Creating flows for an API from scratch

You can create flows for an API (alternatively referred to as an API flow) in App Connect Designer. The defined configuration provides an API that exposes one or more operations. You can use these operations to call out to an endpoint and pass data between that endpoint and applications in the flow.

Before you begin

  • If you know which applications or imported APIs you need, create accounts in the App Connect Designer catalog for the connectors that run API operations against the target applications or APIs. You can also create accounts when you create a flow. For more information, see Connecting to accounts.
  • To use unified authoring to create API flows that you can manage in IBM® API Connect, ensure that you meet the following requirements.
    • You must have an instance of IBM API Connect Enterprise as a Service in the same region as your IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service instance. If you have an existing trial instance of App Connect, you can provision an API Connect trial instance in the same region. To provision a trial instance of API Connect Enterprise as a Service from the App Connect Designer home page, click Manage API flows by using IBM API Connect.
    • Your API Connect instance must be configured with at least one registered DataPower API Gateway service.
    • Your API Connect instance must contain at least one provider organization that you are authorized to access. The provider organization must include a catalog that contains an application with an owning consumer organization and a client ID.
    • Ensure that unified authoring is enabled for your instance. On the Designer tab of the API flow editor, click the Change API gateway settings icon Change API gateway settings icon, then enable unified authoring.
      Screenshot that shows that the integrated authoring feature is enabled in the API gateway settings.

About this task

When you create flows for an API, each individual flow is the implementation for an API operation that is typically called from mobile and web applications. (Examples of operations are 'GET order' and 'POST order'.) The flow for each operation contains a request, actions for one or more applications or imported APIs, and a response for the API operation. The flow might also contain toolbox nodes for specialized data processing. The request uses a model that you define to request the creation, retrieval, or replacement of data objects in your applications. When the request is submitted, each target application or API completes its action. The flow then returns a response that either confirms that the actions were successful, or returns the data that was requested.

Defining the API involves the following high-level steps.
  1. You create one or more models that define the structure of the objects that you want to create or retrieve. You can create up to 10 models.
  2. You choose the built-in create, retrieve, or replace or update operations to complete against each model, or you define your own custom operations.
  3. You configure a flow to implement each operation and add actions for one or more target applications or APIs. You might also add toolbox utilities to the flow to process the input or output data from these applications.
Unified authoring:

If you have an instance of API Connect in the same region as your App Connect instance, you can expose your API in both App Connect Designer and API Connect. This feature is known as unified authoring. Unified authoring is enabled by default if at least one API Connect instance exists in the same region with Developer or higher access.

With unified authoring, when you create and start an API flow in your Designer instance, the API is added automatically to a Product. That Product is then published in a catalog that is provided for a provider organization in API Connect. The Product also becomes visible on the API Connect Developer Portal if a site is enabled for the catalog. The publishing preferences are based on the user who is logged in. App Connect automatically discovers the provider organizations in API Connect that the user has access to in the same region as the App Connect instance. You can specify settings for publishing the API to a preferred API Connect instance and provider organization. You can also choose catalog and Gateway targets, the containing Product and Plan for the published API, and a consuming application.

You can work with the API in API Connect independently of the one in App Connect Designer. You can also browse the Product (and API) in the Developer Portal. When you stop the API in App Connect Designer, the Product (and API) in the API Manager user interface and the Developer Portal site are deleted automatically. (A user who doesn't have access to API Connect can stop the flow in App Connect. However, the API remains published in API Connect.)

If you have an instance of IBM API Connect Enterprise as a Service in the same region as your IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service instance, unified authoring is enabled by default. Therefore, if you create and start an API flow, it is published automatically to API Connect. If you start an API flow without specifying publishing preferences, the API is published to the Default Plan in an auto-generated Product in a sandbox catalog in any of your discovered API Connect instances. If you don't want to publish APIs automatically to API Connect, you can disable unified authoring. On the Designer tab of the API editor, click the Change API gateway settings icon Change API gateway settings icon, set unified authoring to disabled, then click Save.

You can use the API editor in App Connect Designer to create an API flow and to define models and implement operations for your API. You can also configure policy, gateway, and portal settings to control the behavior of the API when it is published to API Connect after you start the flow. The following tasks describe how to create your API flow, configure publishing preferences, and access the published API in API Connect.

Creating the API flow in App Connect


To create an API flow, complete the following steps.

