What's new in

This topic provides the new features and enhancements that are introduced in this release.

New features

Following new features are introduced in this release:
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version is now upgraded to IBM JDK This version should be used to install or upgrade to Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1. To download IBM JDK for v6.1.2.1, refer to the following links:
    Note: When upgrading from Sterling B2B Integrator v5.2.6.3_x (or lower) to v6.1.2.1:
    1. Stop the Sterling B2B Integrator v5.2.6.3_x (or lower) instance.
    2. Run the command: upgradeJDK.sh <path to IBM JDK> <path to JCE policy File>.
    3. Using the IBM Installation manager (IIM), upgrade Sterling B2B Integrator to v6.1.2.1 by using the GUI mode or by using a response file while pointing to IBM JDK
  • When installing or upgrading to Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1, it is not required to provide the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy file as it is already included in the JDK (IBM JDK and future versions) supported for this release.
    • From the IIM UI, the option to provide JCE file is now removed.
    • In the response file, the JCE policy file should be manually removed.
  • Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1 contains database changes. You can now add up to 255 characters as SSH Known Host key name - previously, the limit was 64 characters. For more details, refer to Check In an SSH Known Host Key from a File.
  • Traces of Log4j JAR files with security vulnerabilities can now be removed from the Sterling B2B Integrator installation directory by running the cleanup script (CleanupLog4j.sh/cmd) present in the bin directory. For more information, refer to Remove traces of Log4j JARs with Security Vulnerabilities.
  • Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1 now supports IBM Simple Authentication Security Layer (SASL) security provider.
  • Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1 is now compatible with SEAS iFix 7 or above and iFix 3 or above.
  • SSL over RMI: Sterling B2B Integrator used to make RMI calls over plain Java sockets for internal communications across JVMs, containers, and components. Now, it is enhanced to communicate over SSL sockets without the key certificates, which are also configurable. For more information, refer to SSL RMI.
  • An out of the box init container image with the latest supported database drivers is introduced in Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1. For details, refer to Building an Init Container image.

Stack updates

New security fixes and following stack upgrades are introduced in this release:
  • Oracle 21c
  • WebSphere MQ 9.2, 9.3, and future fix packs
  • WebSphere MQ operator 2.1.0 with WebSphere MQ version
  • OCP 4.11.x
  • K8s 1.24
  • Helm 3.10.x
  • Liberty
For more information, see Software Product Compatibility Report.