Installing the IBM App Connect Operator from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI

OpenShift-only contentUse these instructions to install the IBM® App Connect Operator by using the Red Hat® OpenShift CLI.

Before you begin


To install and subscribe to the IBM App Connect Operator, complete the following steps:

  1. From the command line, log in to your OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
  2. If you want to install the IBM App Connect Operator into an existing namespace or cluster wide, go to step 3. Otherwise, create a namespace to use for the IBM App Connect Operator by running this command, where namespaceName represents the namespace (project) name that you want to create.
    oc new-project namespaceName
    Restriction: Do not install into any of these system namespaces, which might impose restrictions on assigning role-based access control (RBAC) permissions or security context constraints:
    • The default namespace
    • Any namespace prefixed with kube-
    • The openshift namespace or any namespace prefixed with openshift-

      The exception is the openshift-operators namespace, which is used for a cluster-wide installation.

  3. View the list of Operators that are available to the cluster from the OperatorHub:
    oc get packagemanifests -n openshift-marketplace
    Tip: Optionally append | grep ibm as a filter.

    You should see the IBM App Connect Operator CatalogSource in this list; for example:

    ibm-mongodb-operator-app                             Cloud Pak for Integration   6d6h
    ibmz-mongodb-ee-operator                             Certified Operators         6d6h
    ibm-events-operator                                  Cloud Pak for Integration   6d6h
    ibm-appconnect                                       IBM App Connect operator    6d3h
    ibm-namespace-scope-operator                         Cloud Pak for Integration   6d6h
    ibm-crossplane-operator-app                          Cloud Pak for Integration   6d6h
    ibm-common-service-operator                          Cloud Pak for Integration   6d6h
  4. Inspect the IBM App Connect Operator (ibm-appconnect) to verify its supported install modes and available channels:
    oc describe packagemanifests ibm-appconnect -n openshift-marketplace

    You should see similar details to this:

    Name:         ibm-appconnect
    Namespace:    openshift-marketplace
    Labels:       catalog=appconnect-operator-catalogsource
    # Documentation
    See the [IBM App Connect documentation](
          Display Name:  IBM App Connect
          Install Modes:
            Supported:  true
            Type:       OwnNamespace
            Supported:  true
            Type:       SingleNamespace
            Supported:  false
            Type:       MultiNamespace
            Supported:  true
            Type:       AllNamespaces
            app connect
            app connect enterprise
            cloud pak
            cloud pak for integration
            Name:  App Connect documentation
            Name:  Dashboard documentation
            Name:  Integration Server documentation
            Name:  Designer Authoring documentation
            Name:  SwitchServer documentation
            Name:  Configuration documentation
            Name:  Trace documentation
            Name:            IBM
          Maturity:          stable
          Min Kube Version:  1.23.0
            Name:  IBM
          Related Images:
          Version:      5.0.18
          Name:         ibm-appconnect.v5.0.18
          Version:      5.0.18
          Name:         ibm-appconnect.v5.0.0
          Version:      5.0.0
        Name:           v5.0-lts
      Default Channel:  v5.0-lts
      Package Name:     ibm-appconnect
        Name:  IBM
    Events:    <none>
  5. Create an OperatorGroup object that identifies the namespace in which role-based access control (RBAC) permissions for the IBM App Connect Operator will be generated, and where the Operator’s Cluster Service Version (CSV) will be available. To do so, you must define an OperatorGroup resource in a YAML file and then use it to create the OperatorGroup object.

    An OperatorGroup is an Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) resource that selects target namespaces in which to generate required RBAC access for all Operators in the same namespace as the OperatorGroup.

    The namespace to which you install (or subscribe) the IBM App Connect Operator must contain an OperatorGroup that matches the Operator's install mode, which can be OwnNamespace or SingleNamespace (for installation into a single namespace), or AllNamespaces (for a cluster wide installation into all namespaces). If you intend to install the Operator cluster wide, you do not need to create an OperatorGroup because the openshift-operators namespace (into which the Operator will be installed) already has an appropriate OperatorGroup in place. You can therefore skip this step.