  1. On the App Connect Designer home page, click Create flows for an API.
    Alternatively, go to the Designer dashboard The icon that represents the Designer dashboard and click Create > Flows for an API.
    The API editor opens with three tabs.
    Use the Designer tab to create models and operations for the API.
    Use the OpenAPI tab to see a representation of the API in a format that conforms to the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
    If unified authoring is enabled, use the Gateway tab to see default settings that the gateway can use to call the published API in API Connect. You can also enforce extra API policies or configure gateway and portal settings for this API.

    If unified authoring is disabled, the Gateway tab provides instructions to enable it.

  2. Enter a name that identifies the purpose of your flow.
    Screenshot that shows the three tabs of the API editor and the name of the flow is set to Customer API.

    As you progress with the flow, App Connect saves your changes automatically. If you move away from the flow, the flow is saved as a draft flow that you can complete at another time.

  3. To create a model that defines the structure of an object that you want to work with, enter a name in Model name, then click Create model.
    For example, you might want a customer object that you can create, retrieve, or update records for.
    The model panel has two tabs.
    Use the Properties tab to define the structure of the model.
    Use the Operations tab to define how the API interacts with the model.
    Model panel with the Properties and Operations tabs
  4. On the Properties tab, define the structure of the model by configuring properties.
    Note: Properties have the following requirements and restrictions.
    • Each property name must be unique.
    • The name must contain only letters, numbers, or the underscore character.
    • Spaces are not allowed in the name, but you can use an underscore character (_) to separate words.
    • The name must begin with a letter or an underscore.
    1. To add the first property, enter a name and select a data type for that property.
      By default, the first property that you add has the ID option selected. The flow must return the property that is designated as the ID for the model when it creates an object. The ID property must also be sent in a request to update or retrieve an object by using its ID. Set an ID against one property.
      Tip: To add a property from the applications that you're connected to, you can also click Select properties from applications. Select the appropriate account, select one or more properties, then click Add properties.
      Screenshot that shows the dialog box to select properties from your applications. The connected HTTP count is selected and shows a list of request properties.
    2. To add more properties, click Add property.
      Screenshot shows the properties for a Customer API model. String-type properties are created for CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, and Email.
  5. Optional: To create more models, click Create model and add properties for each new model.
    To edit the name of a model or a delete a model, use the appropriate option from the menu.
    Screenshot shows the drop-down menu for the model, which contains the options Edit model information and Delete model
  6. To define how the API interacts with the model, click Operations.
    • To add one of the built-in operations, click Select an operation to add, then choose a Create, Retrieve, or Replace or create operation to run against the model.
      Screenshot that shows the options in the Select an operation to add menu
    • If you choose an operation that involves a filter, select the appropriate filter properties. For the Retrieve model_name with filter operation, you can also enable and configure pagination settings for the results. Pagination allows your API to return a "page" of data each time the API is run. The limit parameter states how many records to return. The skip parameter specifies the number of records to skip before the flow starts to return records. The token parameter is a string that your API can use to identify where to start returning records from.
      To apply filters, you must define at least two properties, including the ID property for the model because the ID property cannot be selected as a filter.
      Screenshot that shows the filter properties for the Retrieve model with filter operation

      For more information, see Introducing filter parameters for API flows in IBM App Connect and Configuring pagination for the Retrieve with filter operation in API flows in the IBM Integration Community.

    • To define your own operations, click Select an operation to add, then select Add a custom operation.
      Restriction: The query parameter cannot be the same as the model ID, and the name of your custom operation cannot be any of the following keywords.

      create, updateOrCreate, replaceOrCreate, findOrCreate, buildNearFilter, all, destroyAll, count, save, update, destroy, delete, remove, replaceById, updateAttributes, patchAttributes, upsertWithWhere, getChangeModel, getIdName, getSourceId, handleChangeError, rectifyChange, replaceById, replaceOrCreate, replicate, updateAll, upsert, upsertWithWhere, destroy, fillCustomChangeProperties, getId, isNewRecord, reload, replaceAttributes, save, setId, updateAttribute, updateAttributes

