Workflow actions and their attributes

This topic provides detailed information on workflow actions and their specific configurable attributes. Workflow actions include transfer, send a package, notify, call an API, and so on.


Use this action to transfer files or folders. The following are configurable settings.
  • Source of your transfer

    To use the location you set as the trigger location for the transfer source, select Same as trigger.

    To select or create a folder on a transfer node, select On a node; you need the node secret.

    To select a folder in a workspace, select the workspace and:
    • Click My folders to select any folder you can access in the Files app in that workspace.
    • Select Admin shared folders to select any folder shared by an admin in that workspace.

    When you configure a node folder as your transfer source, you have additional options.

    In After transfer, select the action you want.

    You can configure the workflow to delete or archive the contents of the source folder after the transfer.

    • Delete source content

      Select this option to delete the source folder contents that were transferred.

      • Delete remaining files

        Files that already exist at the destination are not transferred again; they are skipped by the transfer and remain in the source folder. Select this option to delete files that remain in the source folder after the transfer because they were skipped by the transfer.

      • Delete empty nested folders

        After the transfer, delete empty nested folders in the source folder. If you don't select this option, empty folders remain in the source folder.

      • Delete empty source folder
        If the source folder is empty after the transfer, delete it.
        Note: When you configure your workflow to delete an empty source folder, and if your workflow contains multiple transfer actions, verify that each transfer action uses a different source folder.
    • Archive source content

      Select this option to archive the source folder contents that were transferred.

      Keep in mind that when files already exist at the destination they are not transferred again; they are skipped by the transfer, remain in the source folder, and are not archived by this setting.

      Select the archive folder location based on the location of the source folder, as shown in the following table.

      If the Source folder is a ... Select the Archive folder by browsing from this start point
      Node folder Node root folder.

      You can select any location on the node for the archive folder.

      Workspace personal (unshared) folder Workspace home folder.

      You can select any location in the workspace for the archive folder, with one exception: you cannot select a shared folder.

      Workspace shared folder Top level of the shared folder in the workspace.

      For example, if the source folder path is workspace/abc/ xyz/previews, selection starts at /abc. You can select any location starting at /abc.

      Workspace shared inbox Workspace home folder.

      You can select any location in the workspace for the archive folder, with one exception: you cannot select a shared folder.

  • Destination of your transfer

    Select the destination folder for your transfer. You can select a folder on a transfer node or a folder in a workspace; you need the node secret.

    • Create folder when workflow runs

      If necessary, the workflow can automatically create a folder at the destination location. Use text and substitution variables (click View substitution variables) to name the created folder. The created folder acts as the transfer destination.

  • Transfer settings

    The settings available depend on the admin configuration. For details on these settings, see the Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server Admin Guide for your platform and software version and the IBM Aspera Node API documentation.

    • Action timeout

      If the Automation app does not receive an update from the transfer server within the duration you configure here, the action step times out and fails, causing the workflow job to fail. When you set this value, consider the latency in your network; if latency is high, extending the timeout interval may allow more action steps to complete.

      See also the section below, "Action Timeout Settings Details", for defaults and valid values for each action type.

    • Target rate

      Configure the target rate for the transfer. To set this rate, keep in mind the write speed of your transfer endpoints and set your target rate so that the destination buffer is not overrun. Note that this setting interacts with the target rate setting at the transfer node; the actual transfer behavior will obey the lower of the two settings.

    • Retry attempts
      If you want the workflow to retry the transfer in the event of a failure, set the number of times you want the workflow to retry the transfer. If you don't want the workflow to reattempt a failed transfer, leave this field blank.
    • Time between retries
      Set the time duration, in seconds, that the workflow should wait before the next retry attempt.
    • Rate policy

      The rate policy for the transfer in this step can be High, Fair, Low, Fixed. This setting interacts with the rate policy setting at the transfer node. The rate policy actually applied is always the more restrictive of the two settings.

      For example, if the rate policy setting at the node is Fair and the setting in Automation is High, the actual transfer behavior will be Fair. Similarly, if the setting at the node is High and the setting in Automation is Low, the actual transfer behavior will be Low.

