About routing channels

Routing channels match incoming producer files to the appropriate consumer, then transform the file and file name according to the policies of the consumer.

Route Provisioners create routing channels. Before routing channels can be created, the Integration Architect must have already created a routing channel template and the Route Provisioner must have created the producer and consumer partners.

For a static routing channel, the consumer is explicitly identified during the configuration, and there is only one consumer.

For a dynamic routing channel, no consumer is explicitly specified. The routing channel permits routing to any consumer belonging to the consumer group specified in the routing channel template.

You cannot create duplicate routing channels. A routing channel using the same routing channel template, producer, and consumer is a duplicate. At least one parameter must be different, with one exception. When using a static routing channel template where the ConsumerName or ConsumerCode fact is specified for the producer file structure in the outer file layer, or in the second file layer for compressed files, you can use the same static routing channel template for multiple consumers. For example:
  • StaticRCT1UsingConsumerFact, Producer1, Consumer1
  • StaticRCT1UsingConsumerFact, Producer1, Consumer2

With provisioning facts, two routing channels that would normally be considered duplicates are in fact not duplicate if the producer mailbox is different due to provisioning facts being used with different values.