  7. Configure a flow that implements the operation:
    1. Click Implement flow.
      Screenshot that shows the Implement flow button next to the model on the Operations tab
      The flow editor contains a basic flow structure that contains a Request node, a Response node, and a space to add one or more target applications, imported APIs, or toolbox utilities. The structure of the Request body example is constructed from the properties in your model, with some sample data.
      Screenshot that shows an API flow in the flow editor. The flow contains a Request node and a Response node and it shows sample content for the request
    2. To add an application or imported API to the flow, click (+), select an application or API, then select an appropriate action.
      Ensure that the correct account is selected for App Connect to use to connect to the target application or API. If no accounts are connected, you can connect to one by following the instructions in Connecting to accounts. If you don't see a connector in the catalog for the action that you want to add, try searching for a community connector in the IBM Automation Explorer. You can also create a connector by using the Connector Developer Kit. For more information, see Adding or creating community connectors.
    3. Complete the fields for the action with values that you want to pass to the target application or API. You can specify static data in plain text, or specify dynamic data by adding mappings from previous nodes in the flow. You can also apply functions (or JSONata expressions) to transform your data, or use other built-in mechanisms to define custom values.

      To input text, mappings, and JSONata expressions manually, or to define your own custom values, see Configuring actions.

      To populate the fields for the action automatically with suggested smart mappings, use Mapping Assist (see Simplifying data mapping and data transformation with AI-powered suggestions).
      Screenshot shows completed mappings for a Create contact action in Salesforce. The Account ID, Last name, and First name properties in the Salesforce action are mapped to the CustomerID, LastName, and FirstName properties of the API model respectively.
      Tip: After you complete the fields for the action, you can use auto-generated or custom sample data to test the action. To test the action, ensure that you're using a nonproduction account because the action is completed on the target application that you're connected to. For more information, see Testing a non-running flow with sample data.
    4. Optional: Add further applications or imported APIs.
    5. Optional: Use one or more supported toolbox utilities to provide specialized processing.
      For example, add an If node to provide conditional processing, or add a For each node to process retrieved items. For more information, see Adding special processing to a flow (Toolbox utilities).
    6. Click the Response node in the flow to define the response that is returned when the operation completes successfully.
    7. In the Response header section, specify your preferred response status code.

      Create operations return a response code of 201 (record created).
      Retrieve operations return a response code of 200 (record retrieved).
      Replace or create operations return a response code of 200 (record replaced) or 201 (record created).

    8. In the Response body section, define which fields are returned in the response body by using text, mappings from previous nodes in the flow, or JSONata expressions.
      Screenshot that shows that the response has been configured by mapping the CustomerID property of the API operation to the Contact ID property in Salesforce
      Tip: When you’re creating an object, typically only the ID from the target application or API is returned in the response message. If you’re retrieving an object, the response message shows all the fields that you requested from the target application or API.

      After you configure all the nodes in the flow, you can use auto-generated or custom sample data to test the flow before you start it. Ensure that you use nonproduction accounts when you test your flow. The configured actions in the flow are completed on the target applications that you're connected to. For more information, see Testing a non-running flow with sample data.

    9. Click Done to return to your model.
  8. Define further operations for the model and configure a flow that implements each operation.
    Screenshot that shows multiple operations for the model, including create, retrieve by ID, and replace or create with filter models
  9. Define operations for any additional models and implement their flows.
  10. Fix any validation errors in the implemented flows for the operations.
    For more information, see Validating your flow is ready to run.
  11. Optional: To view the API definition for the flow, click the OpenAPI tab.
    The API definition is shown in the Form view Form icon, which is similar to the view where you edit APIs in API Connect. The details in this tab are read only, but are updated automatically when you change the models and operations for the flow in the API editor. The General category of the form view is expanded by default. The following categories are also available. (Some sections in this view are not currently applicable or don't display any details for the API.)
    The Components category displays reusable objects that relate to various aspects of the API definition.
    • Schemas displays details about each model and its properties.
    • Responses are not applicable.
    • Parameters are not applicable.
    • Examples are not applicable.
    • Request Bodies are not applicable.
    • Headers are not applicable.
    • Security Schemes displays details of the preconfigured API key security scheme that is used to supply credentials (a client ID) when calling the API operations. The security scheme name is given as clientID with a type of apiKey, and an X-IBM-Client-Id parameter is used to pass the credentials in the request header of the API.
    • Links are not applicable.
    Components section on the OpenAPI tab
    The General category contains the following sections.
    • Info displays the API summary. It includes the flow name as the title, a generated name that is based on the flow name and that is used to identify the API, and an assigned version (typically 0.0.1). The remaining fields are blank.
    • Servers displays the server definitions in the API for connecting to a target server. The supplied server URL is interpreted as the base path and is used to construct the full URL endpoint for calling the API. The server URL starts with a forward slash (/), followed by the flow name with underscores (_) to replace spaces; for example, /Customer_API.
    • Security displays the security requirements that are enforced on the API. By default, a clientID security scheme of type apiKey is configured.
    • External Documentation is not applicable.
    • Tags are not applicable.
    General section on the OpenAPI tab
    The Paths category displays the paths for each of the defined operations in the API flow. Each path comprises an HTTP verb and a URL (relative) path, and defines how the API is exposed. You can click to expand each URL path in the navigation pane to explore further. This category contains the following sections.
    • Servers are not applicable.
    • Parameters are not applicable.
    • Operations shows details that are based on the operation type. For example, you might see tags (which correspond to the model name), path or query parameters, or response codes and descriptions.
    Paths section on the OpenAPI tab
    You can view the underlying OpenAPI YAML source for the API definition in the UI by clicking Source Source icon. This view is also read only, and the YAML source conforms to the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
    Source view for an API definition
  12. Optional: If unified authoring is enabled, click the Gateway tab to view and configure policies and gateway and portal settings. Any settings that you configure here affect the behavior of the API that is published in API Connect, but have no effect on the API that is running in App Connect Designer.