      Be sure you understand the impact of this setting before changing it; it affects how Aspera transfers share available bandwidth with other traffic.

    • Transport encryption

      Set the encryption algorithm to be applied to your data in flight. The actual transfer behavior will depend on the interaction between Automation app settings and transfer server settings. In all cases, the higher key-length setting will take precedence.

      For example, if the encryption algorithm at the node is set to AES-128 and at the Automation app is set to AES-192, the actual encryption used will be AES-192.

      Similarly, if the setting at the node is AES-256 and the setting at the Automation app is AES-192, the actual encryption algorithm will be AES-256.

    • Content protection

      To encrypt this content at the destination, enter a password. The recipient needs the password to decrypt the content in the destination folder. Send that password to the recipient under separate cover. Leave this field blank to decrypt the content in the destination folder. For more details, see Sending: Detailed procedure, Content encryption: In flight and at rest, and Require encryption at rest.

    • Resume partially transferred files

      If a transfer is interrupted or fails to finish, select this option to resume the transfer from where it previously stopped, without re-transferring already transferred content.

    • Overwrite policy

      If a complete version of a file in your source location already exists at your destination location, configure the policy to govern whether to overwrite the existing destination file with the source file.

      You can set the policy to overwrite always (Yes) or never (No). Or you can set to overwrite based on a comparison between source and destination files. You can overwrite when the source file is different in any way from the destination file; when the source file is newer; or only when the source file is both newer and different.

      For details on how the overwrite policy interacts with the resume policy, see the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server Admin Guide for your platform and software version.

    • Preserve file attributes

      To preserve all the timestamps from source files at the destination, select this option. You may need to preserve the timestamp on the source file when, for example, another process must act on the file based on the original timestamp.

Call an API

Use this action to call an external API. The following are configurable options.

  • Request type

    Select the request type: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.


    Enter the URL for the specific API you want to call.

  • Authorization

    Select the authorization type for this API call, bearer token or basic auth, and enter the required credentials.

  • Verify SSL certificate

    Verify that the SSL certificate is valid.

  • Headers

    To include a custom header, click Add header, then enter the key and value.

  • Action timeout

    If the Automation app does not receive an update from the transfer server within the duration you configure here, the action step times out and fails, causing the workflow job to fail. When you set this value, consider the latency in your network; if latency is high, extending the timeout interval may allow more action steps to complete.

    See also the section below, "Action Timeout Settings Details", for defaults and valid values for each action type.

  • Add an API callback.

    See Configuring API callback.


Use this action to configure notifications to interested parties about the workflows.

  • Sender

    Select the default sender or yourself as the sender of the automated email notification. The default sender is configured in the base template for the organization. For details, see Customize email notification templates.

  • Subject, To, Message

    Configure the subject line of the email notification, the recipient(s), and the message or body of the email to send.

  • Action timeout

    If the Automation app does not receive an update from the transfer server within the duration you configure here, the action step times out and fails, causing the workflow job to fail. When you set this value, consider the latency in your network; if latency is high, extending the timeout interval may allow more action steps to complete.

    See also the section below, "Action Timeout Settings Details", for defaults and valid values for each action type.

Custom Variables

Use this action to create custom substitution variables to use in your workflow. Once the custom variable step completes, a following step in the workflow can use the custom variable.

Create a Folder

Use this action to create a folder to use in the workflow.

You need the node secret to select the location to create the folder.

Once you log in to the node or workspace, navigate to the location where you want the folder created. Select that location.

To name the folder, enter text or select variables as required. To select variables, click View substitution variables.

Action Timeout Settings Details

If the Automation app does not receive an update from the node within the interval you configure, the step that contains the action will fail, and then the job will fail:
Action Timeout Default Minimum Allowed Maximum Allowed
Transfer 24 hours 1 hour 48 hours
Send a Package 24 hours 1 hour 48 hours
Call an API 5 minutes 1 minute 24 hours
Call an API (with API callback enabled) 24 hours 1 hour 48 hours
Notify 5 minutes 1 minute 60 minutes
Custom variables 5 minutes 1 minute 60 minutes
Create a folder 5 1 minute 60 minutes