Integration runtime configuration typeIntegration server configuration type

odbc.ini type

Use the odbc.ini type to create configurations that the integration server or integration runtime can use for an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection to a database.

ODBC is a common standard that is used to connect to databases. IBM® App Connect includes ODBC libraries with ODBC drivers, which you can use to configure an ODBC connection for a database.

Summary of key details for the configuration type

File name or type Contains secrets Path extracted/imported to Maximum allowed per integration server or integration runtime
odbc.ini No /home/aceuser/ace-server/odbc.ini 1

Creating the file for a configuration object of type odbc.ini

The odbc.ini type requires an odbc.ini file that the integration server or integration runtime can use. This file is made up of stanzas (or sections) that contain settings in the format key=value for connecting to user-specific data sources:

  1. [ODBC Data Sources] stanza

    Lists the data source name (DSN) and associated description of each database.

  2. [DSN] stanzas

    Requires a stanza for each DSN that is listed in the [ODBC Data Sources] stanza. Each DSN stanza defines the ODBC driver and other necessary database settings, which can vary based on the database manager.

  3. [ODBC] stanza

    Lists mandatory information.

Note: Ensure that your odbc.ini file contains the correct path to ODBC drivers.
  • IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 is installed into /opt/ibm/ace-12, so if you want to apply an ODBC configuration to an integration server or integration runtime at version or later, you must update all the driver path properties in the odbc.ini file to point to this path. For example:


  • IBM App Connect Enterprise 11 is installed into /opt/ibm/ace-11, so if you want to apply an ODBC configuration to an integration server at version 11.0.0.F-rX (or rX-eus), you must update all the driver path properties in the odbc.ini file to point to this path.

To help you complete your odbc.ini file with the necessary settings for a database vendor, see Connecting to a database from Linux® and UNIX systems by using the IBM Integration ODBC Database Extender in the IBM App Connect Enterprise documentation. The procedure in this topic provides information about the stanza entries that are applicable for different database managers and includes examples of these entries.

A sample odbc.ini file is provided in the attached .zip file archive for reference:

Only one odbc.ini file can be specified per integration server or integration runtime. (The file is placed in the integration server or integration runtime work directory for use by the integration server or integration runtime when it starts.)

After you create the file, you can use it to create a configuration object as described in Configuration reference: Creating an instance from the Red Hat OpenShift web console and Creating an instance from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI or Kubernetes CLI.

For examples of how to use this configuration type, see Tutorials and examples.