    If unified authoring is disabled, go to step 14 to start the flow.

    Use this view to see the assembly editor and create assemblies to customize the API. An assembly is formed of elements (such as policies or logic constructs) that are applied to calls to, and responses from, operations in the API. The assembly editor includes a palette that lists the available elements. It also includes a slide-out property sheet that is used to configure an element, and a canvas that is used to arrange and visualize the elements of the assembly. For more information, see The assembly editor, API policies and logic constructs, and Handling errors in the assembly in the API Connect documentation.
    Assembly editor in the Policies view
    When you first open the Policies view, the canvas provides a single Invoke policy to run the API. The gateway can use this policy to call the running API in App Connect Designer. You can click to open the property sheet for this policy. However, you don't need to edit any of the default settings, which also include a username and password for HTTP basic authentication. The app-connect-designer-url variable in the URL field represents the URL of the current App Connect Designer instance, which the gateway needs to access. This URL is defined in the Gateway tab, under Gateway and portal settings > Properties.
    Note: Do not delete the default Invoke policy (titled Invoke flow) unless you can devise an alternative method to access the App Connect Designer endpoint URL to call the API. The app-connect-designer-url defines the endpoint URL.
    Invoke flow policy default settings in the property sheet
    You can add other policies or logical constructs from the palette to suit your requirements. For example, to restrict calls to the API, you can drag a Rate limit policy into the correct position in the assembly. You can then use the property sheet to define the maximum number of calls that are allowed in a specified time period. For more information, see Rate Limit in the API Connect documentation.
    Tip: If a rate limit is defined in the assembly, it affects calls only at that point in the assembly. If the Plan allows a call to proceed, but a hard limit that is set on the assembly is exceeded, the call is stopped at the point in the process flow where the rate limit is set. Any actions that appear in the assembly's process flow before the rate limit policy are completed. Only the actions that appear in the flow after the rate limit policy are cancelled.
    Rate limit policy in the assembly editor canvas
    Gateway and portal settings
    Use this panel to view general configuration settings for the API and update some of these settings. For more information, see Specifying gateway and portal settings in the API Connect documentation.
    Gateway and portal settings section
    Tip: The default app-connect-designer-url property (under Gateway and portal settings > Properties) defines the URL of your current App Connect Designer instance, which the gateway uses for access. Do not delete or edit this property.
    Gateway and portal settings section
  13. Optional: If unified authoring is enabled, configure publishing preferences for API Connect.

    If unified authoring is disabled, go to step 14 to start the flow.

    You can configure or update publishing preferences only when the flow is stopped. The publishing preferences are associated with that flow only.

    If you start an API flow without first setting publishing preferences for that flow, the last set of user preferences that were saved for a flow are used. If no preferences were previously set in the Designer instance, the API is published to the Default Plan in an auto-generated Product in a sandbox catalog in any of your discovered API Connect instances.

