MQTTSubscribe node

Use the MQTTSubscribe node to receive messages from an application or device that publishes messages by using the MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) messaging protocol. IBM® App Connect Enterprise can then propagate these messages in a message flow.


The MQTTSubscribe node subscribes to one or more topics, which you specify, on an MQTT server, and propagates the received messages in a message flow.

The MQTTSubscribe node is contained in the MQTT drawer of the palette, and is represented in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by the following icon:

MQSubscribe node icon

Using this node in a message flow

Use the MQTTSubscribe node to receive messages that are published by applications and devices to topics that are hosted on an MQTT server. The received messages can then be processed within a message flow.

For more information about how this node handles client IDs for MQTT connections, and scalability, see Using MQTT with IBM App Connect Enterprise. For more information about how this node handles messages that are delivered with different quality of service (QoS) levels, see Quality of service and connection management.

Note: This node was developed as part of the mqtt-client-connector project on GitHub. For more information on the mqtt-client-connector project, see the mqtt-client-connector GitHub repository. This repository includes an example of how an MQTT application or device can be integrated with other technologies by using IBM App Connect Enterprise. For more information, see the MQTT Connector Sample on GitHub.

Local environment variables

When the MQTTSubscribe node propagates a message, it stores information about it in the local environment subtree called LocalEnvironment.MQTT.Input. The following table lists the local environment variables for the MQTTSubscribe node. The elements contain data about the current record.

Table of local environment variables

Table 1. List of elements in the LocalEnvironment.MQTT.Input subtree
Element Name Element Data Type Description
Duplicate CHARACTER Whether the message is a duplicate of a previous message. Set to TRUE or FALSE.
Retained CHARACTER Whether the message is a retained message. Set to TRUE or FALSE. Retained is set to TRUE if the message was kept by the server and is now being sent when the client first connects to the server.
Topic CHARACTER The name of the MQTT topic the received message was published to.
QualityOfService CHARACTER Quality of service of the received message. Set to 0 (at most once), 1 (at least once), or 2 (exactly once).

Terminals and properties

When you add an MQTTSubscribe node to a message flow, you can use the Properties view in the Message Flow editor to configure it. To display field help, click within a field, and then click the information icon that is displayed at the beginning of the field. All mandatory properties that do not have a default value defined are marked with an asterisk. For general configuration information, see Configuring a message flow node.

You can create and attach policies to control particular connection properties for this type of node at run time (see MQTTSubscribe policy).

The following tables describe the node terminals and the node properties that you can set on a specified tab in the Properties view in the Message Flow editor. The column headed M indicates whether the property is mandatory (marked with an asterisk if you must enter a value when no default is defined).

Table of node terminals

Table 2. The terminals of the MQTTSubscribe node
Terminal Description
Failure The output terminal to which the message is routed if an error occurs before the message is propagated to the Out terminal. Even if the Validation property is set, messages that are propagated to this terminal are not validated.
Out If no errors occur within the input node, a message that is received from an external resource is always sent to the Out terminal first.
Catch The output terminal to which the message is routed if an exception is thrown downstream and caught by this node. Exceptions are caught only if this terminal is attached.

Tables of node properties

Table 3. The Description properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Node name Yes MQTTSubscribe The name of the node.
Short description No   A brief description of the node.
Long description No   Text that describes the purpose of the node in the message flow.
Table 4. The Basic properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Client ID Yes * The unique name of the client.
List of Topic names Yes * The names of the MQTT topics to subscribe to.
Host name Yes * The host name for the MQTT server.
Port Yes 1883 The port number for connecting to the MQTT server.
Quality of service No 0 - At most once The quality of service level for the delivery of MQTT messages. Valid values are 0 - At most once, 1 - At least once, and 2 - Exactly once.
Security identity No None The name of the security identity object that is created and configured by the mqsisetdbparms command, which contains the user ID and password to be used to authenticate the connection to the MQTT server.

The default value for this property is None, which signifies that a user ID and password are not passed to the MQTT server.

For more information about security identity support, see mqsisetdbparms command.

