Configuration types

To run the resources in a BAR file in IBM® App Connect Enterprise as a Service, you must provide the configurations that those resources need to run.

If you're on the flow runs price plan, you can deploy integrations that you created in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit to App Connect by uploading them as BAR files. When you deploy a BAR file, you can apply one or more configurations to it.

If you're on the VPC hours price plan, you can deploy Toolkit-developed integrations to App Connect by importing them as BAR files. You also deploy flows that you created in App Connect Designer by exporting them from the Designer as BAR files, then uploading the BAR files to an integration runtime.

A BAR file that you created in the Toolkit contains integration artifacts such as message flows, message sets, ESQL files, Java™ code, stylesheets, and maps. A BAR file that contains a Designer flow contains an event-driven or API flow. Configuration files can define environment-specific settings, and can contain account credentials and secrets or data that you can't check into a source control system. By separating the BAR file artifacts from the configuration files, you don't need to edit a BAR file before you deploy it to different environments, such as development and production. When you deploy a flow or integration that is packaged in a BAR file, you can apply your preferred configurations to apply to the BAR file.

Different configuration types are provided for you to customize a BAR file before you deploy it. For example, use an Accounts configuration to specify account details for the applications that you connect to. Use a Policy project configuration to specify a set of policies for nodes in your Toolkit flow. Or use a Private network agent configuration to connect to systems or applications on a private network.

You can create configurations when you deploy your flows. You can also create, view, and edit your configurations on the Configuration tab Icon that represents the configuration tab of your App Connect Dashboard instance. When you update the configuration of a deployed flow, that flow is restarted automatically with the updated configuration.

Managing configuration objects from the Configuration tab

The Configuration tab Icon that represents the configuration tab of your Dashboard instance provides a way to manage configurations. The table lists some system-generated configurations and any configurations that you and other users of the instance created.

Configuration tab with system-generated and user-generated configurations.

Creating a configuration object

To create a configuration, click Create configuration, select a configuration type, then provide appropriate information. For more information, see Learn more about the configuration types.

Updating a configuration object
To replace the content or settings of an existing configuration with an updated definition, open the options menu for that configuration and click Update.
Update option in the options menu for a configuration object
  • For an Accounts configuration that contains secrets, any fields that can't be updated are disabled. The fields with sensitive data (which are depicted with a Show/Hide password icon Show password icon), reveal a value of REDACTED if you click the icon. For security reasons, you can't view the existing values, but you can overwrite them. For example, you might need to change a password or specify a new client ID or secret.
    Example of fields with secrets and the REDACTED text

    For fields with nonsensitive data, the data is shown in plain text that you can overwrite. (Values that you don't update remain unchanged.)


    You can update the fields in the Form view, but not in the Code view.

    You can also import an accounts.yaml file with updated values by clicking Import file Import file. The settings in the file overwrite your existing account details.

    You can also add or remove accounts as part of the update.

  • For configurations that contain secrets and provide a text editor for the content (for example, setdbparms.txt), any fields that can't be updated are disabled. For security reasons, the text editor displays a value of REDACTED. You can overwrite this value by pasting the contents of an existing file in the text editor.

    You can also import a file that contains updated content by clicking Import file. When you click View file contents to return to the text editor, you see the contents of the imported file.

  • For the remaining configuration types, you can update the settings in the text editor, or import an updated file to replace the existing content. (Any fields that can't be updated are disabled.) Complete either of the following steps.
    • Overwrite the content of the text editor by pasting the contents of an existing file. Or import a file that contains updated content by clicking Import file Import file. To view the contents in the text editor, click View file contents.
    • Alternatively, drag the file into the boxed area, or click within the boxed area to select the file from a file browser.

To save your changes, click Update. The updated configuration is applied to all deployments that use that configuration.

Deleting a configuration object

You can't delete a configuration that is used by a deployed flow. To delete a configuration object that's no longer needed, open the options menu for that configuration object, click Delete, then confirm the deletion.

You can use the search box to filter the entries in the configurations table.

Creating and selecting configuration objects during deployment

You can apply a configuration to a flow or BAR file when you deploy it. If you're on the VPC hours price plan, you select or create configurations when you create the integration runtime to run your flows. For more information, see Creating an integration runtime. If you're on the flow runs price plan, you can select a configuration on the Manage tab of the App Connect Designer when you deploy a BAR file. For more information, see Deploying integrations on the flow runs plan.

Learn more about the configuration types