Installing Aspera Connect

IBM Aspera Connect is the free, lightweight app that powers Aspera high-speed transfers. Aspera Connect is one of the two transfer methods that enable high-speed transfers to and from user desktops. Once installed, Connect runs automatically in the background. Installing Connect is fast and easy, with a built-in installation wizard that provides step-by-step guidance.

Note: If you are unable to download software to your computer, see Select a transfer method and talk to your administrator.

Shortly after you log into Aspera on Cloud for the first time, you'll see an on-screen message prompting you to download and install Aspera Connect. A similar message displays when AoC detects that your local machine is not running the current version of Connect.

IBM Aspera recommends that you always use the latest version of Connect.

The procedure for installing IBM Aspera Connect requires enabling a browser extension for Connect in addition to installing the Connect application itself.

  • You must install the Connect app once on your computer. You must install the Connect extension for each browser (except Safari and Internet Explorer) you'll use to access Aspera on Cloud.
  • Before performing a system-wide installation (all users of the machine), uninstall any per user installations. For details on uninstalling, see the Connect user documentation.
  • Remove all previous Connect installers before downloading the new installer.
  • Connect works better when your browser's local storage is enabled; however, this is not a requirement.

Guided installation

When you log in to Aspera on Cloud for the first time, click Let's go on the Welcome screen.

Depending on your browser/platform combination, the screens shown in these instructions may vary.

  1. In the Get started now screen, click Install extension and confirm to add the extension.
    Your browser's page for the Connect extension opens. See the instructions for your browser in Installation. If successful, you'll see the message confirming the extension has been added.
  2. The Get started now screen next prompts you to install Connect; click Install Connect:

  3. Once the Connect installation completes, refresh your browser.
Note: When you upload from or download to your computer, Connect requests access to your computer. IBM Aspera recommends you click the box to remember your choice so that you don't have to allow access for each transfer. Click Yes.

For more details, see the Connect user documentation.