    1. On the Designer tab of the API editor, click the Change API gateway settings icon Change API gateway settings icon.
      Location of the Preferences icon in the API editor
      The API gateway settings panel opens.
      Screenshot of the API gateway settings panel
      Note: You can disable unified authoring on this panel if you don't want to publish your API flow automatically to API Connect. You can't disable unified authoring or update other preferences while the flow is running after it is started. You can view your selected preferences in read-only mode, but you must stop the flow if you want to update these preferences. When you stop the flow, the published API is deleted. After you restart the flow, the API is republished according to your updated preferences.
    2. The API management property is a read-only field with a value of API Connect. In API Connect Enterprise as a Service, one provider organization is available for each instance. Therefore, use the Provider organization property to specify the API Connect instance to publish the API to.
    3. Under Staging target and runtime settings, use the Edit links to define the staging target through which the Product (and API) can be published, and the Gateway services that host the published API.
      Target catalog
      Specify the catalog through which you want to publish the Product that contains the API. The selected catalog is used as the scope for the other preference settings.
      • Use the default built-in Sandbox Catalog: Click this option to use the sandbox catalog.
      • Choose an existing catalog: Click this option to select a catalog of your choice.
      Target space
      If the selected catalog is partitioned into Spaces, specify the Space that you want to publish to.
      Note: If you opted to use the built-in sandbox catalog, the Target space option is not displayed because Spaces can't be enabled for this catalog. If you chose an existing catalog that is not partitioned into Spaces, the Target space option is also not displayed .
      Target gateway services
      Specify which Gateway services provide the runtime capability for handling incoming traffic for the published Product and API. Typically, only discovered Gateway services with a datapower-api-gateway Gateway type are considered compatible.
      • Use all compatible gateway services: Click this option to use all discovered compatible Gateway services.
      • Select compatible gateway services: Click this option to select one or more compatible Gateway services of your choice. (Incompatible Gateway types are disabled.)
      Example settings for a Catalog, Space, and Gateway
    4. Under API consumption settings, use the Edit links to define how to package the API for consumers and manage API usage.
      Target product
      Specify the Product to contain the API.
      • Generate auto product: Click this option to use an automatically generated Product. The name of this product is shown as API title auto product in the API gateway settings panel, where API title represents the flow name. (This name is different in your API Connect instance, as described later.)
      • Existing Product: Click this option to select an existing Product from the catalog that you selected.
      Target product rate limit
      If you chose to publish to an auto-generated Product, configure a rate limit to control calls to the API. This rate limit is applied to the Default Plan in the auto-generated Product, and is shared across all the operations within the Plan.
      • Unlimited: Click this option to allow unrestricted calls.
      • Custom: Click this option to define a specified number of calls in a time period.

      If you selected an existing Product, the Target product rate limit option is disabled. Instead, the rate limits that are configured in the selected Product and Plan are applied.

      Tip: You can also use the Gateway tab in the API flow to add a Rate Limit policy at any point in your API assembly flow to define a more granular rate limit in the API assembly.
      Target plan

      If you selected an existing Product, choose an associated Plan that a selected application can subscribe to and consume the API.

      If you chose to publish to an auto-generated Product, the application is automatically subscribed to the Default Plan in this Product, and you can't change this setting.

      Test application
      Select an application that you want to subscribe to the selected Plan to consume the API.
      • Use the built-in Test Application: Click this option to use the pre-supplied test application. This option is available only if you chose to use the sandbox catalog.
      • Choose an existing Application: Click this option to select an existing application that was created manually in the selected catalog. (If you have a Developer Portal site, this application is registered in the portal that is associated with the selected catalog.)
      Test consumer org

      The consumer organization that owns the selected application is displayed here by default.

      Example settings for a Product, Plan, and application
    5. Click Save to save your settings.
      Your publishing preferences are preserved for the lifetime of the flow in Designer. The preferences are retained when you stop and restart the API, or if you disable and then re-enable unified authoring.
  14. You can run the flow so that you can observe its behavior.

    If you're on the flow runs plan, deploy your flow to run it. For more information, see Deploying integrations on the flow runs plan.

    If you're on the VPC hours price plan, you can start the flow in the API flow editor so that you can observe its behavior. To start your flow, set the Stopped/Started switch to on.
    Note: If unified authoring is enabled, and you start your flow before you set publishing preferences for that flow, the last set of user preferences that were saved for a flow are used. If no preferences were previously set in the Designer instance, the API is published to the Default Plan in an auto-generated Product in a sandbox catalog in any of your discovered API Connect instances. Therefore, to control where your API is published, you must ensure that you specify your preferred settings before you start the API.
    If you're on the VPC hours plan, when you start the flow, a Test tab is available to test the API in App Connect Designer.
    Stopped/Started switch in the API editor
    The OpenAPI 3.0 YAML definition for the running API flow in App Connect Designer is used to publish the API automatically to a Product and Plan in the specified catalog and provider organization in your API Connect instance. If you configured a Developer Portal, the API Product also becomes visible there.
    Note: If unified authoring is enabled, the API is added either to an auto-generated Product or to a stand-alone version of the existing Product that you selected, according to your preferences. The published Product contains only your API.

