Accessing credentials from user Java code

You can access credentials from user Java™ code by editing the Java Compute Node Class in a JavaCompute node.

Before you begin

Create a JavaCompute node in your message flow.


Enable credential lookups from user Java code by completing the following steps:

  1. Create Java code for a JavaCompute node as described in Creating Java code for a JavaCompute node.
  2. Add user code to implement your required lookup method on MbCredential by adapting one of the following patterns:
    • Use and adapt the following pattern if you have no requirement for updates or performance from caching:
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
      // Add user code below
      // Lookup pattern 1, don't care about updates or performance from caching,
      // lookup on each use, minimal exception handling
      String username;
      char[] password;
      outerLoop : while (true) {
      MbCredential myCred;
      try {
      myCred = MbCredential.getCredential("ODBC", "myDSN");
      } catch (MbException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong during credential lookup", e);
      if (myCred == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Credential cannot be found");
      try {
      Map<String, char[]> credentialProperties = myCred.reloadAndRetrieveProperties();
      if (credentialProperties.containsKey(MbCredential.USERNAME))
      username = new String(credentialProperties.get(MbCredential.USERNAME));
      if (credentialProperties.containsKey(MbCredential.PASSWORD))
      password = credentialProperties.get(MbCredential.PASSWORD);
      break outerLoop;
      } catch (MbCredentialDeletedException cde) {
          // oh dear, sad times our original credential has been deleted
      username = null;
      password = null;
      // We can try a new lookup to see if it exists somewhere else in the system in a different provider
      myCred = null;
      // End of user code
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
    • Use and adapt the following pattern if you require full control over updates by using easy access to properties. You need to deal with exception handling to complete this pattern:
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
      // Add user code below
      // Declare in outer scope
      MbCredential myCred = null;
      String username = null;
      char[] password = null;
      // Then on each message
      boolean reloadCredentialProperties = false;
      if (myCred != null) {
      try {
      reloadCredentialProperties = myCred.hasBeenUpdated();
      } catch (MbCredentialDeletedException cde) {
      myCred = null; // Force a new lookup
      if (myCred == null) {
      // First time through or after delete, we perform a lookup
      try {
      myCred = MbCredential.getCredential("ODBC", "myDSN");
      } catch (MbException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong during credential lookup", e);
      if (myCred == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Credential cannot be found");
      reloadCredentialProperties = true;
      if (reloadCredentialProperties) {
      boolean success = false;
      do {
      try {
      Map<String, char[]> credentialProperties = myCred.retrieveProperties();
      if (credentialProperties.containsKey(MbCredential.USERNAME))
      username = new String(credentialProperties.get(MbCredential.USERNAME));
      if (credentialProperties.containsKey(MbCredential.PASSWORD))
      password = credentialProperties.get(MbCredential.PASSWORD);
      // etc....
      success = true;
      } catch (MbCredentialUpdatedException cue) {
          // oh dear, have another go
      username = null;
      password = null;
      } catch (MbCredentialDeletedException cde) {
          // oh dear, sad times our original credential has been deleted
      username = null;
      password = null;
      // We can try a new lookup to see if it exists somewhere else in the system in a different provider
      try {
      myCred = MbCredential.lookupCredential("ODBC", "myDSN");
      } catch (MbException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong during credential lookup", e);
      if (myCred == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Credential has been deleted");
      } while(!success);
      // End of user code
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
    • Use and adapt the following pattern if you require full control over updates by using access methods. You need to deal with exception handling to complete this pattern:
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
      // Add user code below
      // Lookup pattern 3. Full control over updates using access methods,
      // Need to deal with exception handling to be complete
      // Declare in outer scope
      MbCredential myCred = null;
      String username = null;
      char[] password = null;
      // Then on each message
      boolean reloadCredentialProperties = false;
      if (myCred != null) {
      try {
      reloadCredentialProperties = myCred.hasBeenUpdated();
      } catch (MbCredentialDeletedException cde) {
      myCred = null; // Force a new lookup
      if (myCred == null) {
      // First time through or after delete, we perform a lookup
      try {
      myCred = MbCredential.getCredential("ODBC", "myDSN");
      } catch (MbException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong during credential lookup", e);
      if (myCred == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Credential cannot be found");
      reloadCredentialProperties = true;
      if (reloadCredentialProperties) {
      boolean success = false;
      do {
      try {
      if (myCred.hasUsername())
      username = new String(myCred.username());
      if (myCred.hasPassword())
      password = myCred.password();
      // etc....
      success = true;
      } catch (MbCredentialUpdatedException cue) {
          // oh dear, have another go
      username = null;
      password = null;
      } catch (MbCredentialDeletedException cde) {
          // oh dear, sad times our original credential has been deleted
      username = null;
      password = null;
      // We can try a new lookup to see if it exists somewhere else in the system in a different provider
      try {
      myCred = MbCredential.lookupCredential("ODBC", "myDSN");
      } catch (MbException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Something went wrong during credential lookup", e);
      if (myCred == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Credential has been deleted");
      } while(!success);
      // End of user code
      // ----------------------------------------------------------
  3. Update the server.conf.yaml file as follows:
    1. In the Credentials section, enable userRetrievableCredentialTypes and set the value to 'userdefined', '', or 'ALL' as required.
      userRetrievableCredentialTypes: 'userdefined' # Sets the comma-separated list of credential types that user code is allowed to reference.
                                                    # Default is 'userdefined'.
                                                    # The list can be empty to disallow credential lookups from user code.
                                                    # Set the value to 'ALL' to allow access to credentials of any type from user code.