Configuring compression for the HTTPReply node

You can configure an HTTPReply node to compress the data in the HTTP response, by setting properties on the node. You can also configure an integration server to enable the compression of response data on all HTTPReply nodes on the server, by using an HTTPReplyWithCompression policy.

About this task

A default HTTPReplyWithCompression policy is provided, which you can use to set compression properties for all HTTPReply nodes on an integration server. To enable the default properties in the policy, uncomment the HTTPReply property in the server.conf.yaml configuration file, as shown in the following example:
HTTPReply: 'HTTPReplyWithCompression'


Configure compression on a specific HTTPReply node by completing the following steps:

  1. In the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, select the HTTPReply node in the message flow to show the node properties in the editor.
  2. On the Basic tab, set the Compression type property to specify the type of compression to be used for data in the HTTP response, by selecting one of the following options:
    • Compressible MIME types: Select this option to enable compression for the set of compressible MIME types listed in the server/json/mimetypes/mime_type_db.json file. You can also add or exclude MIME types to be compressed, by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml file, as described in step 3.
    • All MIME types: Select this option to enable compression for all MIME types.
    • No compression: Select this option to turn off compression for all data in the HTTP response.
  3. Optional: Configure the HTTP compression properties for the integration server, by completing the following steps:
    1. Open the server.conf.yaml file for your integration server. You can edit the file by using the built-in YAML editor that is provided in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, either by double-clicking the file in the Application Development view or by right-clicking the file and selecting Open with > YAML editor.
    2. Set the following properties in the server.conf.yaml file:
      • Set the HTTPReply property to specify the name of the policy that will be used to compress messages on all HTTPReply nodes. Messages are compressed only if they have a compressible content type and are no smaller than the minimum byte size (1024). For example:
        HTTPReply: 'HTTPReplyWithCompression'
      • Set the additionalCompressibleMimeTypes property to specify one or more MIME types to be compressed in addition to the types listed in the server/json/mimetypes/mime_type_db.json file. You can specify multiple MIME types in a comma-separated list. For example:
        additionalCompressibleMimeTypes: 'application/msgflow+xml' 
      • Set the removeCompressibleMimeTypes property to exclude specified MIME types from the list of MIME types that will be compressed. You can specify multiple types in a comma-separated list. For example:
        removeCompressibleMimeTypes: 'text/xml,text/plain'
  4. Save the changes and restart the integration server for the changes to take effect.