API for IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service

The App Connect Enterprise as a Service API provides access to resources in your instance. The API provides an alternative way to complete tasks that you complete in the App Connect Dashboard. You can use the API to administer BAR files, configurations, integration runtimes, trace, and batch processes.


You typically use the API to automate the deployment lifecycle of your integrations from continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. This API supports create, read, update, and delete functions for App Connect Enterprise as a Service resources. For example, to deploy an integration, you can use the API to create an integration runtime by providing a BAR file and configurations. You can download an OpenAPI file that describes the API specification from the Public API credentials tab of the Settings page of your App Connect Enterprise as a Service instance.

Endpoint URLs

To form the complete URL of an API endpoint, identify the base URL for your service instance, then add the method.

The URL of the API for your App Connect Enterprise as a Service instance is https://api.region.appconnect.automation.ibm.com, where region is the region where your instance is hosted. You can find the region (such as p-vir-c1) in the URL for your instance.
Screenshot that shows the region ID in the URL for your instance.

You can also generate this URL in the OpenAPI file by selecting your region.

The following URLs represent the base URLs for the App Connect Enterprise as a Service API endpoints. When you call the API, use the URL that corresponds to the region where your service instance is deployed. Add the path for each method to form the complete API endpoint for your requests.
  • North Virginia, US East https://api.p-vir-c1.appconnect.automation.ibm.com
  • London, Europe https://api.p-lon-c1.appconnect.automation.ibm.com
  • Frankfurt, Europe https://api.p-fra-c1.appconnect.automation.ibm.com
  • Sydney, Asia Pacific https://api.p-syd-c1.appconnect.automation.ibm.com
The following example shows the URL for integration runtimes, where the region is p-vir-c1.


You authenticate to the API by using an access token. To generate the access token, you create an API key, a client ID, and a client secret. Tokens support authenticated requests without the need to embed service credentials in every call. The access token is valid for 12 hours after which time you must get a new token. For subsequent calls to the API, you use the X-IBM-Client-Id header to provide your client ID, and the Authorization: Bearer header to provide this access token.
Note: Authorization: Bearer is case-sensitive and must be referred to in calls with the correct capitalization.

For more information, see Accessing the API for IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service.

Response codes and error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200-type response indicates success; a 400-type response indicates a failure; and a 500-type response indicates an internal system error.

Rate limits

The rate limit is the maximum number of calls that you can make to the API in a particular time interval. You can send 100 requests per hour to the API for your instance. This limit applies to all client IDs on your instance.

If you reach 100 requests in an hour, HTTP response code 429 is returned, and no further requests are accepted until the timer expires. After the timer expires, a new time window begins with the next accepted request.

The response to each HTTP request includes the following headers that you can use to determine whether you are close to the rate limit.
  • X-RateLimit-Reset indicates the time when the current timer expires (in UNIX epoch time).
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining indicates the number of requests that remain in the current time window.
  • X-RateLimit-Limit indicates the total number of requests that are allowed within the time window.