Accessing the published API in API Connect

About this task

If unified authoring is enabled, after the API is started, you can access your API Connect instance to view the published API in the API Manager and Developer Portal.
Tip: If you don't see your App Connect in API Connect and you enabled integrated authoring some time ago, disable integrated authoring, save your changes, then re-enable it.


To access the API in API Connect, complete the following steps.

  1. In your API Connect Enterprise as a Service instance, open the API Manager UI.
  2. On the navigation pane, click the Manage icon Manage icon.
  3. On the Manage page, select the sandbox or user-defined catalog that you chose to publish to.
    On the Products tab, you can see the published Product that contains the API. The Product title and name are derived from the name of the originating API flow, and also include a reference to App Connect Designer. If you chose to publish to an auto-generated Product, the Product version is given as 0.0.1. If you chose to publish to a stand-alone version of an existing Product, the Product version is inherited.
    • If you chose to publish to an auto-generated Product, the Product title is shown as API_flow_name (Created by App Connect Designer), and the name is shown as api-flow-name-created-by-app-connect-designer.
    • If you chose to publish to an existing Product, the Product title is shown as Product name - API_flow_name (Created by App Connect Designer), and the name is shown as product-name-api-flow-name-created-by-app-connect-designer.
    Published API in the API Manager UI
  4. Optional: To work with the API (in a limited capacity), click the options icon Options icon and select the appropriate menu option.
    For example, you can select Manage APIs to view the base endpoints for the API, or you can view subscriptions. You can also use the Analytics tab to view analytics about the API calls.
    Restriction: The API can't be developed further in API Connect and exists in the API Manager UI only while the corresponding API in App Connect Designer is running. When you stop the API in App Connect Designer, the Product is automatically deleted from the catalog.
  5. Optional: If you have access to a Developer Portal that was enabled for the specified catalog, use the Portal URL (under Catalog settings in the API Manager) to open the Developer Portal site.
    Locating the Portal URL from the Sandbox Catalog settings in the API Manager UI
    From the Developer Portal, click API Products to explore the published API Product.
    Published Product and API in the Developer Portal
    You can click the Product name or API name on the tile to view the Plan details or OpenAPI definition of the API, or to test the API.
    OpenAPI definition of the API in the Developer Portal

    For more information, see Exploring APIs and Products in the Developer Portal in the API Connect documentation.

    Restriction: The API Product exists in the Developer Portal only while the corresponding API in App Connect Designer is running. When you stop the API in App Connect Designer, the API Product is automatically removed from the portal.

What to do next

If you're on the VPC hours plan, after the API is started, you can complete any of the following tasks from your App Connect Designer instance.
  • Test the behavior of the API by using the built-in test facility to call the endpoints for each of the implemented operations. If the flow is working correctly, you can see the response from the target applications in the test facility. You can also check for the expected results in the UI of those applications. For more information, see Testing a running API flow.
  • Click Dashboard to return to the dashboard, where you can see the tile for your API flow.
    From the flow options menu [⋮], you can stop, start, export, or delete the API flow. While the API flow is running, you can also open it to view the configuration, but you must stop the flow if you want to edit it.
    Flow menu options
    Note: When the unified authoring requirements are met, the behavior of the Start and Stop menu options is identical to the Stopped/Started switch in the API editor of the flow.
    • The Start menu option adds and publishes the API to a Product in the selected catalog. The settings that you configured from the API gateway settings panel in the API editor are used to determine the API publishing preferences. (The Start menu option is available only if the flow is in a Stopped state and all of its nodes pass validation.)
      Start option in a flow's tile menu
    • The Stop menu option deletes the Product from the selected catalog.

    The generated API definition in the API editor conforms to the OpenAPI Specification Version 3.0. However, if you use the Export menu option to export your API flow as an OpenAPI document, the resulting YAML or JSON document can conform to either version 2.0 or 3.0 of the OpenAPI Specification based on your selection.

  • To run your API flow, export it and deploy it to an integration runtime in the App Connect Dashboard.
    1. After you test the flow successfully in App Connect Designer, export the flow as a broker archive (BAR) file, which packages the integration.
    2. Upload the BAR file to the App Connect Dashboard, then deploy the file to an integration runtime to run the integration in the production system.
    For more information, see Deploying integrations on the VPC plan.