

    For FileGatewaySendMessage, look for the FG/Protocol attribute. If there is one, it provides the protocol. If there is no Protocol attribute, the transfer is a mailbox-only delivery. Use this value to look for mailbox or protocol deliveries in the instructions below.

    FG_0202 BusinessProcessCompleted Successful completion of the business process. This means the delivery was also successful, because the process completed without failures.
    FG_0203 SendMessageBusinessProcessStarted The Send Message process was started. This is unique because it is asynchronous to the route. The workflow ID link in this event is the correct process.
    FG_0250 BusinessProcessFailed The business process failed. You will not see FG_0250 on a successful process. Click through to the workflow ID on this event to view details about what happened.
    FG_0701 DeliveryMailboxMessage The Mailbox Message was delivered successfully.
  3. If all events exist, the delivery to protocol and mailbox succeeded. If some events are missing, the transfer may not have succeeded. Continue with step 4.
  4. Verify mailbox delivery by checking the results of the MailboxAddService in the FileGatewaySendMessage business process. A link to the FileGatewaySendMessage business process is in the event text for FG_0202 and FG_0203 under the Delivery tab. Click on the workflow ID link to go to the business process.
    Based on the events listed, perform the following actions:
    Problem Solution
    Only FG_0201 event exists

    Click the workflow ID link for FG_0201 to go to the parent business process. Find the correct subprocess under the FileGatewayDeliveryService. If you only have one delivery there will only be one there.

    If that service did not run, no mailbox or protocol delivery occurred for that route.

    If you find some subprocesses, click each one to determine if it is the one you are interested in. Compare the DestinationMessageName in Process Data to the delivery that failed to find the matching process.

    There are no FG_02xx events It is possible the SendMessage process was not started, or there was data loss on the events. To verify, click the workflow ID link for FG_0425 under the Arrived File to go to the parent business process. Find the correct subprocess, if it exists. Use the table in Step 2 to find the correct subprocess. If no subprocesses were started, the delivery did not occur Continue to Step 5.
  5. When you are viewing the correct FileGatewaySendMessage subprocess, look for the MailboxAddService. If there is no MailboxAddService, the mailbox delivery did not occur. If there is a MailboxAddService, check if it failed or succeeded.
    Perform the following actions:
    Mailbox Delivery Action
    Succeeded for all deliveries Mark items as Reviewed.
    Succeeded for no deliveries Replay Arrived Files, and mark as Reviewed.
    Succeeded for some deliveries Redeliver only the Failed deliveries, and mark as Reviewed.
  6. Check for protocol delivery. Find the link to the FileGatewaySendMessage business process. A link to the FileGatewaySendMessage business process is in the event text for FG_0202 and FG_0203 under the Delivery tab. Click on the workflow ID link to go to the business process.
    Protocol delivery is performed by a business process inside the FileGatewaySendMessage business process. There is no specific service that you can check. With custom protocols, there could be several services responsible for protocol delivery. In general, look for the Invoke Subprocess Service and the next services will be protocol specific. For FTP and SFTP protocols, look for services like FTPPut or SFTPPut. Follow the flow and determine if the protocol delivery reached and completed the service responsible for the actual delivery.
  7. Check all the deliveries for the Arrived File against the following table. If they all have Yes for “Replay/Redeliver” then Replay the Arrived File. If some are Yes and some are No, then only redeliver the ones that have Yes and do not Replay the Arrived File (or risk duplicate deliveries.)
    Protocol Mailbox Replay/Redeliver Action
    Succeeded Succeeded No Delivery succeeded. Do not replay or redeliver.
    Failed Succeeded Yes Although the file succeeded to the mailbox, replay or redeliver so that it also succeeds to the protocol.
    Succeeded Failed No Because the protocol succeeded, do not replay or redeliver because it will cause a duplicate delivery. Ignore that the mailbox failed.
    Failed Failed Yes Replay or Redeliver