How to use IBM® App Connect with GitLab
Gitlab is a DevOps platform that facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and deployment in a single application.
- App Connect Enterprise as a Service connector
Local connector in containers (Continuous Delivery release) or later
Local connector in containers (Long Term Support release)
Local connector in containers (Long Term Support Cycle-2 release)
Supported product and API versions
To find out which product and API versions this connector supports, see Detailed System Requirements on the IBM Support page.
Connecting to GitLab
Complete the connection fields that you see in the App Connect Designer page (previously the Catalog page) or flow editor. If necessary, work with your GitLab administrator to obtain these values.
GitLab connection fields:
- Application type
Select the Gitlab environment that you want to connect to:
- GitLab self-managed - (the default): A GitLab instance that you have deployed on premises or in the cloud.
- Managed and administered by GitLab Inc.
- Authorization method
- Select the authorization method that you want to use, then click
- Provide a username, password, and client credentials (OAUTH 2.0 PASSWORD) - (the default)
- Provide credentials for App Connect to use (BASIC)
Then specify values in the connection fields for your chosen Gitlab environment and authorization method:
Authorization type Connection fields Applicability Use the application's website to sign in (OAUTH 2.0 AUTH CODE)(For Git only) App Connect Enterprise as a Service Provide credentials for App Connect to use (BASIC) Endpoint URL - (For GitLab self-managed only) App Connect Enterprise as a Service and App Connect in containers Personal access token Provide a username, password, and client credentials (OAUTH 2.0 PASSWORD) Endpoint URL - (For GitLab self-managed only) App Connect Enterprise as a Service and App Connect in containers Username Password Client ID Client secret - Endpoint URL
- The URL of the Gitlab self-managed instance. For example,
- Required: True
- Personal access token
- Specify the personal access token to authenticate with the GitLab API. For more information, see
- Required: True
- Username
- The username to log in to your GitLab account
- Required: True
- Password
- The password to log in to your GitLab account
- Required: True
- Client ID
- Specify the application ID created in GitLab. For more information, see
- Required: True
- Client secret
- Specify the application secret created in GitLab. For more information, see
- Required: True
To connect to a GitLab endpoint from the App Connect Designer Applications and APIs page for the first time, expand GitLab, then click Connect. For more information, see Managing accounts.
General considerations
Before you use App Connect Designer with GitLab, take note of the following considerations:
- (General consideration) You can see lists of the trigger events and
actions that are available on the Applications and APIs page of the App Connect Designer.
For some applications, the events and actions depend on the environment and whether the connector supports configurable events and dynamic discovery of actions. If the application supports configurable events, you see a Show more configurable events link under the events list. If the application supports dynamic discovery of actions, you see a Show more link under the actions list.
- (General consideration) If you are using multiple accounts for an application, the set of fields that is displayed when you select an action for that application can vary for different accounts. In the flow editor, some applications always provide a curated set of static fields for an action. Other applications use dynamic discovery to retrieve the set of fields that are configured on the instance that you are connected to. For example, if you have two accounts for two instances of an application, the first account might use settings that are ready for immediate use. However, the second account might be configured with extra custom fields.
Events and actions
GitLab events
These events are for changes in this application that trigger a flow to start completing the actions in the flow.
Click Show configurable events..., then select from the following events:
- Commits
- New commit
- Epics
- New epic
- Updated epic
- New or updated epic
- Issues
- New issue
- Updated issue
- New or updated issue
- Merge requests
- New merge request
- Updated merge request
- New or updated merge request
- Pipelines
- Updated pipeline
GitLab actions
Your flow completes these actions on this application.
- Branches
- Create branch
- Retrieve branches
- Delete branch
- Commits
- Retrieve commits
- Revert a commit
- Epic notes
- Create epic note
- Retrieve epic notes
- Update epic note
- Delete epic note
- Epics
- Create epic
- Retrieve epics
- Update epic
- Delete epic
- Groups
- Create group
- Retrieve groups
- Update group
- Delete group
- Issue notes
- Create issue note
- Retrieve issue notes
- Update issue note
- Delete issue note
- Issues
- Create issue
- Retrieve issues
- Update issue
- Delete issue
- Move issue
- Jobs
- Retrieve jobs
- Retry job
- Cancel job
- Erase job
- Download job artifacts
- Labels
- Create label
- Retrieve labels
- Update label
- Delete label
- Members
- Retrieve members
- Add member
- Edit member
- Remove member
- Merge request notes
- Create merge request note
- Retrieve merge request notes
- Update merge request note
- Delete merge request note
- Merge requests
- Create merge request
- Retrieve merge requests
- Update merge request
- Delete merge request
- Accept merge request
- Milestones
- Create milestone
- Retrieve milestones
- Update milestone
- Delete milestone
- Namespaces
- Retrieve namespaces
- Pipelines
- Create pipeline
- Retrieve pipelines
- Delete pipeline
- Retry jobs in a pipeline
- Cancel a pipeline’s jobs
- Projects
- Create project
- Retrieve projects
- Update project
- Delete project
- Share project with group
- Releases
- Create release
- Retrieve releases
- Update release
- Delete release
- Tags
- Create tag
- Retrieve tags
- Delete tag
- Users
- Retrieve users

Use templates to quickly create flows for GitLab
Learn how to use App Connect templates to quickly create flows that complete actions on GitLab. For example, open the Templates gallery, and then search for GitLab.