ibmint package command

Use the ibmint package command to package resources into a bar file.

Usage notes

  • Your installed version of IBM® App Connect Enterprise must be or later to be able to run the ibmint package command.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux®
  • Linux on POWER®
  • Linux on Z
  • AIX®
  • IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX)


You can use the ibmint package command to package resources into a bar file in preparation for deploying the bar file.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramibmint package --input-bar-file filePath --input-path directory --output-bar-file filePath --overrides-file filePath --keywords-file filePath --do-not-compile-java  --compile-maps-and schemas  --project projectName --trace filePath --help 


The input source for the command.

'inputSource' Must be at least one of the following values (a), or (b):

(a)--input-bar-file filePath
The name of the input BAR file to compile and package.
(b)--input-path directory
The directory to scan for resources to compile and package.
--output-bar-file filePath
The name of the output BAR file to write the content to.
--overrides-file filePath
(Optional) The name of the file that contains the overrides to apply.
--keywords-file filePath
(Optional) The path of the file that contains the keywords to apply.
(Optional) Prevent compilation of Java resources.
(Optional) Enable compilation of maps and schemas.
--project projectName
(Optional) The name of the project to package. If you do not specify a project, all available projects are packaged. If you specify a project that does not exist, nothing is packaged and the command fails.
--trace filePath
(Optional) Use this parameter to send verbose internal trace to the specified file.
(Optional) Use this parameter to display help information about the command.


Package the contents of the directory C:\myResources into the BAR file C:\bars\myBAR:
ibmint package --input-path C:\myResources --output-bar-file C:\bars\myBAR  
Package the contents of the BAR file C:\myBARS\ into the BAR file C:\myBARS\ Prevent compilation of Java resources:
ibmint package --input-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --output-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --do-not-compile-java 
Package the contents of the BAR file C:\myBARS\ into the BAR file C:\myBARS\ Apply the overrides from the file C:\myFiles\overrides.txt, prevent compilation of Java resources, and send verbose internal trace to the specified file:
ibmint package --input-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --output-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --overrides-file C:\myFiles\overrides.txt --do-not-compile-java --trace C:\files\mytracefile.txt 
Package myproject:
ibmint package --input-path ./IBM/ACET12/workspace --output-bar --project myproject