    However, if you intend to install the Operator into a single namespace that doesn't already contain an appropriate OperatorGroup for use, you must create an OperatorGroup as follows:

    1. From your local computer, create a file called appconn-operator-group.yaml with the following content. Replace operatorgroupName and namespaceName with your preferred values.
      kind: OperatorGroup
        name: operatorgroupName
        namespace: namespaceName
        - namespaceName
    2. Create the OperatorGroup object:
      oc apply -f appconn-operator-group.yaml
  6. Add the IBM App Connect Operator to the OperatorGroup that you created in the previous step. To do so, you must define a Subscription resource in a YAML file and then use it to create a Subscription object in the namespace where the OperatorGroup was created:
    1. From your local computer, create a file called appconn-sub.yaml with the following YAML content for your installation environment.
      Online installation environment that is connected to the internet Air-gapped installation environment with no connection to the internet

      Installing from your deployed IBM App Connect Operator catalog source:

      kind: Subscription
        name: ibm-appconnect
        namespace: namespaceName
        channel: v5.0-lts
        name: ibm-appconnect
        source: appconnect-operator-catalogsource
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

      Installing from the IBM Operator Catalog:

      kind: Subscription
        name: ibm-appconnect
        namespace: namespaceName
        channel: v5.0-lts
        name: ibm-appconnect
        source: ibm-operator-catalog
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

      Installing from the internal product-specific catalog in your restricted network:

      kind: Subscription
        name: ibm-appconnect
        namespace: namespaceName
        channel: v5.0-lts
        name: ibm-appconnect
        source: appconnect-operator-catalogsource
        sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

      • If installing into a single namespace, replace namespaceName with your preferred namespace. If installing cluster wide, replace namespaceName with openshift-operators.

      • The v5.0-lts setting defines the update channel that OLM will track for new versions of the Operator.
      • By default, an Automatic approval strategy is set to allow the running instance of your Operator to be automatically upgraded whenever new versions are made available to the channel.

        If you would prefer to review a generated Install Plan for the new Operator version before manually approving this installation (or an upgrade), add a spec.installPlanApproval setting with a value of Manual to the supplied YAML code, as shown in the following example. (Do not use this Manual setting if you are installing the Operator from a product-specific App Connect catalog source. The use of a product-specific catalog source enables you to control which upgrades to apply because upgrades happen only when the image digest for the catalog source is changed.)
          installPlanApproval: Manual
        Tip: You can change the approval strategy later if required by running a command such as oc edit; for example:
        oc edit subscription ibm-appconnect -n namespaceName

        This command will automatically open the default text editor for your operating system or open another configured editor. You can then update and save the YAML definition, and close the text editor to apply the command.

    2. To install the Operator, create the Subscription object:
      oc apply -f appconn-sub.yaml
  7. If you chose to install with a Manual approval strategy, review and approve the Install Plan of the subscription to allow OLM to install the Operator.
    1. List any Install Plans, where namespaceName is the namespace that you specified for the subscription:
      oc get installplans -n namespaceName

      You should see output similar to this, with the APPROVED value set to false.

      NAME            CSV                                    APPROVAL   APPROVED
      install-bl7pf   ibm-common-service-operator.v3.19.21   Manual     false

      In the output, the Install Plan identified in the NAME column contains details about the following cluster service versions (CSVs), which contain metadata about the IBM App Connect Operator and its dependent Operator. However, the output of the oc get installplans command might typically list only the ibm-common-service-operator CSV because this Operator is installed first.

      • ibm-common-service-operator.v3.19.21
      • ibm-appconnect.v5.0.18
    2. Display the details of the Install Plan, where installPlanName is the generated name for the Install Plan (for example, install-bl7pf):
      oc describe installplan installPlanName -n namespaceName

      Review the output.

    3. Approve the Install Plan for the IBM App Connect Operator and its dependent Operator. You can use commands such as oc patch or oc edit to partially update the Install Plan.

      For example, run oc patch with the following syntax (or your preferred syntax) to set spec.approved to true:

      oc patch installplan installPlanName -n namespaceName -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge

      Or run oc edit as follows. When the text editor for your operating system opens, set spec.approved to true. Then save the YAML definition and close the text editor to apply the changes.

      oc edit installplan installPlanName -n namespaceName

      OLM will now proceed with the installation.

    4. Verify the approval:
      oc get installplans -n namespaceName

      In the output, the APPROVED value should now be set to true.

  8. Verify that the IBM App Connect Operator and its dependent Operator have been installed:
    oc get csv -n namespaceName

    You should see output similar to this. The REPLACES column might be blank if the installed Operator is the first release in the associated channel.

    NAME                                   DISPLAY                               VERSION     REPLACES                              PHASE
    ibm-appconnect.v5.0.18                 IBM App Connect                       5.0.18                                            Succeeded
    ibm-common-service-operator.v3.19.21   IBM Cloud Pak foundational services   3.19.21     ibm-common-service-operator.v3.19.20  Succeeded

What to do next