Editing the settings for a deployed integration server

If you want to change any of the custom resource settings that were defined while creating an integration server, you can edit these settings from the App Connect Dashboard.


To edit an integration server's settings, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Servers page of the App Connect Dashboard, locate the tile for the integration server that you want to edit.
  2. Open the options menu on the tile and click Edit.
    Edit option for an integration server
  3. From the Edit App Connect Integration Server Instance page, either use the fields in the Common settings view or switch to the YAML editor view to update the integration server's definition.
    Note: You cannot change the integration server name (metadata.name) or the namespace (metadata.namespace) in which the integration server is deployed.

    For information about the parameters in the YAML editor view, see Custom resource values in the App Connect Integration Server reference.

  4. Click Update to save your changes.