What's new

The What's new topic provides the new features and enhancements that are introduced in Sterling B2B Integrator.

myFileGateway 2.0 user interface

Partners can now use the myFileGateway 2.0 user interface in addition to myFileGateway. Administrators must perform some post-installation steps to enable the myFileGateway 2.0 user interface. For more information, see the myFileGateway 2.0 help.

SSL support for Oracle

SSL support is introduced to establish a secure communication channel between Sterling B2B Integrator and Oracle for Docker and IIM installations. You can configure the SSL option during install time for a new installation and an upgrade.

Docker based installation: For more information, see SSL support for Oracle.

IIM based installation: For more information, see Configuring SSL in Oracle.

SSL support for Microsoft SQL Server

SSL support is introduced to establish a secure communication channel between Sterling B2B Integrator and Microsoft SQL Server for Docker and IIM installations. You can configure the SSL option during install time and run time for a new installation and an upgrade.

Docker based installation: For more information, see SSL support for Microsoft SQL.

IIM based installation: For more information, see Securing connection using TLS for Microsoft SQL Server.

Support for new customizations

Support for two new customizations, UI Branding and Custom Sterling File Gateway Extensions through UI and REST API are introduced for Docker and IIM installations. For more information, see UI Branding and Custom Sterling File Gateway Extensions.

Support for Docker deployment using a non root user

You can now add a non-root user to the Sterling B2B IntegratorDocker image. For more information, see Installing the Sterling B2B Integrator Docker container.

Support for FIFO Adapter with external WebSphere MQ and ActiveMQ

You can configure the FIFO Adapter to work with external WebSphere MQ along with external ActiveMQ for Docker and IIM installations. For more information, see FIFO Message Processing Enhancement.

Support to update sandbox.cfg on a docker installation

You can add or update the configuration in the sandbox.cfg file. For more information, see Adding or updating the sandbox.cfg file.

Security configurations for Docker installation

You can override the security configurations using the setup.cfg file for a Docker installation. For more information, see Overriding security configurations using the setup.cfg file.

Cache refresh service for properties added through UI/REST API

You can use the cache refresh service to reload the properties adding through the Sterling B2B Integrator user interface or REST APIs. For more information, see Cache Refresh Service.

Import or export entities using command line

You can import or export entities using the command line interface for a docker installation.

You can use the Basic Import utility to quickly and easily create new identities, by importing the data into Sterling B2B Integrator using the command line interface. For more information, see Importing data through the Basic Import utility.

You can use the Export data to create a file in one system that you can import into another system to create the same records in both systems. For more information, see Exporting a file using command line interface.

JGroup properties

The JGroup library is upgraded to v4.0.13. The plain text properties for protocol stack is no longer supported in the latest version of the library. So, Sterling B2B Integrator must move to XML-based configuration for the following properties in jgroups_cluster.properties file. For more information, see JGroup properties.

Externalization of Liberty logs and thread dumps

For a Sterling B2B Integrator docker installation, the log files and thread dumps are now externalized.

For more information, see Externalizing log files and thread dumps.

Proxy support for AWS S3

You can provide a proxy support for AWS S3 either through a workflow BP definition or using a property file. A new property file, awss3.properties, is introduced to connect AWS S3 to the proxy server.

For more information, see Proxy support for AWS S3.

Support for ASCII transfer mode in SFTP client file transfer

You can switch the file transfer mode to Binary or ASCII using the UI or the SFTPClientBeginSession BP. The key is TransferMode and the value is MODE_TEXT or MODE_BINARY.

For more information, see SFTP Client Adapter.

XML JSON Transformer service

A new service, xmljsontransformer, is introduced, which converts the XML or JSON input data to the desired format. For more information, see XML JSON Transformer Service.

REST API Client service

A new service, RESTAPIClient, is introduced, which is a Business Process used to call the REST APIs and process the response accordingly. For more information, see REST API Client Service.

Support for Signature Class A and B

The EBICS server now supports Signature Class A and B for order authorization. For more information, see Create an Offer and Edit User Permission.

Support for new Order Types

A total of eight new order types namely, CCT, CCU, STA, VMK, CD1, CDD, CRZ, and CDZ are introduced on EBICS server and client. For more information, see Configure Order Type Manager and Order types.


The following table lists the B2B REST APIs that are added or updated for this release. For more information, see B2B REST APIs available in Sterling B2B Integrator for information about installing and using the APIs.

B2B REST API Description

Custom Sterling File Gateway Extensions Services (Custom Protocols and Consumer Identification Policies)

Services to read and update Sterling File Gateway extensions (Custom Protocols and Consumer Identification Policies) in Sterling B2B Integrator.

AS2 Organization Services

Services to create, read, update, and delete the AS2 organization profiles.

AS2 TradingPartner Services

Services to create, read, update, and delete the AS2 Trading Partner profiles.

AS2 TradingRelationship Services

Services to create, read, update, and delete the AS2 Trading Relationship profiles.

Redeliver FGArrivedfile API

Used to redeliver the files that arrive into Sterling File Gateway.

Read FGDelivery API

Used to read the FGDelivery file details.

Read TestSFGDeliveryStatus API

Used to return the delivery status of the file as response, if the routing completes within the input defaultTimeout value. Else, it returns the producerMessageID.

Supported stack

For more information, see Software Product Compatibility Report.