About event codes

Each activity during the progress of a file transfer generates an event code. These codes are displayed in the activity details to enable Partners and Operators to see the progress and navigate to more details. System Administrators can create custom event codes and modify the permissions for standard event codes.

Some event codes trigger notifications to subscribers. System Administrators can change the permissions for an event code by using the customer_overrides.properties file to override values in the filegateway_eventcodes.properties file. The default subscription settings are provided in the table below:

Event Code Name Description Default Subscription Settings
FG_0050 MailboxAuthorizationFailure When a user fails to access a mailbox that is monitored Operators
FG_0201 BusinessProcessStarting When a business process is started, with the reason for starting it stored in context. Only in activity details.
FG_0202 BusinessProcessSuccess When a business process is successfully completed, with a link to the business process. Only in activity details.
FG_0203 SendMessageBusinessProcessStarted When a business process is successfully started, with a link to the business process. Only in activity details.
FG_0250 BusinessProcessFailure When a business process fails, with a link to the business process Operators
FG_0401 FactDiscovery When a fact is discovered by the route, for example, matching a pattern on the file name. Only in activity details.
FG_0404 ProducerFound When a producer and user are identified based on the arrived file. Only in activity details.
FG_0407 ConsumerFound When a consumer is identified based on the route plan. Only in activity details.
FG_0408 ArrivedFileStarted When a file arrives to be routed Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0409 ArrivedFileDeterminingRoutes When an arrived file starts determining routes. Only in activity details.
FG_0410 ArrivedFileRouting When an arrived file starts processing routes. Only in activity details.
FG_0411 ArrivedFileRouted When an arrived file completes all its routes Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0412 RouteStarted When a route is started from an arrived file. Only in activity details.
FG_0413 RouteDeterminingDeliveries When a route starts determining deliveries. Only in activity details.
FG_0414 RouteDelivering When a route starts processing deliveries. Only in activity details.
FG_0415 RouteComplete When a route completes all its deliveries Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0416 DeliveryStarted When a delivery is started from a route. Only in activity details.
FG_0417 DeliveryTransforming When a delivery starts to transform the consumer file. Only in activity details.
FG_0418 DeliveryDelivering When a delivery starts delivering the consumer file to the consumer. Only in activity details.
FG_0419 DeliveryComplete When a delivery is complete Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0420 ArrivedFileReplayed When an arrived file is replayed, with a link to the replay Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0421 ArrivedFileReplayOf When an arrived file is a replay of an original arrived file, with a link to the original file. Only in activity details.
FG_0422 Redeliver When a redelivery is requested by a user Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0423 DeliverRedelivering When a delivery starts redelivering the consumer file to the consumer. Only in activity details.
FG_0424 ArrivedFileIgnored When an arrived file is ignored due to a configured pattern for ignoring files Operators, producers
FG_0425 ArrivedFileDescription The description of the Arrived File Operators, producers
FG_0426 DeliveryPending When a Delivery is pending. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_427 ManualStateChange When a user manually changes the state of a delivery. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0450 ProducerMessageNotFound When a producer message is invalid or cannot be found Operators, producers
FG_0451 ProducerDocumentNotFound When a producer document is invalid or cannot be found Operators, producers
FG_0455 ArrivedFileFailed When an arrived file fails Operators, producers
FG_0456 RouteFailed When a route file fails Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0457 DeliveryFailed When a delivery fails Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0458 FileGatewayServiceVersionMismatch When a newer version of a system business process is installed, but is not the default chosen version. Operators
FG_0461 FileGateway Arrived File Redelivery Failed When an arrived file redelivery fails. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0501 ProducerMailboxRouteCandidatesFound When route candidates are found for an arrived file based on the producer and the mailbox of the message. Only in activity details.
FG_0502 RouteCandidatesFound When route plan candidates are found for an arrived file. Only in activity details.
FG_0503 RouteCandidate A route plan candidate for an arrived file. Only in activity details.
FG_0504 Route When one or more routes are chosen from the candidates. Only in activity details.
FG_0505 RoutesFound The number of routes that will be executed. Only in activity details.
FG_0506 Route Candidate Does Not Match When a routing channel template contains no matching producer file structure for an arrived file. Only in activity details.
FG_0550 ZeroRouteCandidatesFound When no route candidates are found for an arrived file Operators, producers
FG_0551 ZeroRouteChannelsFound When no route channels are chosen from the list of candidates for an arrived file Operators, producers
FG_0552 InvalidRoute When a route is invalid Operators, producers


InvalidConsumerBroadcastGroup When value of ConsumerBroadcastGroup does not contain name of an existing partner group Operators, producers


MaxBroadcastGroupSizeExceeded When the number of consumers in broadcast scenarios is too big Operators, producers
FG_0601 TransformedMessage When a message is transformed to the final format for the consumer. Only in activity details.
FG_0602 ProducerPayloadExtracting When the router begins to extract a producer payload file. Only in activity details.
FG_0603 ConsumerPayloadConstructing When the router begins to construct a consumer payload file for delivery. Only in activity details.
FG_0604 ConstructedLayer When a single layer in the consumer payload file gets constructed. Only in activity details.
FG_0605 ExtractedLayer When a single layer in the producer payload file gets extracted. Only in activity details.
FG_0606 LayerOptions When options are passed to a business process to process a layer. Only in activity details.
FG_0607 PGPConstructSkipped When the PGP Construct layer is skipped because the consumer does not handle PGP and it is optional on the Routing Channel Template Operators, consumers
FG_0650 ExtractLayerFailed When extraction of a layer fails Operators, producers
FG_0651 ConstructLayerFailed When construction of a layer fails Operators, consumers
FG_0701 DeliveredMailboxMessage When a message is delivered to a mailbox (either a consumer mailbox or a mailbox for sending to a listening consumer). Only in activity details.
FG_0702 DeliveredListeningPartnerMessage When the file transfer is complete. Only in activity details.
FG_0703 ChangeDirectory When the supported protocol changes directory on the listening consumer's server to transfer the file. Only in activity details.
FG_0704 ConsumerDestinationMailboxFound When the destination mailbox for the consumer is discovered. Only in activity details.
FG_0705 AsyncTransferIdAssigned When an additional transfer identifier has been associated with a delivery. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0706 AsyncTransferSuccessful When an asynchronous transfer has reported successful completion. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0707 AsynTransferRequestAcknowledged When an asynchronous transfer request has been acknowledged as received. Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0710 DeliveredDistributedMailboxMessage When a message is delivered to a distributed mailbox Operators, producers, and consumers
FG_0750 AmbiguousDeliveryRequestStatus When the submission status of an asynchronous delivery request is in doubt. Operators
FG_0751 DeliveryAlreadyInTerminalState When delivery status notification is received for a delivery already in a terminal state. Operators
FG_0752 AsyncTransferFailed When an asynchronous transfer has reported failure. Operators, producers, and consumers