Viewing the active flow layout of a deployed message flow in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit

You can view the active flow layout of a deployed message flow in the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by double-clicking a deployed message flow or by using the Context menu to see a visualization of the deployed flow.

Before you begin

About this task

You can view the active flow layout of a deployed message flow by using one of the following methods:
  • Double-click the deployed flow in the Integration Explorer view of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
  • Right-click the deployed flow in the Integration Explorer view to open the Context menu, and select View Message Flow.

The layout of the deployed message flow is displayed in the Editor view of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.
The properties and endpoints of the deployed message flow are available in the Properties tab and the Endpoints tab in the Properties view of the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

The active live node values are shown in the node properties. For example, if the node property was overridden by using the local environment or a BAR File override, the actual live value is shown in the node property. The configured node value is not shown. This allows you to see what values the message flow node is using for each of its properties. The node properties are shown in a read-only view, signified by the blue border around the edge of the Properties window.

You cannot see the node properties of nodes in the subflow when you click a subflow node.

Other limitations can also apply due to legacy message flow formats in the viewed message flow. For more information, see Limitations of legacy message flow formats.

What to do next

You can view the endpoints of the deployed flow. For more information about viewing endpoints, see Viewing endpoints.