How to use IBM App Connect with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a customer relationship management platform that provides digital marketing automation and analytics software and services.

  • A connector in IBM App Connect Enterprise as a ServiceApp Connect Enterprise as a Service connector
  • A local connector in a Designer instance of IBM App Connect in containers (Continuous Delivery release)Local connector in containers (Continuous Delivery release) or later
  • A local connector in a Designer instance of IBM App Connect in containers (Long Term Support)Local connector in containers (Long Term Support release)
The following information describes how to use App Connect to connect to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Supported product and API versions

To find out which product and API versions this connector supports, see Detailed System Requirements on the IBM Support page.

Connecting to Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The considerations and steps for connecting App Connect to a Salesforce Marketing Cloud account depend on which type of connector you want to use to connect to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account for use in your flows:

To connect to a Salesforce Marketing Cloud endpoint from the App Connect Designer Catalog page for the first time, expand Salesforce Marketing Cloud, then click Connect.

General considerations for using Salesforce Marketing Cloud in App Connect

  • (General consideration) You can see lists of the trigger events and actions that are available on the Catalog page of the App Connect Designer.

    For some applications, the events and actions in the catalog depend on the environment and whether the connector supports configurable events and dynamic discovery of actions. If the application supports configurable events, you see a Show more configurable events link under the events list. If the application supports dynamic discovery of actions, you see a Show more link under the actions list.

  • (General consideration) If you are using multiple accounts for an application, the set of fields that is displayed when you select an action for that application can vary for different accounts. In the flow editor, some applications always provide a curated set of static fields for an action. Other applications use dynamic discovery to retrieve the set of fields that are configured on the instance that you are connected to. For example, if you have two accounts for two instances of an application, the first account might use settings that are ready for immediate use. However, the second account might be configured with extra custom fields.

Events and actions

Salesforce Marketing Cloud events

These events are for changes in this application that trigger a flow to start completing the actions in the flow.

Note: Events are not available for changes in this application. You can trigger a flow in other ways, such as at a scheduled interval or at specific dates and times.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud actions

Your flow completes these actions on this application.

Retrieve assets
Create campaign
Retrieve campaigns
Delete campaign
Associate asset with campaign
Disassociate asset from campaign
Create category
Retrieve categories
Update category
Delete category
Create contact
Update contact
Delete contacts
Check deleted contact status
Data extension values
Create data extension value
Retrieve data extension values
Update data extension value
Delete data extension value
Data extensions
Create data extension
Retrieve data extensions
Update data extension
Delete data extension
Event definitions
Create event definition
Retrieve event definitions
Update event definition
Delete event definition
Create journey
Retrieve journeys
Delete journey
Stop journey
Publish journey
Get publish journey status
Pause journey
Resume journey
Create location
Retrieve locations
Update location
Delete location


Dashboard tile for a template that uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Use templates to quickly create flows for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Learn how to use App Connect templates to quickly create flows that perform actions on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. For example, open the Templates gallery, and then search for Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Dashboard tile for a template that uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Sreenshot of a Salesforce Marketing Cloud example

Use IBM App Connect to build flows that integrate with Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Read the blog in the IBM Community to learn how to create data extension values in Salesforce Marketing Cloud for contacts created in Salesforce event. Click Read the blog to go to the blog.