Use SSL No Unselected If selected, the connection between the MQTTSubscribe node and the MQTT server attempts to use SSL; see Securing MQTT connections.
Table 5. The Input Message Parsing properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Message domain No BLOB The domain that is used to parse the message. If the field is blank, then the default is BLOB.
Message model No Cleared The name or location of the message model schema file in which the message is defined.

When you click Browse, you see a list of available message model schema files for the selected Message domain.

Message No Cleared The name or location of the message root within your message model schema file. This list is populated with all available messages that are defined in the Message model that you selected.
Physical format No Cleared The name of the physical format of the message. If you are using the MRM or IDOC parser, select the physical format of the incoming message from the list. This list includes all the physical formats that you have defined for the selected message model. If you set the Message domain property to DataObject, you can set this property to XML or SAP ALE IDoc. Set this property to SAP ALE IDoc when you have to parse a bit stream from an external source and generate a message tree.
Table 6. The Parser Options properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Parse timing No On Demand This property controls when an input message is parsed. Valid values are On Demand, Immediate, and Complete. By default, this property is set to On Demand, which causes parsing of the message to be delayed. To cause the message to be parsed immediately, see Parsing on demand.
Build tree using XML schema data types No Cleared This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates syntax elements in the message tree with data types taken from the XML schema. You can select this property only if you set the Validate property on the Validation tab to Content or Content and Value. For more information about XMLNSC, see Manipulating messages in the XMLNSC domain.
Use XMLNSC compact parser for XMLNS domain No Cleared This property controls whether the XMLNSC Compact Parser is used for messages in the XMLNS Domain. If you set this property, the message data is displayed under XMLNSC in nodes that are connected to the output terminal when the input MQRFH2 header or Input Message Parsing properties Message domain is XMLNS.
Retain mixed content No Cleared This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree when it encounters mixed text in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for mixed text. If you clear the check box, mixed text is ignored and no elements are created.
Retain comments No Cleared This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree when it encounters comments in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for comments. If you clear the check box, comments are ignored and no elements are created.
Retain processing instructions No Cleared This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree when it encounters processing instructions in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for processing instructions. If you clear the check box, processing instructions are ignored and no elements are created.
Opaque elements No Blank This property is used to specify a list of elements in the input message that are to be opaquely parsed by the XMLNSC parser. Opaque parsing is performed only if validation is not enabled (that is, if Validate is None); entries that are specified in Opaque Elements are ignored if validation is enabled.
Table 7. The Validation properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Validate No Inherit This property controls whether validation takes place. Valid values are None, Content and Value, Content, and Inherit.
Failure action No Exception This property controls what happens if validation fails. You can set this property only if you set Validate to Content or Content and Value. Valid values are User Trace, Local Error Log, Exception, and Exception List.

For a full description of these properties, see Validation properties.

Table 8. The Policy properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Policy No   The name of the MQTTSubscribe policy to use, in the format {policyProjectName}:PolicyName (see MQTTSubscribe policy).
Table 9. The Monitoring properties of the node
Property M Default Description
Events No   Events that you have defined for the node are displayed on this tab. By default, no monitoring events are defined on any node in a message flow. Use Add, Edit, and Delete to create, change, or delete monitoring events for the node.

You can enable and disable events that are shown here by selecting or clearing the Enabled check box.

Configurable properties

The following table describes the node properties that are configurable (you can change the property value when you add the message flow to the BAR file for deployment by using the mqsiapplybaroverride command). The table maps the message flow node properties to the corresponding properties of the mqsiapplybaroverride command.

For more information about configurable properties, see Configurable properties in a BAR file.

Table of configurable properties

Table 10. List of node properties that can be configured by using the mqsiapplybaroverride command
Property mqsiapplybaroverride command property
Client ID clientId
Topic names topicName (Use %MQSI_DELIMITER% to separate multiple topics)
Host name hostName
Port port
Quality of service qos
Validate validateMaster
Policy policyUrl
Security identity securityIdentity
Use SSL useSSL